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Digital Ocean Deployment

benloh edited this page Oct 4, 2024 · 2 revisions

For the most up to date Digital Ocean Deployment instructions see nc-multiplex wiki

Setting up PM2 for MEME

Assuming the server has already been set up to run MEME and PM2 is already installed and running previous PM2 processes.

1. Create a start script

echo "npm start" > do-start-meme.js
chmod a+x do-start-meme.js

2. Activate PM2

# 1. Stop any current running pm2 processes
pm2 list                  # assuming `old-service` is running
pm2 delete old-service

# 2. Start the new service
pm2 start do-start-meme.js
pm2 save
pm2 reload all
pm2 list                  # verify it's running