Now its time to get stuck into a complex team project. This will cover the majority of Term 2. By the end of this you should have a good experience of what it is like to develop in a small team, learning best practises of project management and source control with Git.
The first thing you need to do! Your team should have 3 - 4 members. I may put any extra people at random into your group. Don't know them? This will be part of the challenge.
Once your team is approved you'll need decide on a project and what you aim to deliver. Make sure that your team is willing to commit enough time to deliver them!
Make sure that you all first know how much time everyone is willing to put in. This will affect what you can deliver.
Make sure you set up a default method of communication as soon as you can. If you want to build anything to be proud of you need to communicate well.
Get to know your team, what they're good at and what they suck at.
Now the fun part. Pick a project that you'd like to do. Once you've done that then work on the specific tasks that you could deliver/complete. Then pick which ones your team will have enough time to do.
This person will be responsible for facilitating planning, and reminding your team about progress and asking what everyone on the team has accomplished. Pick wisely.
Take those tasks you will deliver and then break them down to user stories/features. Each one should cover a particular action a user may do. You should have 3 - 10 of these. Sort these then in priority. Most important items should be done first.
Add what tasks you'd like to see done in the first sprint (two weeks). Then break down theses tasks into smaller tasks. Now you can all start working!
Create a repo on Github, and commit to it regularly. My advice is to work on each task in different branches, and merge them only once they are complete and reviewed by someone else in the team.
The end date of this project is the 27th June at 1pm. Each team will have 20 minutes to present (yes we will go overtime) and be expected to provide a final presentation of their product.
Need a server? Website hosting? An Android Device? Domain? SSL? A sponsor may be able to provide it for you free. Just ask me as soon as you can.
Your goal is to make an application to parse and display this information to users. It should show nearby transport stops, its address and when the next vehicle is arriving.
Your goal is to create your own cryptocurrency, and a website to explain how the currency works and how to 'mine' some. The website should be easy for anyone to understand how the currency works and how it differs from regular currency or online sources such as Paypal. An optional extension is to create your own 'wallet app' for the cryptocurrency. At the end of the project anyone should be able to complete a transaction. Alternatively, if you have another project idea regarding cryptocurrency, make me a proposal.
Your goal is to create an application that encourages users both in the short term and long term to exercise more using achievements (eg. 'badges', 'medals', 'PSN trophies'). Using the Google Fit API (which can hook into multiple sources), you will award users on activity such as "longest distance travelled in a week", daily goals, etc. How you think this is achieved is up to your team.
Your goal is to build an app that will recommend only one restaurant nearby that your might want to go to, as soon as you open the app. Only one place can be shown at a time, with options to like it or not. Ideally, the app will show dinner option if it is dinnertime, a lunch place if it is lunchtime. You may wish to have user accounts, or not.
Your goal is to create an application or game that uses Google Cardboard and a number of VR specific gestures. Kits will be provided if you choose this option.
All the above don't quite fit? Got something better? Make me a proposal!