The File Search Tool (FST) is a tool to scan a document or a directory looking for lazy or strict matches of a given word.
Instaniate the FST with the file (from PWD) and the string you'd like to search for:
search ='./test_file.txt', 'query')
For 'lazy' matches, use lazy_matcher
, which will return a count of partial or complete matches
For strict matches, use strict_matcher
, which will return a count of only strict query matches
Instaniate the FST with the directory you would like to search in:
dir ='directory')
For 'lazy' matches, use dir_lazy_matcher('query')
, which will return lazy search results for each file in the directory.
For strict matches, use dir_strict_matcher('query')
, which will return strict search results for each file in the directory.
create by Michael Cain, 9-25-2016 updated by Michael Cain, 10-15-2016