A Java Wrapper for Sv443's joke api
Please replace VERSION below with the version shown above!
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.the-codeboy:Jokes4J:VERSION'
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
The simplest way to get a single joke
Parameters can be set using JokeRequest
JokeRequest request=new JokeRequest(
new Category[]{Category.Programming,Category.Pun},//leave empty or null to get any category
Language.ENGLISH,//if null english will be used
new Flag[]{Flag.nsfw,Flag.racist},
JokeType.single,//leave null for any type
"java",//search string. Will be ignored if null or empty string
0,//if these are the same they will be ignored
10,//how many jokes to retrieve
true//safe mode
ApiResponse response=Jokes4J.getInstance().getJokes(request);
response.getJokes();//all the jokes
System.out.println(response.getJoke().getJoke());//the first joke in the response