A WordPress plugin that allows a user to conditionally load content based on whether or not a Twitch streamer is broadcasting live.
This plugin has a very simple task: to check Twitch to see if a streamer is broadcasting live (not hosting, actual broadcasting). Depending on whether or not the streamer is online, different parts of content can be displayed via shortcodes.
[twitch_live user='username'] ... [/twitch_live]
This will show content if the streamer is live.
[twitch_offline user='username'] ... [/twitch_offline]
This will show content if the streamer is NOT live.
Twitch now requires a Client ID AND Secret ID to be sent with all JSON requests through OAuth Authentication. That means everyone that tries to use this plugin needs to go to https://dev.twitch.tv/console/apps to generate a new 'Application'. Once you've done that and entered the keys (client and secret) into the plugin's options page, all of the requests will finally begin to work again.
- Re-Do of template tag with more options.
- Stream Details Available in Shortcodes or Template Tags (Title, Game, Viewers, Etc).
- Default Content with designs (Cards, Banners, etc) to provide easier use of the plugin.
1.0.0 - Initial Release
1.1.0 - Swapped file_get_contents for cURL, added API Key and Documentation.
1.2.0 - Swapped cURL calls for wp_remote_get. Added Shortcodes for [twitch_is_live] and [twitch_is_not_live]
2.0 - Updated for Twitch New Api. Renamed Shortcodes for [twitch_live] and [twitch_offline]. Removed Twitch Object Template Tag for revamping in future release.