A Blog type Website that focuses solely on the NBA, users can Signup, Login, Like and comment on posts while logged in. Backend built with Nodejs and express, users data are stored in SQL data Base (MongoDB) after signing up, User can create, Edit and delete their personal post. Post also includes Pictures of Players teams etc. Sign up and discuss about your Favourite player or team in the NBA
Frontend was created with React while backend uses Node js
App cant be launched because of the NBA blocks Heroku and some other hosting website but you can do the following to launch app on your local PC/ Machine either through cloning or downloading the file from github
Open nba folder
open a new terminal
run npm install for frontend
run npm start to run frontend development server
cd into server (cd server) for backend
open a new terminal
run npm install
run npm start to start up the node server that connects to the api
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.