Dowload data set from the link: :
Create data folder:
mkdir data
Unzip GoPro dataset to data folder such that we have:
- data/train : train data
- data/test : test data
Set up environment:
conda create -n deblur python=3.6
conda activate deblur
pip install -r requirement.txt
Train the network by run corresponding command below:
One scale
One scale with long skip connection
Multi scale
Multi scale with long skip connection
I provide pretrained model at url:
upzip the pretrained model to src folder such that we have these folders:
- one_scale1
- one_scale_lsc1
- multi_scale1
- multi_scale_lsc1
- multi_scale_lsc1000
Run test:
All the result will be store in val folder
In case that you want to test your model, read the and modify the pretrained_model path.
I used SKIMAGE library for calculate PSNR and SSIM
from skimage.measure import compare_ssim as ssim
from skimage.measure import compare_psnr as psnr
For MS-SSIM, I used Tensorflow code which is available at: The code is hard copy to, so we don't need to worry about the dependency.