This is the final project of Gama Academy's Construdelas Python training in partnership with Juntos Somos +.
The goal of this project was to develop an API using the Django Rest Framework.
This project uses docker.
docker build --tag app .
docker run --publish 8000:8000 app
- GET /create-user/ - Creates an user
- POST /create-user/ - Creates an user
- GET /user/<user_cpf> - Returns a specif user
- PUT /user/<user_cpf> - Returns a specif user
- DELETE /user/<user_cpf> - Returns a specif user
- GET /all-users/ - Lists all the users
- GET /all-accounts/ - Lists all the accounts
- GET /account/<user_cpf> - Returns a specif account
- GET /transfer/ - Transfers amount from an account to another
- POST /transfer/ - Transfers amount from an account to another
- GET /all-tranfers/ - Lists all transfers
- GET /transfers-received/<user_cpf> - Lists all the transfers received by an user
- GET /transfers-performed/<user_cpf> - Lists all the transfers performed by an user
Watch out the API working here.