This is the third in a series of posts about the options available to you to manage your Linux VMs in Azure using Azure Key Vault and how you can adapt this process in a YAML Pipeline. The other posts in this Series can be found below.
Day 68 - Managing Access to Linux VMs using Azure Key Vault - Part 1
Day 69 - Managing Access to Linux VMs using Azure Key Vault - Part 2
Day 70 - Managing Access to Linux VMs using Azure Key Vault - Part 3
NOTE: This article references the same resources and methods that was used in the Building a Practical YAML Pipelines Series. If this is your first time working with YAML Pipelines in Azure DevOps, we recommend you start with Day 35 before continuing.
In today's article we will cover the following topics.
Add new directory to the Repository Script Script
managed-linux-vm-pipe.yaml file
Create a new Build Pipeline in Azure DevOps
Check Build Pipeline Job Output
Things to Consider
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Open up the practical-yaml-build-pipe repository in VS Code and create the following folder in the root of the repository.
Open up VS Code, create a new file called in the managed-linux-vm directory. Copy and paste the contents below into it and save and commit it to the repository.
# Author: Ryan Irujo
# Name:
# Description: Generates a set of SSH Keys and Password and then deploys a new Resource Group and Azure Key Vault and then adds the
# SSH Keys and Password to it. Lastly, it deploys a Linux VM using the generated SSH Keys.
# Installing sshpass
INSTALL_SSH_PASS=$(sudo apt-get install -y sshpass)
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[---success---] Installed sshpass."
echo "[---fail------] Failed to install sshpass."
exit 2
# Generating a new Password for the SSH Private Key.
SSH_KEY_PASSWORD=$(openssl rand -base64 20)
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[---success---] Generated a random password for SSH Private Key."
echo "[---fail------] Failed to generate a random password for SSH Private Key."
exit 2
# Generating new SSH Keys.
GENERATE_NEW_SSH_KEYS=$(ssh-keygen \
-t rsa \
-b 4096 \
-C "100-days-linux-vm" \
-f ~/.ssh/100-days-linux-vm \
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[---success---] Generated new SSH Keys."
echo "[---fail------] Failed to generate new SSH Keys."
exit 2
# Adding the SSH Keys to variables and removing the generated Keys locally.
SSH_PUBLIC_KEY=$(cat ~/.ssh/ && \
SSH_PRIVATE_KEY=$(cat ~/.ssh/100-days-linux-vm) && \
rm -rf ~/.ssh/100-days-linux-vm*
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[---success---] Added the SSH Keys to variables and removed the generated Keys locally."
echo "[---fail------] Failed to add the SSH Keys to variables and remove the generated Keys locally."
exit 2
# Checking to see if the Azure Key Vault already exists.
CHECK_AZURE_KV=$(az keyvault show \
--name "iac100dayslinuxkv" \
--resource-group "100-days-linux-vm" \
--query properties.provisioningState \
--output tsv 2>&1)
if [[ "$CHECK_AZURE_KV" == "Succeeded" ]]; then
echo "[---success---] Key Vault [iac100dayslinuxkv] found in Resource Group [100-days-linux-vm]."
elif [[ "$CHECK_AZURE_KV" == *"not found"* ]]; then
echo "[---info------] Key Vault [iac100dayslinuxkv] was not found in Resource Group [100-days-linux-vm]."
# Creating a new Resource Group.
CREATE_RESOURCE_GROUP=$(az group create \
--name "100-days-linux-vm" \
--location "westeurope" \
--output none)
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[---success---] Deployed Resource Group [100-days-linux-vm]."
echo "[---fail------] Failed to deploy Resource Group [100-days-linux-vm]."
exit 2
# Creating a new Azure Key Vault.
CREATE_AZURE_KV=$(az keyvault create \
--name "iac100dayslinuxkv" \
--resource-group "100-days-linux-vm" \
--output none)
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[---success---] Deployed Key Vault [iac100dayslinuxkv] to Resource Group [100-days-linux-vm]."
echo "[---fail------] Failed to deploy Key Vault [iac100dayslinuxkv] to Resource Group [100-days-linux-vm]."
exit 2
# Adding the SSH Public Key to the Azure Key Vault.
ADD_PUB_KEY_TO_KV=$(az keyvault secret set \
--name "100-days-linux-vm-pub" \
--vault-name "iac100dayslinuxkv" \
--value "$SSH_PUBLIC_KEY")
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[---success---] Added SSH Public Key to Key Vault [iac100dayslinuxkv]."
echo "[---fail------] Failed to add SSH Public Key to Key Vault [iac100dayslinuxkv]."
exit 2
# Adding the SSH Prviate Key to the Azure Key Vault.
ADD_KEY_TO_KV=$(az keyvault secret set \
--name "100-days-linux-vm" \
--vault-name "iac100dayslinuxkv" \
--value "$SSH_PRIVATE_KEY")
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[---success---] Added the SSH Private Key to Key Vault [iac100dayslinuxkv]."
echo "[---fail------] Failed to add SSH Private Key to Key Vault [iac100dayslinuxkv]."
exit 2
# Adding the SSH Private Key Secret to the Azure Key Vault.
ADD_KEY_SECRET_TO_KV=$(az keyvault secret set \
--name "100-days-linux-vm-password" \
--vault-name "iac100dayslinuxkv" \
--value "$SSH_KEY_PASSWORD")
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[---success---] Added the SSH Private Key Secret to Key Vault [iac100dayslinuxkv]."
echo "[---fail------] Failed to add SSH Private Key Secret to Key Vault [iac100dayslinuxkv]."
exit 2
# Deploying Linux VM using the Public Key Generated Earlier.
DEPLOY_LINUX_VM=$(az vm create \
--resource-group "100-days-linux-vm" \
--name "100dayslinuxvm" \
--image UbuntuLTS \
--public-ip-address-allocation dynamic \
--public-ip-address-dns-name "iac-100-linux-vm" \
--admin-username "lxvmadmin" \
--ssh-key-values "$SSH_PUBLIC_KEY")
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[---success---] Deployed Linux VM [100dayslinuxvm] to Resource Group [100-days-linux-vm]."
echo "[---fail------] Failed to deploy Linux VM [100dayslinuxvm] to Resource Group [100-days-linux-vm]."
exit 2
echo "[---fail------] There was a problem checking Key Vault [iac100dayslinuxkv]."
exit 2
Open up VS Code, create a new file called in the managed-linux-vm directory. Copy and paste the contents below into it and save and commit it to the repository.
# Author: Ryan Irujo
# Name:
# Description: Verifies that the existing Credentials in Azure Key Vault can be used to manage the Linux VM.
# Retrievinv the SSH Private Key from Azure Key Vault.
SSH_PRIVATE_KEY=$(/usr/bin/az keyvault secret download \
--name "100-days-linux-vm" \
--vault-name "iac100dayslinuxkv" \
--file "/tmp/100-days-linux-vm" \
--output tsv 2>&1)
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[---success---] Retrieved SSH Private Key [100-days-linux-vm] from Azure Key Vault [iac100dayslinuxkv]."
echo "[---fail------] Failed to retrieve SSH Private Key [100-days-linux-vm] from Azure Key Vault [iac100dayslinuxkv]."
exit 2
# Updating the Permissions on the SSH Private Key.
chmod 0600 "/tmp/100-days-linux-vm"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[---success---] Updated the permissions on the SSH Private Key [100-days-linux-vm] to [0600]."
echo "[---fail------] Failed to update the permissions on the SSH Private Key [100-days-linux-vm] to [0600]."
exit 2
# Retrieving the SSH Private Key Password from Azure Key Vault.
export SSHPASS=$(/usr/bin/az keyvault secret show \
--name "100-days-linux-vm-password" \
--vault-name "iac100dayslinuxkv" \
--query value \
--output tsv 2>&1)
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[---success---] Retrieved SSH Private Key Password [100-days-linux-vm-password] from Azure Key Vault [iac100dayslinuxkv]."
echo "[---fail------] Failed to retrieve SSH Private Key Password [100-days-linux-vm-password] from Azure Key Vault [iac100dayslinuxkv]."
exit 2
# Checking Access to the Linux VM.
-P "pass" \
-e \
ssh \
-o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" \
-o "UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" \
-i "/tmp/100-days-linux-vm" \
-tt [email protected] \
echo "remote access is working")
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[---success---] Access to Linux VM [] is working."
echo "[---fail------] Access to Linux VM [] is not working."
exit 2
# Deleting the Private Key from the Agent.
REMOVE_PRIVATE_KEY=$(rm -f "/tmp/100-days-linux-vm")
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[---success---] Removed the SSH Private Key [100-days-linux-vm] from [$HOSTNAME]."
echo "[---fail------] Failed to remove the SSH Private Key [100-days-linux-vm] from [$HOSTNAME]."
exit 2
# Deleting the SSH Private Key Password from the Agent.
export SSHPASS=""
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[---success---] Removed the SSH Private Key Password [100-days-linux-vm-password] from [$HOSTNAME]."
echo "[---fail------] Failed to remove the SSH Private Key Password [100-days-linux-vm-password] from [$HOSTNAME]."
exit 2
Next, in VS Code, in the root of the repository, create a new file called managed-linux-vm-pipe.yaml and copy the contents below into it. Afterwards, save and commit your changes to the repository.
# Builds are automatically triggered from the master branch in the 'practical-yaml-build-pipe' Repo.
- master
# Using a Microsoft Hosted Agent -
vmImage: ubuntu-18.04
# Azure CLI Task - Deploy Managed Linux VM.
- task: AzureCLI@2
displayName: 'Deploy Managed Linux VM'
# Using Service Principal, 'sp-az-build-pipeline', to authenticate to the Azure Subscription.
azureSubscription: 'sp-az-build-pipeline'
scriptType: 'bash'
scriptLocation: 'scriptPath'
scriptPath: './managed-linux-vm/'
# Azure CLI Task - Check Managed Linux VM Access.
- task: AzureCLI@2
displayName: 'Check Managed Linux VM Access'
# Using Service Principal, 'sp-az-build-pipeline', to authenticate to the Azure Subscription.
azureSubscription: 'sp-az-build-pipeline'
scriptType: 'bash'
scriptLocation: 'scriptPath'
scriptPath: './managed-linux-vm/'
In your Azure DevOps environment, select Pipelines and then click on the New Pipeline button in the top right hand corner.
Next, click on Azure Repos Git.
Next, click on the practical-yaml-build-pipeline repository.
Next, click on Existing Azure Pipelines YAML file.
Next, select managed-linux-vm-pipe.yaml under the Path drop-down menu and then click Continue.
Finally, click on Run.
NOTE: If you already have a Build Pipeline called practical-yaml-build-pipe, the new Pipe line you created will be called practical-yaml-build-pipe (1). You can rename the Build Pipeline if you so desire.
Review the logs of the Deploy Managed Linux VM job in the practical-yaml-build-pipe (1).
Next, Review the logs of the Check Managed Linux VM Access job in the practical-yaml-build-pipe (1).
You'll notice that the scripts here are relatively idempotent; however, there are definitely improvements that can be made. If you to experiment with what type of actions you can perform while remoting to a Linux Host using the script, use a different command besides echo in the ssh command or replace the ssh command with something like scp to test file transfers to the Linux host.
In today's article in we built a YAML based Build Pipeline out of the contents from Day 68 and Day 69 and then deployed a managed Linux VM. If there's a specific scenario that you wish to be covered in future articles, please create a New Issue in the starkfell/100DaysOfIaC GitHub repository.