The following repository contains a basic example of a module that interacts with Osmosis through IBC.
Go 1.19+
Linux users need to make sure they have GCC installed
IBC docs
Osmosis docs
ICQ docs
- Ignite CLI v0.26+
make start-swapchain
make start-osmosis
make start-relayer
# create liquidity pool for stake-uosmo with equal amounts
osmosisd tx gamm create-pool --pool-file=contrib/osmosis-pool.json --from validator --home=contrib/osmosis/.osmosis --node=tcp://localhost:26662 --chain-id=osmosis --fees=875stake -y
# query spot price for stake
swapchaind tx interchainswap send-query-osmosis-spot-price channel-0 1 stake uosmo --from=validator --home=.swapchain --node=tcp://localhost:26660 -y
# price should be 1.00 since the pool has equal amounts for both tokens
swapchaind q interchainswap query-state 1 --home=.swapchain --node=tcp://localhost:26660
swapchaind tx interchainswap register-interchain-account connection-0 --from=validator --home=.swapchain --node=tcp://localhost:26660 -y
swapchaind q interchain-accounts controller interchain-account cosmos14y0kdvznkssdtal2r60a8us266n0mm97r2xju8 connection-0 --home=.swapchain --node=tcp://localhost:26660
- Replace $INTERCHAIN_ADDRESS with the address queried in step 12
# fund address with 10000uosmo
osmosisd tx bank send faucet $INTERCHAIN_ADDRESS 10000uosmo --home=contrib/osmosis/.osmosis --node=tcp://localhost:26662 --chain-id=osmosis --fees=875stake -y
- Replace $INTERCHAIN_ADDRESS with the address queried in step 12
# swap 10uosmo for stake
swapchaind tx interchainswap send-msg-osmosis-swap '{"@type":"/osmosis.gamm.v1beta1.MsgSwapExactAmountIn","sender":"$INTERCHAIN_ADDRESS","routes":[{"poolId":"1","tokenOutDenom":"stake"}],"tokenIn":{"denom":"uosmo","amount":"10"},"tokenOutMinAmount":"1"}' connection-0 --from=validator --home=.swapchain --node=tcp://localhost:26660 -y
- Replace $INTERCHAIN_ADDRESS with the address queried in step 12
# interchain account should have 9990uosmo and some stake in their balance
osmosisd q bank balances $INTERCHAIN_ADDRESS --home=contrib/osmosis/.osmosis --node=tcp://localhost:26662 --chain-id=osmosis
# pool should have more uosmo than stake, therefore the spot price for uosmo should be less than 1.00 stake
osmosisd q gamm spot-price 1 stake uosmo --home=contrib/osmosis/.osmosis --node=tcp://localhost:26662 --chain-id=osmosis
./interchaintest contains example end-to-end IBC test using interchaintest
- a package that provides test suite for complete interchain simulation
make build-docker
make interchaintest
# create image named 'swapchaind'
make build-docker
# init config and persist config folder (/swapchain/.swapchain) to volume 'my-vol'
docker run --rm -it -v=my-vol:/swapchain/.swapchain swapchaind init testmoniker --chain-id=testchainid
# add account key named 'test'
docker run --rm -it -v=my-vol:/swapchain/.swapchain swapchaind keys add test --keyring-backend=test
# fund account and add to genesis
docker run --rm -it -v=my-vol:/swapchain/.swapchain swapchaind add-genesis-account test 999999999999999stake --keyring-backend=test
# generate genesis tx that sets 'test' as validator
docker run --rm -it -v=my-vol:/swapchain/.swapchain swapchaind gentx test 2222222222stake --keyring-backend=test --chain-id=testchainid
# collect the genesis tx and add to genesis
docker run --rm -it -v=my-vol:/swapchain/.swapchain swapchaind collect-gentxs
# start node
docker run --rm -it -v=my-vol:/swapchain/.swapchain swapchaind start