This plugin combines IBMs mainframe compilers with SonarQube. The principle is fairly easy: Compile the source file with one of IBMs compilers and use its output to populate Sonarqubes dashboard. Provide some syntax hightlighting so the code looks nicer.
- Enterprise PL/I (best). Option used: XINFO(XML)
- Enterprise COBOL (fair). Option used: EXIT(ADDEXIT(ELAXMGUX))
- HL Assembler (fair). Options used: EX(ADX(ELAXHASM))
- C/C++. (fair). Options used: /CXX EVENTS
- SonarQube [6.4, 10.4.1]
- SonarQube Scanner sonar-scanner-cli-
- Java 17
- Maven 3.8.1+
Clone from GitHub:
git clone
Checkout desired Sonar API version:
git checkout Sonar-API-x.y
Compile the project (From version 2.0.0, "install" is mandatory. Skip tests because the contain test cases which need access to a z/OS system)
mvn install -DskipTests
Install to Sonarqube
cp sonar-xinfo-plugin/target/sonar-xinfo-plugin-<version>.jar <sonarqube install dir>/extensions/plugins
Restart SonarQube
Setup the compiler to generate its output in XML or EVENTS format (e.g. PL/I: XINFO(XML), or C++: /CXX EVENTS) and compile the sources you want to analyze
Store sources and XINFO-output somewhere on your file system. (Windows or *NIX. z/OS is not supported)
Use the properties sonar.sources to tell the sonar-scanner where to look for the sources and sonar.xinfo.root.xinfo to tell the plugin where to look for the XINFO-files. Make sure that pgm.pli|asm|cbl|c|cpp corresponds with pgm.xml|event
Analyze your sources with SonarQube using Sonar-scanner or Maven:
cd examples sonar-scanner-cli-<target platform>/sonar-scanner mvn sonar:sonar
- Tailor the example JCL procedures in "examples/jcl" for your system and store them in your system's PROCLIB
- Provide credentials etc. Use template "examples/"
- Analyze
See this projects Wiki