More changes by DniweTamp, this time including:
- Optimized the shader to possibly increase program's performance
- Add dithered transparency to the shader
- Proper behavior for all texture map types (normal, highlight, glow, etc.) (tangents/bitangets for normal mapping are recalculated in fragment shader, not passed from the gmd itself)
- Multiple uv maps support
- Restructured shader (phong and rim light calculation is done before selecting the specific shader, and is then just passed to said shader)
- Proper enabling/disabling of backface culling based on the value in material
- Fixed primitives (camera/epl/light) default color's alpha so it's visible again
- Added vertex color support in the shader, but it's currently set to full white, because it's mapped incorrectly in gfd studio's source (u32 instead of 4 individual bytes)