The smart contract has been deployed to pisco-1 testnet and it has been benchmarked with the following data:
Size | Chains | Alliances | Data Size (kB) | Tx Cost (Luna) | Gas Used |
XSmall | 8 | 16 | 5,5 | 0.406522 | 354,576 |
Small | 16 | 32 | 11 | 0.667318 | 574,760 |
Medium | 32 | 64 | 21,9 | 1.188321 | 1,008,969 |
Large | 64 | 124 | 43,7 | 2.230764 | 1,877,682 |
XLarge | 124 | 248 | 87,4 | 4.319313 | 3,615,282 |
Take in consideration that the XLarge dataset almost reach the limit of data we can submit on chain since the maximum gas for queries is 3 000 000 and the size of the data is quiet large.
Network | CodeID | Contract Address | |
Oracle | testnet (pisco-1) | 11271 | terra1w8ta7vhpzwe0y99tvvtp7k0k8uex2jq8jts8k2hsyg009ya06qts5fwftt |
Hub | testnet (pisco-1) | 11272 | terra1eaxcahzxp0x8wqejqjlqaey53tp06l728qad6z395lyzgl026qkq20xj43 |
Oracle | mainnet (phoenix-1) | 1782 | terra1mdpvgjc8jmv60a4x68nggsh9w8uyv69sqls04a76m9med5hsqmwsse8sxa |
Hub | mainnet (phoenix-1) | 1778 | terra1jwyzzsaag4t0evnuukc35ysyrx9arzdde2kg9cld28alhjurtthq0prs2s |
Considering the Rust is installed in your system you have to use the wasm32 compiler and install cargo-make.
$ rustup default stable
$ rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
$ cargo install --force cargo-make
There are few available commands to run on development:
Validate the code has been formatted correctly:
$ cargo make fmt
Run the tests written for the smart contracts
$ cargo make test
Lint the code
$ cargo make lint
Generate json Schemas for each smart contract
$ cargo make schema
Build the code
$ cargo make build
Optimize the built code
$ cargo make optimize
Before executing the following scripts, navigate to the scripts folder and execute yarn
command to install the dependencies for the set of scripts. Also remember to set the following environment variables:
# Mnemonic of the account to deploy the contract with
# Chain id where to deploy the contract
# Prefix of the acccounts where to deploy the smart contract
To deploy oracle and alliance hub smart contract:
$ cargo make deploy-oracle
$ cargo make deploy-hub