Provides wrappers useful for using OrientDB with Ferma.
Licensed under the Apache Software License v2
For support please use Gitter or the official Ferma mailing list.
To include OrientDB extensions to Ferma include the following Maven dependencies into your build.
// Setup the orientdb graph factory from which the transaction factory will create transactions
try (OrientGraphFactory graphFactory = new OrientGraphFactory("memory:tinkerpop")) {
TxFactory graph = new OrientTransactionFactoryImpl(graphFactory, false, "com.syncleus.ferma.ext.orientdb.model");
try (Tx tx = graph.tx()) {
Person joe = tx.getGraph().addFramedVertex(Person.class);
Person hugo = tx.getGraph().addFramedVertex(Person.class);
// Both are mutal friends
try (Tx tx = graph.tx()) {
Iterator<? extends Person> it = tx.getGraph().getFramedVerticesExplicit(Person.class);
Iterable<? extends Person> it2 = toIterable(it);
for (Person p : it2) {
System.out.println("Found person with name: " + p.getName());
String result = graph.tx((tx) -> {
Person hugo = tx.getGraph().getFramedVertices("name", "Hugo", Person.class).next();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append("Hugo's friends:");
for (Person p : hugo.getFriends()) {
sb.append(" " + p.getName());
return sb.toString();
The official source repository for OrientDB extension is located in the Syncleus Github repository and can be cloned using the following command.
git clone