Disclaimer: key portions of code removed to prevent plagarism. Codes avaliable upon request, contact me.
FitNUS detects acceleration, light and temperature changes. FitNUS sends data periodically to a server known as FiTrackX. The XBee RF module acts as a low powered wireless communication device that sends collected data to FiTrackX.
- LPCXpresso V6.1.4 194
- Assembly
- C
- LPCXpresso Base Board revB
- LPC1769 with ARM Cortex M3 Microcontroller
- XBee RF module (optional, for wireless transmit and receive functions)
- Terence Neo
- Rachel Neo
- Dr Rajesh Panicker for being such an inspiration
- Prof Thamn Chen Khong for the awesome lessons and materials
- TA Kenneth for allowing me to bug you with my never ending supply of questions
- Clive Yuan and Jason Loo for your continuous support, giving me inspiration for speeding up my implementations and teaching me how to use EINT0