Ansible-playbook/role to PlantUML or Mermaid.js diagram
playbook2uml [options] PLAYBOOK
playbook2uml [options] -R ROLE_NAME [BASE_DIR]
Ansible playbook/role to PlantUML or Mermaid.js diagram
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t {plantuml,mermaid}, --type {plantuml,mermaid}
The diagram type.[default=plantuml]
-T TITLE, --title TITLE
The title of the playbook/role
--theme THEME PlantUML theme
--left-to-right left to right direction
-v, --verbose Show information to STDERR. -v => INFO -vv => DEBUG
Generate a graph of the playbook
PLAYBOOK playbook file
Generate a graph of the role only
-R ROLE, --role ROLE The role name
--tasks-from TASKS_FROM
File to load from a role's tasks/ directory.
BASE_DIR The base directory.[default=current directory]
The PlantUML code is out to stdout.
$ playbook2uml path/to/playbook.yml --title "hello_world.yml"
title hello_world.yml
state "= Play: Hello playbook2uml" as play_1 {
play_1 : | hosts | localhost |
play_1 : | gather_facts | False |
state "== Hello playbook2uml" as task_1
task_1 : Action **debug**
task_1 : | msg | Hello ansible playbook to UML |
[*] --> task_1
task_1 --> [*]
You maybe pipe to a PlantUML server with curl
playbook2uml path/to/playbook.yml --title "Sample 1" | \
curl --data-binary @- -o - > path/to/foo.svg
$ playbook2uml path/to/playbook.yml -t mermaid
state "Play: Sample 1" as play_1 {
state "Create directory<hr>action: file" as task_1
block_1 : Execute python script
state block_1 {
state "Get python script from web<hr>action: get_url" as task_2
block_1_always : Always
state block_1_always {
state "execute<hr>action: command" as task_3
state task_4_when <<choice>>
note right of task_4_when
- exec_result.rc != 0
end note
state "debug<hr>action: debug" as task_4
block_1_rescue : Rescue
state block_1_rescue {
state "Use local file<hr>action: copy" as task_5
state "End Message<hr>action: debug" as task_6
[*] --> task_1
task_1 --> task_2
task_2 --> task_3
task_3 --> task_4_when
task_4_when --> task_4
task_4 --> task_6
task_4_when --> task_6 : skip
task_5 --> task_3
task_6 --> [*]
state "Play: Sample 1" as play_1 {
state "Create directory<hr>action: file" as task_1
block_1 : Execute python script
state block_1 {
state "Get python script from web<hr>action: get_url" as task_2
block_1_always : Always
state block_1_always {
state "execute<hr>action: command" as task_3
state task_4_when <<choice>>
note right of task_4_when
- exec_result.rc != 0
end note
state "debug<hr>action: debug" as task_4
block_1_rescue : Rescue
state block_1_rescue {
state "Use local file<hr>action: copy" as task_5
state "End Message<hr>action: debug" as task_6
[*] --> task_1
task_1 --> task_2
task_2 --> task_3
task_3 --> task_4_when
task_4_when --> task_4
task_4 --> task_6
task_4_when --> task_6 : skip
task_5 --> task_3
task_6 --> [*]
>= 2.9
pip install git+