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@broken broken released this 19 Oct 00:13
· 10 commits to 1.15 since this release

Please note that moving forward our releases and branches will match the major & minor versions of core TensorFlow. This should prevent future confusion. As such, we are skipping straight to v1.15 for our TF 1.15 support.

Major Updates:

  • SentencepieceTokenizer has been added. Please see for more information on Sentencepiece.
  • New ToDense Keras layer for RaggedTensor conversion
  • Pipeline for generating a Wordpiece Vocabulary has been added to tools.
  • New Rouge-L metric op for measuring text similarity. A new colab has been added to the examples directory which provides usage examples.
  • New BertTokenizer which mimics the preprocessing performed in the original BERT model.
  • New Detokenizer abstract class has been added to the TF.Text Tokenizer API.

Minor Updates:

  • API docs have received an update that should make finding relevant information easier.
  • Update Whitespace & UnicodeScript Tokenizers to accept scalar values.
  • Build includes CC library targets. Useful for statically linking in TF.Text custom ops. Specifically useful for building into TF.Serving's model server.
  • Build environment: Updated to match core TF's update.
  • Many previously released ops have been added TensorFlow Serving model server, and should be in a coming 1.x release. Please see for more information.