So I have PG&E SmartMeter and I like playing with data. However I didn't really want to jump through 37 hoops to see the data on PG&E's website. So I made this.
While making this library I discovered that PG&E doesn't even manage the software for the energy reporting. It's all done by OPower, not terribly useful but an interesting piece of trivia.
gem install smartermeter
After you've successfully downloaded one set of data, you should be able to manipulate it using ruby like so:
require 'rubygems'
require 'smartermeter'
config = YAML.load_file(File.expand_path("~/.smartermeter"))
csv_file = Dir.glob(File.join(config[:data_dir], "*.csv")).last
samples = SmarterMeter::Samples.parse_espi(csv_file)
kwh_used = samples.total_kwh
api =
puts api.calculate_kg_carbon(kwh_used)
For futher information see the API docs
Once you've configured SmarterMeter once, you might want to use it with Pachube, so you can visualize the results.
- Visit and sign up for an account.
- Create a feed and a datastream.
- Copy the feed id (the last item in a feed url like 123 in and the datastream id (which is the name that you enter)
- Then append the following to your ~/.smartermeter file to automatically upload data as it's retrieved from PG&E.
:transport: :pachube
:api_key: "your-api-key"
:feed_id: "your-feed-id"
:datastream_id: "your-datastream-id"
In order to build the self contained binaries, you'll need Java 1.6 and (NSIS)1, both of which are available as packages in Ubuntu.
apt-get install nsis sun-java6-jre
git clone git://
cd smartermeter
bundle install --path vendor/gems
rake package
The installer will be generated in pkg/
How much lag is there?
It'll show you the last full day's worth of data. The PGE website claims that data becomes available around 3-10pm on the following day. However my experience says that it's sometimes available earlier.
How long is data saved for?
I don't know. If you know tell me.
How can I help?
Make sure it works, make cool things with it or send me git pull requests.
I would like to thank Brighter Planet for including SmarterMeter as part of their Fellowship Program