Some useful code clips for my work.
Recognizing Sounds (A Deep Learning Case Study)
You can download data set from here data set of Recognizing Sounds.
WinLen = 1;
SamplingFrequence = 44100;
SamplingLen = SamplingFrequence * WinLen;
clear AudioData, SamplingFrequence;
[chord1, SamplingFrequence] = audioread("chord1.wav", [1, SamplingLen]);
[fret_3rd, SamplingFrequence] = audioread("3rd_fret.wav", [1, SamplingLen]);
SamplingPeriod = 1/SamplingFrequence;
% Time = (0:length(chord1)-1) * SamplingPeriod;
chord1FFT = fft(chord1);
fret_3rdFFT = fft(fret_3rd);
chord1P2 = abs(chord1FFT/SamplingLen);
chord1P1 = chord1P2(1:SamplingLen/2+1);
chord1P1(2:end-1) = 2*chord1P1(2:end-1);
fret_3rdP2 = abs(fret_3rdFFT/SamplingLen);
fret_3rdP1 = fret_3rdP2(1:SamplingLen/2+1);
fret_3rdP1(2:end-1) = 2*fret_3rdP1(2:end-1);
Frequence = (SamplingFrequence/SamplingLen)*(0:(SamplingLen/2));
figure (1);
plot(Frequence, chord1P1);
figure (2);
plot(Frequence, fret_3rdP1);
title('Single-Sided Amplitude Spectrum of X(t)');
xlabel('f (Hz)');