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Added 2651A and 2657A examples
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Including several examples for paralleling SMUs for up to 100A of current, and a script for checking for status model overrruns.
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553 changes: 553 additions & 0 deletions Instrument_Examples/Series_2600/265xA/2651A_-_IdVd_Sweep_Step_Vg.tsp

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Title: IV Curves Example Script
Date: 12/23/2010
Description: This script will perform a series of IV Curves on a
MOSFET or IGBT device and will return the data in a Microsoft Excel
compatible format for graphing and analysis.
TSP-Link Configuration:
Node 1: 2651A
Node 2: 26xxA
Master Node: Node 1
Revision History:
12/23/2010 - Version 1.01
David Wyban
• Changed Timer 2 to be triggered from SOURCE_COMPLETE event to avoid
issue with the first pulse in a sweep being shorter than the rest
• Added a line to turn on highc mode on the gate SMU for stability
12/6/2010 - Version 1.0
David Wyban
Initial Revision

IV_Curves(gstart, gstop, gsteps, dstart, dstop, dsteps, pulseWidth, pulsePeriod, pulseLimit)
Description: This function will perform a series of pulsed sweeps
on a MOSFET or IGBT device to generate a series of IV Curves that
characterize the device. Note: To avoid device oscillations, a
series resistor on the gate terminal of the device may be required.
gstart: The starting voltage of the gate sweep
gstop: The ending voltage of the gate sweep
gsteps: The number of steps in the gate sweep
dstart: The starting voltage of the drain sweep
dstop: The ending voltage of the drain sweep
dsteps: The number of steps in the drain sweep
pulseWidth: The width of the drain pulse in seconds
pulsePeriod:The time in seconds between the start of consecutive drain pulses in the sweep
pulseLimit: The current limit in Amps of the drain pulse
Example Usage:
IV_Curves(5, 9, 5, 0, 10, 21, 300e-6, 30e-3, 50)
function IV_Curves(gstart, gstop, gsteps, dstart, dstop, dsteps, pulseWidth, pulsePeriod, pulseLimit)

-- Configure the Drain SMU(2651A)
smua.source.func = smua.OUTPUT_DCVOLTS
smua.sense = smua.SENSE_REMOTE

smua.source.rangev = math.max(math.abs(dstart), math.abs(dstop))
-- Select the source range that is large enough to fit all values of the sweep
smua.source.levelv = 0 -- Sets the drain bias level
smua.source.limiti = 5

smua.measure.rangev = smua.source.rangev
smua.measure.rangei = (pulseLimit == "off") and 50 or pulseLimit
-- Select a measure range large enough to fit pulses up to the current limit

smua.measure.autozero = smua.AUTOZERO_ONCE
smua.measure.nplc = 0.005
-- NPLC can be increased to improve measurement accuracy.
-- However, it should remain small enough to fit the measurement
-- within the width of the settled part of the pulse.
smua.measure.delay = (pulseWidth - ((1/localnode.linefreq) * smua.measure.nplc)) - 20e-6
-- Set the measure delay so that the measurement is
-- taken at the end of the pulse before the falling edge

-- Timer 1 controls the pulse period
trigger.timer[1].count = (dsteps <= 1) and 1 or (dsteps - 1)
-- If dsteps <= 1 then use 1 for the count else use dsteps - 1
trigger.timer[1].delay = pulsePeriod
trigger.timer[1].passthrough = true
trigger.timer[1].stimulus = tsplink.trigger[1].EVENT_ID

-- Timer 2 controls the pulse width
trigger.timer[2].count = 1
trigger.timer[2].delay = pulseWidth - 3e-6
trigger.timer[2].passthrough = false
trigger.timer[2].stimulus = smua.trigger.SOURCE_COMPLETE_EVENT_ID

-- Configure Drain SMU(2651A) trigger model
smua.trigger.source.linearv(dstart, dstop, dsteps)
smua.trigger.source.limiti = pulseLimit
smua.trigger.measure.action = smua.ENABLE
smua.trigger.measure.iv(smua.nvbuffer1, smua.nvbuffer2)
smua.trigger.endpulse.action = smua.SOURCE_IDLE
smua.trigger.endsweep.action = smua.SOURCE_IDLE
smua.trigger.arm.count = gsteps
smua.trigger.count = dsteps
smua.trigger.arm.stimulus = 0
smua.trigger.source.stimulus = trigger.timer[1].EVENT_ID
smua.trigger.measure.stimulus = 0
smua.trigger.endpulse.stimulus = trigger.timer[2].EVENT_ID
smua.trigger.source.action = smua.ENABLE

-- Configure TSP-Link Triggers
tsplink.trigger[1].mode = tsplink.TRIG_SYNCHRONOUSM
tsplink.trigger[1].stimulus = smua.trigger.ARMED_EVENT_ID
-- TSP-Link Trigger 1 is used by the 2651A to command the 26xxA
-- to step the gate and for the 26xxA to report to the 2651A
-- that it has completed the step.

tsplink.trigger[2].mode = tsplink.TRIG_FALLING
tsplink.trigger[2].stimulus = smua.trigger.SWEEP_COMPLETE_EVENT_ID
-- TSP-Link Trigger 2 is used by the 2651A to command the 26xxA that
-- it has completed the drain sweep and that the 26xxA continue.

-- Prepare the Drain SMU (2651A) reading buffers
smua.nvbuffer1.collectsourcevalues = 1
smua.nvbuffer2.collectsourcevalues = 1

-- Configure the Gate SMU(26xxA)
node[2].smua.source.func = node[2].smua.OUTPUT_DCVOLTS
node[2].smua.sense = node[2].smua.SENSE_REMOTE
node[2].smua.source.levelv = 0
node[2].smua.source.limiti = 100e-3
node[2].smua.measure.delay = 300e-6 -- Give gate 300us to settle
-- Do not need to configure any additional measure settings.
-- Timing is not critical on the gate so autorange will do.

node[2].smua.source.highc = 0
-- If you find the gate to be unstable even with a gate resistor in place
-- changing highc to 1 can improve stability.

-- Configure Gate SMU(26xxA) Trigger Model
node[2].smua.trigger.source.linearv(gstart, gstop, gsteps)
node[2].smua.trigger.source.limiti = 100e-3
node[2].smua.trigger.measure.action = node[2].smua.ENABLE
node[2].smua.trigger.measure.iv(node[2].smua.nvbuffer1, node[2].smua.nvbuffer2)
node[2].smua.trigger.endpulse.action = smua.SOURCE_HOLD
node[2].smua.trigger.endsweep.action = smua.SOURCE_IDLE
node[2].smua.trigger.count = gsteps
node[2].smua.trigger.arm.stimulus = 0
node[2].smua.trigger.source.stimulus = node[2].tsplink.trigger[1].EVENT_ID
node[2].smua.trigger.measure.stimulus = 0
node[2].smua.trigger.endpulse.stimulus = node[2].tsplink.trigger[2].EVENT_ID
node[2].smua.trigger.source.action = smua.ENABLE

-- Configure Model 26xxA TSP-Link Triggers
node[2].tsplink.trigger[1].mode = node[2].tsplink.TRIG_SYNCHRONOUSA
node[2].tsplink.trigger[1].stimulus = node[2].smua.trigger.MEASURE_COMPLETE_EVENT_ID

node[2].tsplink.trigger[2].mode = node[2].tsplink.TRIG_FALLING

-- Prepare the Gate SMU (26xxA) reading buffers
node[2].smua.nvbuffer1.collectsourcevalues = 1
node[2].smua.nvbuffer2.collectsourcevalues = 1

-- The SMUs are configured and ready to run the test

-- Outputs on
node[2].smua.source.output = 1
smua.source.output = 1

-- Start the 26xxA's trigger model

-- Start the 2651A's trigger model

waitcomplete() -- Wait until the sweeps are complete

-- Outputs off
smua.source.output = 0
node[2].smua.source.output = 0

-- Return the data
PrintIVcurveData(gsteps, dsteps)

PrintIVcurveData(gsteps, dsteps)
Description: This function will output the data collected by
the IV_Curves() function in a Microsoft Excel compatible format.
For each step of the gate, this function will output three
columns containing the drain sweep data as well as the gate data
in the first row.
gsteps: The number of steps in the gate sweep
dsteps: The number of steps in the drain sweep
Example Usage:
PrintIVcurveData(5, 21)
function PrintIVcurveData(gsteps, dsteps)
line1 = ""
line2 = ""
for i = 1,gsteps do
line1 = line1 .. string.format("Vgs = %0.2f\t%g\t%g\t",
line2 = line2 .. "Source Value\tVoltage\tCurrent\t"
for i = 1, dsteps do
line = ""
for j = 1, gsteps do
line = line .. string.format("%g\t%g\t%g\t",
smua.nvbuffer1.sourcevalues[(j - 1) * dsteps + i],
smua.nvbuffer2[(j - 1) * dsteps + i],
smua.nvbuffer1[(j - 1) * dsteps + i])

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