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Structure for web applications based on reactJS framework

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Clone the repository in a local path. See deployment section in order to run the project in production environment.


  • Node.js 8+ (LTS) Installing nodeJS:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs
  • Npm 3.10+ Installing npm:
$ sudo apt-get install npm
$ npm -v

If npm version is under the recomended:

$ sudo npm install npm@latest -g

If nodeJS version is under the recomended:

$ sudo npm cache clean -f
$ sudo npm install -g n
$ sudo n stable

NOTE: nodeJS binary is "nodejs" instead of "node". In order to change this, and use it as "node":

$ sudo ln -sf /usr/local/n/versions/node/<VERSION>/bin/node /usr/bin/nodejs

Where <VERSION> is the last installed version.

Proyect installation

Clone repository:

$ git clone

Place in the project root path:

$ cd reactjs-appstructure

Define all the initial data of your project:

  • requestHandlers.js: In this file you'll define all the conditions to access the ROA service.
4 |     baseURL: "",
5 |     dataURL: "/v1/",
6 |     tokenURL: "/oauth2/token"

Line 4 baseURL refers to the root of the ROA service, edit with appropiated URL. Line 5 dataURL refers to the part of the URL to access the ROA service data, edit with appropiated URL. Line 6 tokenURL refers to the part of the URL to access the ROA service authentication, edit with appropiated URL.

  • package.json: In this file you'll define some other data of your project.
2 |   "name": "reactjs-appstructure",
3 |   "version": "0.1.0",
4 |   "description": "Structure for web applications based on reactJS framework",
10 |   "keywords": [
11 |     "reactJS"
12 |   ],
13 |   "author": "Marcos Jesús Chávez Vega",
14 |   "license": "ISC",

Line 2 "name" refers to the project name, edit with appropiated value (no spaces, all in lowercase). Line 3 "version" refers to the project version, edit with appropiated value. Line 4 "description" refers to the project description, edit with appropiated value description. Line 10, 11 and 12 "keywords" refers to the project keywords, add all the appropiated keywords. Line 13 "author" refers to the project author, edit with appropiated author name. Line 14 "license" refers to the project author, edit with appropiated license.

1 | reactjs-appstructure

Line 1 refers to project name, edit with appropiated name.

  • In this file you'll define all the project characteristics, such as installation, use and definition.
1 | reactjs-appstructure
47 | $ git clone
52 | $ cd reactjs-appstructure

Line 1 refers to the project name, edit with appropiated value. Line 47 refers to the project repository URL, edit with appropiated value. Line 52 refers to the project directory after clone, edit with appropiated value.

Modify the rest of the file according to the project.

npm dependencies installation:

$ npm install

Project structure

  • build: in this directory exist all core files generated through webpack module.
  • client: in this directory exist all files directly involved with client side.
    • assets: in this directory exist all files involved with a predefined template that could be used.
    • file: in this directory exist all files involved with project processes (such as PDF, XLSX, etc...).
    • image: in this directory exist all images involved with project processes.
    • style: in this directory exist all style files.
    • js: in this directory exist all JSX files involved with the project.
      • home: in this directory exist all components JSX files per view, once you are logged in.
        • plugins: in this directory exist all JSX files generated as plugins.
        • common: in this directory exist all components JSX files involved over all the project views.
        • dashboard: in this directory exists the JSX component file related to dashboard.
        • test: in this directory exists the JSX component file related to test page.
      • index: in this directory exist all components JSX files per view, without any authentication.


  • Directory test inside of home, has an starting component view example, which could be duplicated any time it's needed in order to have the real project running.
  • To include the duplicated components to the views of the project, they should be included in homeT.jsx file, inside of the directory home in order to include and render them; and so on in menu.jsx file inside of the common directory.


Changes visibility:

In order to assure all the changes visibility in the project code, the core files should be updated to it's most recently version:

$ npm run build

NOTE: If there where syntax errors, should be seen after this command.

Browser project visibility:

$ node index.js

Then simply access to localhost:8080 in your favourite browser.

Style guide

For further information, read more about this on integration plan of tecnocen, on section JavaScript coding rules.


(In definition)


In order to use the project in a productive environment, nodeJS should be updated to this and then should compiled all the core files:

  • Linux
$ NODE_ENV=production npm run build
  • Windows
$ set NODE_ENV=production
$ npm run build

NOTE: If there where syntax errors, should be seen after this command.

After this, all the next files should be updated:

  • client/index.html: In this file will be included all the login minified files.
19 |     <script type="text/javascript" src="/build/index.bundle.js"></script>
23 |     <!--<script type="text/javascript" src="/build/index.min.js"></script>-->

Line 19 should be commented, because it includes all webpack core files in development environment. Line 23 should be uncommented, because it includes all webpack core files in production environment.

  • client/home.html: In this file will be included all the rest of minified files in the project.
20 |     <script type="text/javascript" src="/build/home.bundle.js"></script>
24 |     <!--<script type="text/javascript" src="/build/home.min.js"></script>-->

Line 20 should be commented, because it includes all webpack core files in development environment. Line 24 should be uncommented, because it includes all webpack core files in production environment.

Finally, in order to see the project running on the browser:

$ node index.js

Built with:


(Por definir)


For further information, read more about this on integration plan of tecnocen, on section versioning.


  • Marcos Jesús Chávez V - - onca-vega


ISC license.


Structure for web applications based on reactJS framework






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