- Eloquent JavaScript - Marjin Haverbeke
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- JavaScript: The definitive guide - David Flanagan
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- Zell's Course - Intermediate
- Atomic Habits by James clear
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- The 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen covey
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resumake. io
wtfresume. com
rx-resume. web. app
cv.bytevitae. com
gitconnected. com/resume-builder
svgporn. com High quality svg logos
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carbon. now. sh A code snippet with style for presentation
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happyhues. com Superb colors palettes.
ohshitgit. com
css-tricks. com
exercism. io
dbdiagram. io
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- http://vercel.com
- http://surge.sh
- http://render.com
- http://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/pages
- http://freecodecamp.org
- http://codecademy.com
- http://javascript30.com
- http://frontendmentor.io
- http://testautomationu.applitools.com
- http://coursera.org
- http://khanacademy.org
- http://sololearn.com
- https://github.com/goldbergyoni/nodebestpractices
- http://codewars.com
- http://topcoder.com
- http://codingame.com
- http://hackerrank.com
- http://projecteuler.net
- http://coderbyte.com
- http://codechef.com
- http://exercism.io
- http://leetcode.com
- http://spoj.com
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- http://undraw.co/illustrations
- http://drawkit.io
- http://icons8.com/ouch
- http://iradesign.io
- http://interfacer.xyz
- http://blush.design
- http://fontawesome.com
- http://flaticon.com
- http://icons8.com
- http://material.io/resources/icons
- http://iconmonstr.com
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Best Design Resources [vscode Extensions] (https://dev.to/theme_selection/vs-codes-every-developers-should-use-in-2020-2fa3)
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