A Beat Saber mod for muting your micrphone in some ways:
- Automatic mute when ingame in singleplayer/multiplayer
- Push-to-talk, push-to-mute, push-to-toggle
- Floating mute button that is always visible except during play.
Compatible with Beat Saber 1.37.5
- Required dependencies (can be installed using Mod Assistant)
- BeatSaberMarkupLanguage v1.12.2+
- BS_Utils v1.14.1+
- Mod installation
- Download the latest DLL from the Releases page and copy it into your Plugins folder.
- You should see a MicMuter entry in the Mod Settings menu when installed.
Please restart the game once after the first start with this mod installed, else the config may not be applied.
You can configure the plugin using the Settings (⚙) -> Mod Settings -> MicMuter
- Microphone: Select your microphone here. Make sure that every name only exists once on your system.
- Enabled in singleplayer/party/campaign: Enable automatic muting in every gamemode except multiplayer (singleplayer, party, campaign)
- Enabled in multiplayer: Enable automatic muting in multiplayer (online)
- Unmute on pause: Unmute the microphone while in the pause menu (only singleplayer)
- Enable Push-to-talk: Toggle microphone mute with a controller button
- Button: Select the button or button combo that should be used to unmute the mic
- Mode: Mute instead of unmute on button press or toggle the mute state
- Enable floating mute button: Show a little mute button everywhere instead of ingame
- Show movement handle: Show a little white handle to the left of the button, grab it and change the position
You can also use all three features simultaneously.
- CSCore: Library used to access the CoreAudioApi to control the microphone