Webserv is a project from School 42 aiming to implement an HTTP server in C++ according to the specifications of the HTTP/1.1 protocol (see RFC2616).
- Handling of GET, POST, DELETE requests
- Support for standard HTTP headers
- Management of virtual servers
- Support for persistent connections
- Handling of static and dynamic files
- Support for CGI (Common Gateway Interface)
- Configuration management via configuration files
./webserv -l1 -c resources/webserv.conf
make build_image
make run_container
Open the following link in your browser to access the demo site: http://localhost:4243.
In the local version, remember to modify the paths to the Python and Bash CGI binaries in the configuration file to avoid getting 500 errors.
./webserv -h 1 ↵ tdameros@Mac-hine
Webserv 1.0
Usage: webserv [options] *.conf
webserv -c example.conf
-h, --help Show this help message.
-l, --log-level=LEVEL Set the logging level (LEVEL between 0 and 4).
-f, --log-file=FILE Specify the log file (FILE).
-c, --log-color Enable colored logging output.
-s, --syntax Check the syntax of the configuration file.
The tests use Python along with Siege to conduct stress tests on the web server.
make test