Key Cat
It's pretty much just the cat
command, but with syntax highlighting and the ability to key path into JSON files.
Install it with cargo
$ cargo install kcat
Then you can use it!:
kcat [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] [FILE]...
-c, --cache-theme Cache the parsed theme file
-h, --help Prints help information
-L, --list-embedded-themes Lists themes present in the executable
-l, --list-file-types Lists supported file types
-e, --no-default-syntaxes Doesn't load default syntaxes, intended for use with --extra-syntaxes.
-V, --version Prints version information
-k, --KEY PATH <KEY PATH> key path
-s, --extra-syntaxes <SYNTAX FOLDER> Additional folder to search for .sublime-syntax files in.
-t, --theme-file <THEME FILE> Theme file to use. May be a path, or an embedded theme. Embedded themes will
take precedence. Default: base16-ocean.dark
<FILE>... file path
Key paths work like you'd expect. A typical command would look like:
$ kcat package.json -k scripts.start
Sure does.
I have no idea--probably not, in fact. But let me know!
It's probably fast enough.
Probably not.
Relies heavily on syntect for both highlighting and most of the implementation.