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Normative: Annex B Regular Expressions updates to match web reality
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- Removed invalid respecification of the PatternCharacter production (B.1.4 shouldn't affect Unicode RegExp)

- Added InvalidBracedQuantifier to reject `/{1}/` (previously allowed through ExtendedTerm -> Atom -> PatternCharacter)
- Added ExtendedPatternCharacter to allow forms like `/{*/`, `/}*/` `/]/`
- ExtendedPatternCharacter also handles `/\c%/` by removing the `\` restriction (`/\c%/` is equivalent to writing `/\\c%/`)
- Added support for `/[\c_]/` and `/[\c1]/` to ClassEscape (the extended forms `\c_` and `\c<decimal digit>` are only valid in CharacterClass)
- Changed "ClassEscape :: [~U] DecimalEscape" to allow `/[\8]/` by adding the restriction "but only if the integer value of DecimalEscape is 0" [1]
- Character ranges which start or end with a non-single element CharSet are now handled in a more web-conform way [2, 3]
- Merged Term and ExtendedTerm to avoid adding redundant semantics for ExtendedTerm
- Re-ordered some production rules for clarity and to match 21.2.1

[1] This change does not match JavaScriptCore (`/[\8]/.test('\\') == true` in JSC), but also see AtomEscape for the other case where `\8` is handled differently (`/\8/.test('8') == false` in JSC).
[2] `' -a'.split('').map(s => /[\s-a]/.test(s)) == [true, true, true]` in all major browsers. The previous Annex B semantics made `/[\s-t]/` equivalent to `/[s-t]/`.
[3] This change does not match Chakra (`/[\s-a-c]/.test('b') == true` in Chakra).
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anba authored and bterlson committed Feb 3, 2016
1 parent e1e7cdc commit fbdfda6
Showing 1 changed file with 105 additions and 46 deletions.
151 changes: 105 additions & 46 deletions spec.html
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Expand Up @@ -35838,42 +35838,13 @@ <h1>Regular Expressions Patterns</h1>
Term[U] ::
[~U] ExtendedTerm
[+U] Assertion[U]
[+U] Atom[U]
[+U] Atom[U] Quantifier

ExtendedTerm ::
AtomNoBrace Quantifier
QuantifiableAssertion Quantifier

AtomNoBrace ::
`\` AtomEscape
`(` Disjunction `)`
`(` `?` `:` Disjunction `)`

Atom[U] ::
`\` AtomEscape[?U]
`(` Disjunction[?U] `)`
`(` `?` `:` Disjunction[?U] `)`

PatternCharacterNoBrace ::
SourceCharacter but not one of `^` `$` `\` `.` `*` `+` `?` `(` `)` `[` `]` `{` `}` `|`

PatternCharacter ::
SourceCharacter but not one of `^` `$` `\` `.` `*` `+` `?` `(` `)` `[` `]` `|`

QuantifiableAssertion ::
`(` `?` `=` Disjunction `)`
`(` `?` `!` Disjunction `)`
[~U] QuantifiableAssertion Quantifier
[~U] Assertion
[~U] ExtendedAtom Quantifier
[~U] ExtendedAtom

Assertion[U] ::
Expand All @@ -35884,6 +35855,27 @@ <h2>Syntax</h2>
[+U] `(` `?` `!` Disjunction[U] `)`
[~U] QuantifiableAssertion

QuantifiableAssertion ::
`(` `?` `=` Disjunction `)`
`(` `?` `!` Disjunction `)`

ExtendedAtom ::
`\` AtomEscape
`(` Disjunction `)`
`(` `?` `:` Disjunction `)`

InvalidBracedQuantifier ::
`{` DecimalDigits `}`
`{` DecimalDigits `,` `}`
`{` DecimalDigits `,` DecimalDigits `}`

ExtendedPatternCharacter ::
SourceCharacter but not one of `^` `$` `.` `*` `+` `?` `(` `)` `[` `|`

AtomEscape[U] ::
[+U] DecimalEscape
[+U] CharacterEscape[U]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -35922,27 +35914,31 @@ <h2>Syntax</h2>

ClassAtomNoDash[U] ::
SourceCharacter but not one of `\` or `]` or `-`
`\` ClassEscape[?U]
SourceCharacter but not one of `\` or `]` or `-`

ClassAtomInRange ::

ClassAtomNoDashInRange ::
`\` ClassEscape
SourceCharacter but not one of `\` or `]` or `-`
`\` ClassEscape but only if ClassEscape evaluates to a CharSet with exactly one character
`\` IdentityEscape

ClassEscape[U] ::
[+U] DecimalEscape
[+U] CharacterEscape[U]
[+U] CharacterClassEscape
[+U] `-`
[~U] DecimalEscape
[~U] DecimalEscape but only if the integer value of DecimalEscape is 0
[~U] CharacterClassEscape
[~U] `c` ClassControlLetter
[~U] CharacterEscape

ClassControlLetter ::
<p>When the same left hand sides occurs with both [+U] and [\~U] guards it is to control the disambiguation priority.</p>
Expand All @@ -35952,25 +35948,88 @@ <h2>Syntax</h2>
<emu-annex id="sec-regular-expression-patterns-semantics">
<h1>Pattern Semantics</h1>
<p>The semantics of <emu-xref href="#sec-pattern-semantics"></emu-xref> is extended as follows:</p>
<p>Within <emu-xref href="#sec-term"></emu-xref> reference to &ldquo;<emu-grammar>Atom :: `(` Disjunction `)`</emu-grammar> &rdquo; are to be interpreted as meaning &ldquo;<emu-grammar>Atom :: `(` Disjunction `)`</emu-grammar> &rdquo; or &ldquo;<emu-grammar>AtomNoBrace :: `(` Disjunction `)`</emu-grammar> &rdquo;.</p>
<p>Term (<emu-xref href="#sec-term"></emu-xref>) includes the following additional evaluation rule:</p>
<p>Within <emu-xref href="#sec-term"></emu-xref> reference to &ldquo;<emu-grammar>Atom :: `(` Disjunction `)`</emu-grammar> &rdquo; are to be interpreted as meaning &ldquo;<emu-grammar>Atom :: `(` Disjunction `)`</emu-grammar> &rdquo; or &ldquo;<emu-grammar>ExtendedAtom :: `(` Disjunction `)`</emu-grammar> &rdquo;.</p>

<p>Term (<emu-xref href="#sec-term"></emu-xref>) includes the following additional evaluation rules:</p>
<p>The production <emu-grammar>Term :: QuantifiableAssertion Quantifier</emu-grammar> evaluates the same as the production <emu-grammar>Term :: Atom Quantifier</emu-grammar> but with |QuantifiableAssertion| substituted for |Atom|.</p>
<p>Atom (<emu-xref href="#sec-atom"></emu-xref>) evaluation rules for the |Atom| productions except for <emu-grammar>Atom :: PatternCharacter</emu-grammar> are also used for the |AtomNoBrace| productions, but with |AtomNoBrace| substituted for |Atom|. The following evaluation rule is also added:</p>
<p>The production <emu-grammar>AtomNoBrace :: PatternCharacterNoBrace</emu-grammar> evaluates as follows:</p>
<p>The production <emu-grammar>Term :: ExtendedAtom Quantifier</emu-grammar> evaluates the same as the production <emu-grammar>Term :: Atom Quantifier</emu-grammar> but with |ExtendedAtom| substituted for |Atom|.</p>
<p>The production <emu-grammar>Term :: ExtendedAtom</emu-grammar> evaluates the same as the production <emu-grammar>Term :: Atom</emu-grammar> but with |ExtendedAtom| substituted for |Atom|.</p>

<p>Assertion (<emu-xref href="#sec-assertion"></emu-xref>) includes the following additional evaluation rule:</p>
<p>The production <emu-grammar>Assertion :: QuantifiableAssertion</emu-grammar> evaluates by evaluating |QuantifiableAssertion| to obtain a Matcher and returning that Matcher.</p>

<p>Assertion (<emu-xref href="#sec-assertion"></emu-xref>) evaluation rules for the <emu-grammar>Assertion :: `(` `?` `=` Disjunction `)`</emu-grammar> and <emu-grammar>Assertion :: `(` `?` `!` Disjunction `)`</emu-grammar> productions are also used for the |QuantifiableAssertion| productions, but with |QuantifiableAssertion| substituted for |Assertion|.</p>

<p>Atom (<emu-xref href="#sec-atom"></emu-xref>) evaluation rules for the |Atom| productions except for <emu-grammar>Atom :: PatternCharacter</emu-grammar> are also used for the |ExtendedAtom| productions, but with |ExtendedAtom| substituted for |Atom|. The following evaluation rules are also added:</p>
<p>The production <emu-grammar>ExtendedAtom :: InvalidBracedQuantifier</emu-grammar> evaluates as follows:</p>
1. Throw a *SyntaxError* exception.
<p>The production <emu-grammar>ExtendedAtom :: ExtendedPatternCharacter</emu-grammar> evaluates as follows:</p>
1. Let _ch_ be the character represented by |PatternCharacterNoBrace|.
1. Let _ch_ be the character represented by |ExtendedPatternCharacter|.
1. Let _A_ be a one-element CharSet containing the character _ch_.
1. Call CharacterSetMatcher(_A_, *false*) and return its Matcher result.

<p>CharacterEscape (<emu-xref href="#sec-characterescape"></emu-xref>) includes the following additional evaluation rule:</p>
<p>The production <emu-grammar>CharacterEscape :: LegacyOctalEscapeSequence</emu-grammar> evaluates by evaluating the SV of the |LegacyOctalEscapeSequence| (see <emu-xref href="#sec-additional-syntax-string-literals"></emu-xref>) and returning its character result.</p>

<p>NonemptyClassRanges (<emu-xref href="#sec-nonemptyclassranges"></emu-xref>) includes the following additional evaluation rule:</p>
<p>The production <emu-grammar>NonemptyClassRanges :: ClassAtomInRange `-` ClassAtomInRange ClassRanges</emu-grammar> evaluates as follows:</p>
1. Evaluate the first |ClassAtomInRange| to obtain a CharSet _A_.
1. Evaluate the second |ClassAtomInRange| to obtain a CharSet _B_.
1. Evaluate |ClassRanges| to obtain a CharSet _C_.
1. Call CharacterRangeOrUnion(_A_, _B_) and let _D_ be the resulting CharSet.
1. Return the union of CharSets _D_ and _C_.

<p>NonemptyClassRangesNoDash (<emu-xref href="#sec-nonemptyclassrangesnodash"></emu-xref>) includes the following additional evaluation rule:</p>
<p>The production <emu-grammar>NonemptyClassRangesNoDash :: ClassAtomNoDashInRange `-` ClassAtomInRange ClassRanges</emu-grammar> evaluates as follows:</p>
1. Evaluate |ClassAtomNoDashInRange| to obtain a CharSet _A_.
1. Evaluate |ClassAtomInRange| to obtain a CharSet _B_.
1. Evaluate |ClassRanges| to obtain a CharSet _C_.
1. Call CharacterRangeOrUnion(_A_, _B_) and let _D_ be the resulting CharSet.
1. Return the union of CharSets _D_ and _C_.

<p>ClassAtom (<emu-xref href="#sec-classatom"></emu-xref>) includes the following additional evaluation rules:</p>
<p>The production <emu-grammar>ClassAtomInRange :: `-`</emu-grammar> evaluates by returning the CharSet containing the one character `-`.</p>
<p>The production <emu-grammar>ClassAtomInRange :: ClassAtomNoDashInRange</emu-grammar> evaluates by evaluating |ClassAtomNoDashInRange| to obtain a CharSet and returning that CharSet.</p>

<p>ClassAtomNoDash (<emu-xref href="#sec-classatomnodash"></emu-xref>) includes the following additional evaluation rules:</p>
<p>The production <emu-grammar>ClassAtomNoDashInRange :: SourceCharacter but not one of `\` or `]` or `-`</emu-grammar> evaluates by returning a one-element CharSet containing the character represented by |SourceCharacter|.</p>
<p>The production <emu-grammar>ClassAtomNoDashInRange :: `\` ClassEscape</emu-grammar> but only if&hellip;, evaluates by evaluating |ClassEscape| to obtain a CharSet and returning that CharSet.</p>
<p>The production <emu-grammar>ClassAtomNoDashInRange :: `\` IdentityEscape</emu-grammar> evaluates by returning the character represented by |IdentityEscape|.</p>
<p>The production <emu-grammar>ClassAtomNoDash :: SourceCharacter but not one of `]` or `-`</emu-grammar> evaluates by returning a one-element CharSet containing the character represented by |SourceCharacter|.</p>
<p>The production <emu-grammar>ClassAtomNoDashInRange :: `\` ClassEscape</emu-grammar> evaluates by evaluating |ClassEscape| to obtain a CharSet and returning that CharSet.</p>
<p>The production <emu-grammar>ClassAtomNoDashInRange :: SourceCharacter but not one of `]` or `-`</emu-grammar> evaluates by returning a one-element CharSet containing the character represented by |SourceCharacter|.</p>

<p>ClassEscape (<emu-xref href="#sec-classescape"></emu-xref>) includes the following additional evaluation rules:</p>
<p>The production <emu-grammar>ClassEscape :: DecimalEscape but only if &hellip;</emu-grammar> evaluates as follows:</p>
1. Evaluate |DecimalEscape| to obtain an EscapeValue _E_.
1. Assert: _E_ is a character.
1. Let _ch_ be _E_'s character.
1. Return the one-element CharSet containing the character _ch_.
<p>The production <emu-grammar>ClassEscape :: `c` ClassControlLetter</emu-grammar> evaluates as follows:</p>
1. Let _ch_ be the character matched by |ClassControlLetter|.
1. Let _i_ be _ch_'s character value.
1. Let _j_ be the remainder of dividing _i_ by 32.
1. Return the character whose character value is _j_.

<emu-annex id="sec-runtime-semantics-characterrangeorunion-abstract-operation" aoid="CharacterRangeOrUnion">
<h1>Runtime Semantics: CharacterRangeOrUnion Abstract Operation</h1>
<p>The abstract operation CharacterRangeOrUnion takes two CharSet parameters _A_ and _B_ and performs the following steps:</p>
1. If _A_ does not contain exactly one character or _B_ does not contain exactly one character, then
1. Let _C_ be the CharSet containing the single character - U+002D (HYPEN-MINUS).
1. Return the union of CharSets _A_, _B_ and _C_.
1. Return CharacterRange(_A_, _B_).
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