ThaiRepose website is a web application that helps to find areas that users want to travel and it can help people to make decisions for making trips. People who don't even have any experience planning a trip before, it can help them to easily plan a trip. will be a community for people who love to travel.
- Project Proposal
- Requirements
- Vision Statement
- Project checklist (Google Docs)
- Code Checklist
- Code Review Procedure
- Final Presentation slide
Name | Recommended version(s) |
Python | 3.9 or higher |
Django | 3 or higher |
Clone this project repository to your machine.
git clone
Get into the directory of this repository.
cd thairepose
Create a virtual environment.
python -m venv venv
Activate the virtual environment.
- for Mac OS / Linux.
source venv/bin/activate
- for Windows.
Install all required packages.
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you're using Windows
Run this command to install caching system.pip install --editable src\caching\.
file in the same level as and write down:DEBUG=True SECRET_KEY=Your-Secret-Key HOSTS=localhost, BACKEND_API_KEY=Your-Google-API-key-in-server-side FRONTEND_API_KEY=Your-Google-API-key-in-client-side EMAIL_HOST_USER=email-for-send-verification-form EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD=email-password EMAIL_PORT=Your-configured-email-port EMAIL_HOST=Your-email-provider-host EMAIL_USE_TLS=TLS-using-true-or-false EMAIL_USE_SSL=SSL-using-true-or-false SITE_ID=1
Install TailwindCSS framework.
python tailwind install
Build TailwindCSS frontend framework the get GUI.
python tailwind build
Run this command to migrate the database.
python migrate --run-syncdb
Start running caching system.
tr-caching start
Start running the server by this command in another terminal.
python runserver
Add Oauth API Key in Admin page in social app (e.g. in local:
- Add provider.
- Add client id and secret key that retrieve form API owner.
- Add site to chosen sites.
Instruction of getting OAuth API Key:
Name | Github |
Tawan Boonma | ☕️ tboonma |
Tanin Pewluangsawat | 💤 TaninDean |
Vitvara Varavithya | 💦 vitvara |
Nabhan Suwanachote | ☔ nabhan-au |