- Fix masking
- Fix tokenizer
- Positional encodings
- Loss per token
every shape - fix loss calculation, use logits not softmax
- fix learned weight dims
- Tokenizer (train on Shakespeare)
- Qualitatively evaluate generations
- LayerNorm
- Batching
- KV cache
Loss graph for LAMBADA next word prediction
My goal was to end up with a deeper understanding of the Transformer architecture by writing it "from scratch". My primary sources were the Attention Is All You Need paper (Vaswani et al) and the Torch documentation. I was strict about LLMs, using them to help me check my reasoning and offer high-level feedback on code, but not for actually generating code. A lot of time spent just scribbling on pen and paper and bashing my head against the wall. Overall, pretty satisfied with the approach, as I feel more comfortable with Torch than I would have otherwise. Ofc I didn't do everything from scratch - towards the end I referred to Jalammar's visual guide to see if my intuition was on track, I used built in LayerNorm, BPE tokenizer etc. Building from scratch is an infinite rabbithole but I'm pretty happy with the compromise I struck in that fractal execise
Here are some first principle questions to answer (source):
- What is different architecturally from the Transformer, vs a normal RNN, like an LSTM? (Specifically, how are recurrence and time managed?)
- Attention is defined as, Attention(Q,K,V) = softmax(QK^T/sqrt(d_k))V. What are the dimensions for Q, K, and V? Why do we use this setup? What other combinations could we do with (Q,K) that also output weights?
- Are the dense layers different at each multi-head attention block? Why or why not?
- Why do we have so many skip connections, especially connecting the input of an attention function to the output? Intuitively, what if we didn't?
Solutions: https://chatgpt.com/share/671590d9-3268-800d-b9f6-f9802dc366d0