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@tavinus tavinus released this 10 Dec 18:24
· 20 commits to master since this release

v0.3.0 :

  • Sort package list by package names
  • Ignore opkg warnings
    • opkg list-upgradable may print something like "Multiple packages (libpthread and libpthread) providing same name marked HOLD or PREFER. Using latest." within the list. This used to cause an error because it would be parsed as a package name.
    • It was kind of rare though. I THINK it only happens on TRUNK/BETA versions that are very old.
  • Use awk + printf to print an ASCII table of the updates (prettier)

Example of the new/prettier package list:

# ./ -n

Simple OPKG Updater v0.3.0

Done | Ignoring package lists update
Done | Getting upgradable packages list

Packages available for upgrade: 74

|   # | Package                  | Current                    | Update                     |
|   1 | busybox                  | 1.28.3-3                   | 1.29.3-3                   |
|   2 | dropbear                 | 2017.75-5                  | 2017.75-8                  |
|   3 | firewall                 | 2018-05-19-30463d08-1      | 2018-12-06-14589c80-2      |
|   4 | fstools                  | 2018-05-23-dd02dad3-1      | 2018-09-29-29e53af0-3      |
|   5 | hostapd-common           | 2018-05-21-62566bc2-4      | 2018-05-21-62566bc2-6      |
|   6 | ip6tables                | 1.6.2-1                    | 1.8.2-2                    |
|   7 | iptables                 | 1.6.2-1                    | 1.8.2-2                    |
|   8 | iwinfo                   | 2018-05-18-e59f9253-1      | 2018-07-31-65b8333f-1      |
|   9 | jshn                     | 2018-04-12-6eff829d-1      | 2018-07-25-c83a84af-2      |
|  10 | kmod-ath                 | 4.9.107+2017-11-01-9       | 4.14.82+4.19-rc5-1-1       |
|  11 | kmod-ath10k              | 4.9.107+2017-11-01-9       | 4.14.82+4.19-rc5-1-1       |
|  12 | kmod-ath9k               | 4.9.107+2017-11-01-9       | 4.14.82+4.19-rc5-1-1       |
|  13 | kmod-ath9k-common        | 4.9.107+2017-11-01-9       | 4.14.82+4.19-rc5-1-1       |
|  14 | kmod-cfg80211            | 4.9.107+2017-11-01-9       | 4.14.82+4.19-rc5-1-1       |
|  15 | kmod-gpio-button-hotplug | 4.9.107-2                  | 4.14.82-2                  |
|  16 | kmod-ip6tables           | 4.9.107-1                  | 4.14.82-1                  |
|  17 | kmod-ipt-conntrack       | 4.9.107-1                  | 4.14.82-1                  |
|  18 | kmod-ipt-core            | 4.9.107-1                  | 4.14.82-1                  |
|  19 | kmod-ipt-nat             | 4.9.107-1                  | 4.14.82-1                  |
|  20 | kmod-lib-crc-ccitt       | 4.9.107-1                  | 4.14.82-1                  |
|  21 | kmod-mac80211            | 4.9.107+2017-11-01-9       | 4.14.82+4.19-rc5-1-1       |
|  22 | kmod-nf-conntrack        | 4.9.107-1                  | 4.14.82-1                  |
|  23 | kmod-nf-conntrack6       | 4.9.107-1                  | 4.14.82-1                  |
|  24 | kmod-nf-ipt              | 4.9.107-1                  | 4.14.82-1                  |
|  25 | kmod-nf-ipt6             | 4.9.107-1                  | 4.14.82-1                  |
|  26 | kmod-nf-nat              | 4.9.107-1                  | 4.14.82-1                  |
|  27 | kmod-nf-reject           | 4.9.107-1                  | 4.14.82-1                  |
|  28 | kmod-nf-reject6          | 4.9.107-1                  | 4.14.82-1                  |
|  29 | kmod-ppp                 | 4.9.107-1                  | 4.14.82-1                  |
|  30 | kmod-pppoe               | 4.9.107-1                  | 4.14.82-1                  |
|  31 | kmod-pppox               | 4.9.107-1                  | 4.14.82-1                  |
|  32 | kmod-slhc                | 4.9.107-1                  | 4.14.82-1                  |
|  33 | libblobmsg-json          | 2018-04-12-6eff829d-1      | 2018-07-25-c83a84af-2      |
|  34 | libip4tc                 | 1.6.2-1                    | 1.8.2-2                    |
|  35 | libip6tc                 | 1.6.2-1                    | 1.8.2-2                    |
|  36 | libiwinfo                | 2018-05-18-e59f9253-1      | 2018-07-31-65b8333f-1      |
|  37 | libjson-c                | 0.12.1-1                   | 0.12.1-2                   |
|  38 | libjson-script           | 2018-04-12-6eff829d-1      | 2018-07-25-c83a84af-2      |
|  39 | libpthread               | 1.1.19-1                   | 1.1.20-1                   |
|  40 | libubox                  | 2018-04-12-6eff829d-1      | 2018-07-25-c83a84af-2      |
|  41 | libubus                  | 2018-01-16-5bae22eb-1      | 2018-10-06-221ce7e7-1      |
|  42 | libuci                   | 2018-03-24-5d2bf09e-1      | 2018-08-11-4c8b4d6e-1      |
|  43 | libuclient               | 2017-11-02-4b87d831-1      | 2018-11-24-3ba74ebc-1      |
|  44 | libxtables               | 1.6.2-1                    | 1.8.2-2                    |
|  45 | luci                     | git-18.295.70765-c74d9c0-1 | git-18.340.83538-1b26c91-1 |
|  46 | luci-app-firewall        | git-18.295.70765-c74d9c0-1 | git-18.340.83538-1b26c91-1 |
|  47 | luci-base                | git-18.295.70765-c74d9c0-1 | git-18.340.83538-1b26c91-1 |
|  48 | luci-lib-ip              | git-18.295.70765-c74d9c0-1 | git-18.340.83538-1b26c91-1 |
|  49 | luci-lib-jsonc           | git-18.295.70765-c74d9c0-1 | git-18.340.83538-1b26c91-1 |
|  50 | luci-lib-nixio           | git-18.295.70765-c74d9c0-1 | git-18.340.83538-1b26c91-1 |
|  51 | luci-mod-admin-full      | git-18.295.70765-c74d9c0-1 | git-18.340.83538-1b26c91-1 |
|  52 | luci-mod-network         | git-18.295.70765-c74d9c0-1 | git-18.340.83538-1b26c91-1 |
|  53 | luci-mod-status          | git-18.295.70765-c74d9c0-1 | git-18.340.83538-1b26c91-1 |
|  54 | luci-mod-system          | git-18.295.70765-c74d9c0-1 | git-18.340.83538-1b26c91-1 |
|  55 | luci-proto-ipv6          | git-18.295.70765-c74d9c0-1 | git-18.340.83538-1b26c91-1 |
|  56 | luci-proto-ppp           | git-18.295.70765-c74d9c0-1 | git-18.340.83538-1b26c91-1 |
|  57 | luci-ssl                 | git-18.295.70765-c74d9c0-1 | git-18.340.83538-1b26c91-1 |
|  58 | luci-theme-bootstrap     | git-18.295.70765-c74d9c0-1 | git-18.340.83538-1b26c91-1 |
|  59 | mtd                      | 21                         | 23                         |
|  60 | netifd                   | 2018-05-30-a580028d-1      | 2018-11-26-dfa4ede4-1      |
|  61 | odhcp6c                  | 2018-04-29-5316d7f8-12     | 2018-07-14-67ae6a71-16     |
|  62 | odhcpd-ipv6only          | 1.7-1                      | 1.13-3                     |
|  63 | ppp                      | 2.4.7-12                   | 2.4.7-14                   |
|  64 | ppp-mod-pppoe            | 2.4.7-12                   | 2.4.7-14                   |
|  65 | procd                    | 2018-03-28-dfb68f85-1      | 2018-11-23-d6673547-1      |
|  66 | rpcd                     | 2018-08-16-41333abe-1      | 2018-11-22-c79ef222-1      |
|  67 | uboot-envtools           | 2018.03-1                  | 2018.03-2                  |
|  68 | ubus                     | 2018-01-16-5bae22eb-1      | 2018-10-06-221ce7e7-1      |
|  69 | ubusd                    | 2018-01-16-5bae22eb-1      | 2018-10-06-221ce7e7-1      |
|  70 | uci                      | 2018-03-24-5d2bf09e-1      | 2018-08-11-4c8b4d6e-1      |
|  71 | uclient-fetch            | 2017-11-02-4b87d831-1      | 2018-11-24-3ba74ebc-1      |
|  72 | uhttpd                   | 2018-08-23-b741dec3-1      | 2018-11-28-cdfc902a-1      |
|  73 | wpad-mini                | 2018-05-21-62566bc2-4      | 2018-05-21-62566bc2-6      |

Proceed with upgrade? (Y/y to proceed) n

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