This is a system designed in Spring Boot/Data/Cloud to provide REST APIs for food ordering/delivery system.
- Mongo DB is running on docker, image specified in docker-compose.yml file, and started by docker-compose.
- Spring Data Rest is used for quick DB access and verification.
- Spring Boot is used for fast REST API development and independant deployment.
- Spring Boot Actuator is used to provide monitoring information. (/health, /metrics... etc.)
- HAL Browser is used for quick repository exploration.
- Lombok is used to eliminate constructors and getter/setter implementation for cleaner coding style.
- Spring Cloud is used to provide infrastructure services.
- Eureka is used for microservices registration and discovery.
- Hystrix is used as circuit breaker when failure to prevent avalanche in system.
- RabbitMQ is used to decouple microservices.
- WebSocket is used to send message to UI.
- RestTemplate is used to communicate between microservices.
- User can search a restaurant based on restaurant name.
- User can order food by choosing different menu item, quantity and add a note about his/her diet restrictions and etc.
- User can fill in the delivery address.
- After user places an order, the order should contain the food items user ordered, quantity, price and order time.
- User needs to pay for his/her order by providing credit card number, expiration date and security code.
- After payment is made successfully, it should return payment ID, timesatmp and then the order is considered as completed so the user can see the estimated delivery time.
- Estimated delivery time is a random time between 5 minutes ~ 1 hour.
Search restaurant by name
GET localhost:8001/api/restaurants?name=<restaurant_name>
"id": <restaurant_id>,
"name": <restaurant_name>
Create a restaurant
POST localhost:8001/api/restaurants
Request Body
"name": <restaurant_name>
Return HttpStatus.CREATED
Get all menu items by restaurant id
GET localhost:8001/api/restaurants/{restaurantId}/menuItems
"id": <menu_item_id>,
"restaurantId": <restaurantId>,
"name": <menu_item_name>,
"description": <menu_item_description>,
"price": <menu_item_price>
Create menu item
POST localhost:8001/api/restaurants/{restaurantId>/menuItems
Request Body
"restaurantId": <restaurantId>,
"name": <menu_item_name>,
"description": <menu_item_description>,
"price": <menu_item_price>
Return HttpStatus.CREATED
Bulk upload menu items
POST localhost:8001/api/restaurants/bulk/menuItems
Request Body
"restaurantId": <restaurantId>,
"name": <menu_item_name>,
"description": <menu_item_description>,
"price": <menu_item_price>
Return HttpStatus.CREATED
Create an order
POST localhost:8002/api/restaurants/{rid}/orders
"restaurantId": <restaurant_id>,
"name": <menu_item_name>,
"price": <menu_item_price>,
"quantity": <# of items>
"firstName": <customer_first_name>,
"lastName": <customer_last_name>,
"phone": <customer_phone>,
"address": <customer_address>
"specialNote": <special_note>
"id": <order_id>,
"restaurantId": <restaurant_id>,
"name": <menu_item_name>,
"price": <menu_item_price>,
"quantity": <# of items>
"firstName": <customer_first_name>,
"lastName": <customer_last_name>,
"phone": <customer_phone>,
"address": <customer_address>
"specialNote": <special_note>,
"totalPrice": <total_price>,
"orderTime": <order_time_in_milliseconds>
Payment distribution
POST localhost:8003/api/payments
"orderId": <order_id>,
"amount": <payment_amount>,
"firstName": <first_name>,
"lastName": <lastName>,
"expiredMonth": <month>,
"expiredYear": <year>,
"securityCode": <security_code>
Note: Since payment process can be slow and become a bottleneck in a busy environment, this API will send the payment information to message queue for Payment Service to process.
Process payment
POST localhost:8004/api/payments
"orderId": <order_id>,
"amount": <payment_amount>,
"firstName": <first_name>,
"lastName": <lastName>,
"expiredMonth": <month>,
"expiredYear": <year>,
"securityCode": <security_code>
Note: **Hystrix** fallbackMethod is added in case processPayment() fails.
Note: this API will store the payment into DB, find the matching order and update the order paymentId, deliveryTime, and notify Order Complete Service with RestTemplate.
Order complete
POST localhost:8005/api/orders
"id": <order_id>,
"name": <menu_item_name>,
"price": <menu_item_price>,
"quantity": <# of items>
"firstName": <customer_first_name>,
"lastName": <customer_last_name>,
"phone": <customer_phone>,
"address": <customer_address>
"specialNote": <special_note>,
"totalPrice": <total_order_price>,
"orderTime": <order_time>,
"deliveryTime": <food_delivery_time>,
"paymentId": <payment_id>
Note: This API will serialize the order to WebSocket channel: "topic/orders", UI can subscribe to this channel to receive message and display to user.
docker-compose up -d
Find mongodb container id
docker ps
Enter mongodb container by typing the first 3 charactters of the container id (ex: '9cd'), then type mongo inside the container to use mongodb shell command.
docker exec -it 9cd bash
# mongo // open mongo shell
> use test // Spring boot use test db as default
> show collections // show all collections inside test db
> // show all data inside restaurant table
> exit // quit mongo shell
> exit // exit container shell
mvn clean install
sh ./
sh ./
sh ./
sh ./
sh ./
sh ./
sh ./
cd restaurant-service
sh ./
Note: default restaurant id for testing: "11111111-1111-1111-11111111111111111".
port: 8001 can be changed for different services.
Go to Queues -> binder.payments
Note: 8005 can be changed for different services.
Create an order
POST localhost:8002/api/restaurants/11111111-1111-1111-11111111111111111/orders
"restaurantId": "11111111-1111-1111-11111111111111111",
"items": [
"name": "menuItem 1",
"price": 11,
"quantity": 2
"name": "menuItem 2",
"price": 12,
"quantity": 3
"userInfo": {
"firstName": "first1",
"lastName": "last1",
"phone": "14081234567",
"address": "123 stree1 ave, San Jose, CA 95123"
"id": "5903e81327b884525eb9a5be",
"totalPrice": 58,
Post a payment for the order
POST localhost:8003/api/payments
"amount": 58,
"orderId": "5903e81327b884525eb9a5be",
"creditCardInfo": {
"firstName": "first 1",
"lastName": "last 1",
"expiredMonth": "02",
"expiredYear": "2019",
"securityCode": "231"
Check RabbitMQ, you will see a message is queued by payment-distribution and consumed by payment-service.
At the log of order-complet-updater, you will see the following message: "Receive order = Order(id=5903e81327b884525eb9a5be, ..." "WebSocketSession[1 current WS(1)-HttpStream(0)-HttpPoll(0), 3 total..."
So the message has been sent out through WebSocket by order-complete-updater.
To see the message with test UI:
Click on "Subscribe to Order Complete Updates" to subscribe the channel.
Click on "Send Test Message" to send out the test JSON object.
See the message received at the buttom text box.
Subscribed to /topic/orders
sendMessage triggered
"id": "5903e81327b884525eb9a5be",
"restaurantId": "11111111-1111-1111-11111111111111111",
"items": [
"name": "menuItem 1",
"price": 11,
"quantity": 2
"name": "menuItem 2",
"price": 12,
"quantity": 3
"totalPrice": 58,
"orderTime": 1493428243933,
"specialNote": "",
"deliveryTime": 1493486808730,
"paymentId": "",
"userInfo": {
"id": "",
"firstName": "first1",
"lastName": "last1",
"phone": "14081234567",
"address": "123 stree1 ave, San Jose, CA 95123"
Open Hystrix dashboard
Monitor order-complete-updater
Stop order-complete-updater. Post a payment to payment-service. Watch processPayment error rate jump from 0.0 to 100%. Watch error message from fallback method in log. Keep posting the same payment again and again, eventually, see the Circuit status changed to "Opened" from "Closed."