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A React Native module that allows you to use native UI to select media from the device library or directly from the camera


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React Native Image Picker npm version npm MIT Platform - Android and iOS Gitter chat

A React Native module that allows you to use native UI to select a photo/video from the device library or directly from the camera, like so:

iOS Android

Before you open an issue

This library started as a basic bridge of the native iOS image picker, and I want to keep it that way. As such, functionality beyond what the native UIImagePickerController supports will not be supported here. Multiple image selection, more control over the crop tool, and landscape support are things missing from the native iOS functionality - not issues with my library. If you need these things, react-native-image-crop-picker might be a better choice for you.

Table of contents



npm install react-native-image-picker@latest --save

Automatic Installation

react-native link

IMPORTANT NOTE: You'll still need to perform step 4 for iOS and steps 2 and 5 for Android of the manual instructions below.

Manual Installation


  1. In the XCode's "Project navigator", right click on your project's Libraries folder ➜ Add Files to <...>
  2. Go to node_modulesreact-native-image-pickerios ➜ select RNImagePicker.xcodeproj
  3. Add RNImagePicker.a to Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries
  4. For iOS 10+, Add the NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription, NSCameraUsageDescription, NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription and NSMicrophoneUsageDescription (if allowing video) keys to your Info.plist with strings describing why your app needs these permissions. Note: You will get a SIGABRT crash if you don't complete this step
<plist version="1.0">
    <string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) would like access to your photo gallery</string>
    <string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) would like to use your camera</string>
    <string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) would like to save photos to your photo gallery</string>
    <string>$(PRODUCT_NAME) would like to your microphone (for videos)</string>
  1. Compile and have fun


  1. Add the following lines to android/settings.gradle:

    include ':react-native-image-picker'
    project(':react-native-image-picker').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-image-picker/android')
  2. Update the android build tools version to 2.2.+ in android/build.gradle:

    buildscript {
        dependencies {
            classpath '' // <- USE 2.2.+ version
  3. Update the gradle version to 2.14.1 in android/gradle/wrapper/

  4. Add the compile line to the dependencies in android/app/build.gradle:

    dependencies {
        compile project(':react-native-image-picker')
  5. Add the required permissions in AndroidManifest.xml:

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
  6. Add the import and link the package in

    import com.imagepicker.ImagePickerPackage; // <-- add this import
    public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {
        protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
            return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
                new MainReactPackage(),
                new ImagePickerPackage() // <-- add this line
                // OR if you want to customize dialog style
                new ImagePickerPackage(
Android (Optional)

Customization settings of dialog android/app/res/values/themes.xml (android/app/res/values/style.xml is a valid path as well):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <style name="DefaultExplainingPermissionsTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.Dialog.Alert">
        <!-- Used for the buttons -->
        <item name="colorAccent">@color/your_color</item>

        <!-- Used for the title and text -->
        <item name="android:textColorPrimary">@color/your_color</item>

        <!-- Used for the background -->
        <item name="android:background">@color/your_color</item>

If MainActivity is not instance of ReactActivity, you will need to implement OnImagePickerPermissionsCallback to MainActivity:

import com.imagepicker.permissions.OnImagePickerPermissionsCallback; // <- add this import
import com.facebook.react.modules.core.PermissionListener; // <- add this import

public class MainActivity extends YourActivity implements OnImagePickerPermissionsCallback {
  private PermissionListener listener; // <- add this attribute

  // Your methods here

  // Copy from here

  public void setPermissionListener(PermissionListener listener)
    this.listener = listener;

  public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String[] permissions, int[] grantResults)
    if (listener != null)
      listener.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);
    super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);

  // To here

This code allows to pass result of request permissions to native part.


var ImagePicker = require('react-native-image-picker');

// More info on all the options is below in the README...just some common use cases shown here
var options = {
  title: 'Select Avatar',
  customButtons: [
    {name: 'fb', title: 'Choose Photo from Facebook'},
  storageOptions: {
    skipBackup: true,
    path: 'images'

 * The first arg is the options object for customization (it can also be null or omitted for default options),
 * The second arg is the callback which sends object: response (more info below in README)
ImagePicker.showImagePicker(options, (response) => {
  console.log('Response = ', response);

  if (response.didCancel) {
    console.log('User cancelled image picker');
  else if (response.error) {
    console.log('ImagePicker Error: ', response.error);
  else if (response.customButton) {
    console.log('User tapped custom button: ', response.customButton);
  else {
    let source = { uri: response.uri };

    // You can also display the image using data:
    // let source = { uri: 'data:image/jpeg;base64,' + };

      avatarSource: source

Then later, if you want to display this image in your render() method:

<Image source={this.state.avatarSource} style={styles.uploadAvatar} />

Directly Launching the Camera or Image Library

To Launch the Camera or Image Library directly (skipping the alert dialog) you can do the following:

// Launch Camera:
ImagePicker.launchCamera(options, (response)  => {
  // Same code as in above section!

// Open Image Library:
ImagePicker.launchImageLibrary(options, (response)  => {
  // Same code as in above section!


On iOS, don't assume that the absolute uri returned will persist. See #107


option iOS Android Info
title OK OK Specify null or empty string to remove the title
cancelButtonTitle OK OK Specify null or empty string to remove this button (Android only)
takePhotoButtonTitle OK OK Specify null or empty string to remove this button
chooseFromLibraryButtonTitle OK OK Specify null or empty string to remove this button
customButtons OK OK An array containing objects with the name and title of buttons
cameraType OK - 'front' or 'back'
mediaType OK OK 'photo', 'video', or 'mixed' on iOS, 'photo' or 'video' on Android
maxWidth OK OK Photos only
maxHeight OK OK Photos only
quality OK OK 0 to 1, photos only
videoQuality OK OK 'low', 'medium', or 'high' on iOS, 'low' or 'high' on Android
durationLimit OK OK Max video recording time, in seconds
rotation - OK Photos only, 0 to 360 degrees of rotation
allowsEditing OK - bool - enables built in iOS functionality to resize the image after selection
noData OK OK If true, disables the base64 data field from being generated (greatly improves performance on large photos)
storageOptions OK OK If this key is provided, the image will be saved in your app's Documents directory on iOS, or your app's Pictures directory on Android (rather than a temporary directory)
storageOptions.skipBackup OK - If true, the photo will NOT be backed up to iCloud
storageOptions.path OK - If set, will save the image at Documents/[path]/ rather than the root Documents
storageOptions.cameraRoll OK OK If true, the cropped photo will be saved to the iOS Camera Roll or Android DCIM folder.
storageOptions.waitUntilSaved OK - If true, will delay the response callback until after the photo/video was saved to the Camera Roll. If the photo or video was just taken, then the file name and timestamp fields are only provided in the response object when this AND cameraRoll are both true.
permissionDenied.title - OK Title of explaining permissions dialog. By default Permission denied.
permissionDenied.text - OK Message of explaining permissions dialog. By default To be able to take pictures with your camera and choose images from your library..
permissionDenied.reTryTitle - OK Title of re-try button. By default re-try
permissionDenied.okTitle - OK Title of ok button. By default I'm sure

The Response Object

key iOS Android Description
didCancel OK OK Informs you if the user cancelled the process
error OK OK Contains an error message, if there is one
customButton OK OK If the user tapped one of your custom buttons, contains the name of it
data OK OK The base64 encoded image data (photos only)
uri OK OK The uri to the local file asset on the device (photo or video)
origURL OK - The URL of the original asset in photo library, if it exists
isVertical OK OK Will be true if the image is vertically oriented
width OK OK Image dimensions (photos only)
height OK OK Image dimensions (photos only)
fileSize OK OK The file size (photos only)
type - OK The file type (photos only)
fileName OK (photos and videos) OK (photos) The file name
path - OK The file path
latitude OK OK Latitude metadata, if available
longitude OK OK Longitude metadata, if available
timestamp OK OK Timestamp metadata, if available, in ISO8601 UTC format
originalRotation - OK Rotation degrees (photos only) See #109


A React Native module that allows you to use native UI to select media from the device library or directly from the camera







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