SkLunar is a Skript addon that adds support for the Lunar Apollo API.
This addon is still in development so not all features of Apollo are supported yet. Below is a list of all the elements that are currently supported.
- Display a colored beam to players at a location
- Remove a beam from players
- Reset all beams for a player
- Display a client side border to players
- Remove a client side border from players
- Reset all borders for a player
- Display a live chat message to players
- Remove a chat message from players
- Override the color of a player's fire
- Ability to disable the 1.8 miss penalty
- Display a custom cooldown with an item
- Display a custom cooldown with a custom resource image
- Remove a custom cooldown from players
- Reset all cooldowns for a player
- Override a sheep's rainbow state
- Reset a sheep's rainbow state
- Override an entity's flip state
- Reset an entity's flip state
- Add a glint to unenchanted items
- Add a custom color glint to items
- Override the glow color of a player
- Remove a glow from a player
- Reset all glows for a player
- Display a hologram to players
- Remove a hologram from players
- Reset all holograms for a player
- Hide an armor piece from a player
- Reset a hidden armor piece from a player
- Hide a body part from a player
- Reset a hidden body part from a player
- Disable a mod for a player
- Reset a mod to its default state for a player
- Disable a mod for the entire server
- Display a custom nametag with multiple lines to players
- Remove a custom nametag from players
- Override a player's nick
- Reset a player's nick
- Display a custom notification with a resource image to players
- Reset all custom notifications for a player
- Override a player's rich presence
- Reset a player's rich presence
- Change the displayed hunger and saturation levels of an item
- Retrieve and modify server rules for a player
- Enable and disable staff mode for a player
- Start a stopwatch for a player
- Stop a player's stopwatch
- Reset a player's stopwatch
- Create a Lunar team
- Add and remove players from a team
- Create custom team markers
- Display a custom title to players
- Display an interpolated title to players
- Reset all titles for a player
- Set the TNT countdown ticks option
- Reset the TNT countdown ticks option
- Spawn a TNT with a custom tick amount
- Transfer a player to another server
- Listen for a transfer accept and reject event.
- Display a vignette overlay to players
- Remove a vignette overlay from players
- Display a custom waypoint to players
- Remove a custom waypoint from players
- Reset all waypoints for a player
- Check if a player is using the Lunar Client
- Get a list of all players using the Lunar Client
- List for when a player joins or leaves with the Lunar Client
Since this addon is still in development, there are bound to be bugs. If you find any, please report them in the issues section or DM tarna256
in Discord.