SimpleRTP is a simple random teleport plugin. It is designed to be lightweight and easy to use.
Command | Description | Default Permission |
/rtp | Teleport to a random location | rtp.use |
Everything is configurable in the config.yml file. The default config is as follows:
world: "world"
countdown: 3
cancel-on-move: true
rtp: 60
rtp: "rtp.use"
cooldownBypass: "rtp.cooldown.bypass"
no-permission: "&cYou do not have permission to use this command."
teleported: "&aYou have been teleported to a location {x}, {z}!"
teleporting: "&cYou are already teleporting. Please wait."
waiting: "&cPlease wait while we find a location for you to teleport to."
cooldown: "&aYou must wait &c{time} &aseconds before using this command again."
countdown: "&aTeleporting in &c{time} &aseconds..."
cancel: "&cTeleportation cancelled because you moved."
x-min: -1000
x-max: 1000
z-min: -1000
z-max: 1000