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tanthammar edited this page Sep 27, 2020 · 1 revision


The form component supports all types of relationships!

Just add ->relation() to any field and handle the data in the saveFoo() hook. Instead of writing default methods to support all Laravel relationships the saveFoo() hook gives you total freedom on how you want to manipulate the data before it is being saved. This way you can define any type of relationship you want.

You are responsible for saving the data

The relationship fields are ignored in the default save method. If you do not handle it with the saveFoo() hook it will be as if it didn't exist in the form at all. The method is executed after the model is saved.

Define the field

Checkboxes::make('Attach to Events', 'event_ids')//make sure that the name doesn't collide with a model property
    ->options($this->events)//if using checkboxes read the documentation about integer values
    ->relation() //tell the component that this field is a relationship

saveFoo() - save the data

You can omit FormData in the method name, if it is an array like the method name becomes saveOrganizationName()

The data is accessed via data_get($relationship_data, 'foo') or the fields name property, like $this->foo, depending on how you setup your form Add the saveFoo() method to your component. The relationship will be passed with the same name as the field.

Example with a field named 'event_ids'

    public function saveEventIds($validated_value)
        // the field data is accessed via the fields name property
        $selected_events = $validated_value;
        //or depending on your form setup
        $selected_events = $this->event_ids;
        // save the data

Note: BelongsTo relationship

You usually don't have to use the relation() option for a BelongsTo relationship because you can use a simple select field.

Example BelongsTo, no->relation() needed.

//Populate a property in the components mount() method to setup the options for the select.
$this->belongsToOptions = //some query()->toArray() as [$key => $value]

//in the fields() method
Select::make('Belongs To', 'some_model_id')
  ->placeholder("Select a model"),

Auto populate the relationship field if there is only one value

See the autoSelectSingleArrayValue() docs ->

Example ManyToMany relationship

In this edit form example a Location can be related to many Events.

Existing relations and options

We will use a fake model attribute, event_ids, that does not exist as a column in the database. We use the beforeFormProperties() method to set existing relations as an appended attribute before form_data is set.

We also need to get available events to use as options for the checkboxes.

    public function beforeFormProperties()
        // get existing relations, read the checkboxes docs about integer values
        $this->model->event_ids = array_map('strval', optional($this->model->events)->pluck('id')->all());
        // set the checkboxes options
        $this->events = Event::query()->teamFilter()->select('id', 'name')->get()->pluck('id', 'name')->all();

Define the field

We will use checkboxes to display available events in the form. We also check if there are any available Events before adding the field to the form. Add the relation() property to the field.

    public function fields()
        return [

            filled($this->events) ? Checkboxes::make('Attach to Events', 'event_ids')
                ->placeholder(trans('').' '.trans('crud.event.title_singular'))
                ->rules('nullable|array|exists:events,id') : null,

Save the data

Add the saveFoo() to the component.

public function saveEventIds($validated_value)
    //get the options that the user selected via the field name
    $selected_events = $validated_value;
    //if the user unselected all available options it means we have to detach any existing relations
    if (blank($selected_events)) {
        $this->model->events()->detach(); //detach all existing relations
    } else {
        //in this example we scoped the events to the users current team, so we check which events the user is allowed to attach
        //this is also a good example on how to validate the submitted data
        $allowed_to_sync = filled($selected_events) ? array_intersect($selected_events, array_values($this->events)) : [];
        if (filled($allowed_to_sync)) $this->model->events()->sync($selected_events);
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