tep1: Create a repository @github ---> git.cse.iitk.ac.in
Step2: git clone [email protected]:deba/classdemo.git
Step3: $ cd classdemo
$ vim README.md
$ Add this content to README.md
Step4: $ git add README.md
$ git commit -am "adding readme"
$ git push
$ git push -u origin master
$ mkdir base
$ cd base
$ vi sample.c /*Add a new file, create some content*/
$ cd ..
$ git add base
$ git commit -m "adding base"
$ git push
Log: $ git log -p
$ git log --stat
$ git log -p README.md
$ git help log
diff: $ git diff README.md
$ git diff
$ git revert HEAD~0
$ git commit -am "revert"
$ git push
$ git add base/newsample.c
$ git commit -m "add newsample.c"
$ git revert HEAD~0
$ git commit -am "update readme"
$ git push
$ git revert HEAD~1 /*Revert the revert*/
$ git push
Create a separate clone of the git repository
In localA:
$ git add base/newfile
$ git commit
$ git push
In localB:
$ git add base/vimp.c
$ git commit
$ git push /*A pull required before push*/
/*Modifying the same file*/