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VSCode Hangs indefinitely while Formatting on save since version 0.9.8 #755

glekner opened this issue Apr 3, 2023 · 52 comments


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glekner commented Apr 3, 2023

What version of Tailwind CSS IntelliSense are you using?


What version of Tailwind CSS are you using?


What package manager are you using?


What operating system are you using?


Tailwind config

/* eslint-disable unicorn/prefer-module */

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
  content: ['src/**/!(@generated)/*.{ts,tsx}', './index.html'],
  darkMode: ['class', `.bp3-dark`],
  theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {
        primary: '#0254ec',
        foreground: '#ffffff',
        tint1: '#F9F9FB',
        tint2: '#F5F6F7',

        text: {
          default: '#222',
          muted: '#737376',
          disabled: '#A6B1BB',

        border: {
          default: '#E4E7EB',
          muted: '#F5F6F7',

        // dark theme colors
        dark: {
          foreground: '#0D1116',
          tint1: '#161B22',
          tint2: '#1c232b',

          text: {
            default: '#234361',
            muted: '#8C949E',
            disabled: '#535a63',

          border: {
            default: '#30363D',
            muted: '#E4E7EB',
  plugins: [
      // disable base styles since it conflicts with blueprint css
      strategy: 'class',
  corePlugins: {
    // disable preflight since we use blueprint css normalization
    preflight: false,

VS Code settings

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Describe your issue

VSCode Hangs indefinitely while Formatting on save since version 0.9.8 and above.
This can start happening between 10-30 min after starting a coding session.
Disabling this extension solves the Issue, can you please take a look?

@glekner glekner changed the title VSCode Hangs indefinitely while Formatting on save since version 0.9.9 VSCode Hangs indefinitely while Formatting on save since version 0.9.8 Apr 3, 2023
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bengry commented Apr 3, 2023

I've had this issue as well, and after disabling tailwindCSS.validate, I think it's pretty much gone. So that's probably the root cause, not anything else in the extension.

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also have this issue on windows OS in my nrwl/nx monorepo. recent occurrence. about 10-30 min in my project becomes unusable and im forced to constantly enable/disable this extension or shut down/start up vscode entirely

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ptrxyz commented Apr 10, 2023

yep, also observing this. can i simply downgrade until this is fixed?

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Do you all have the prettier extension installed? If so, if you downgrade to v0.2.5 do you still see this issue?

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ptrxyz commented Apr 10, 2023

@thecrypticace Do you mean this one?
I am using it, version 9.10.4. However the last release is months ago and I am pretty sure the issue is not that old.

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That is the one I'm talking about yes. There've been reports of slowness regarding the tailwindcss prettier plugin inside VSCode which I'm investigating. I'm not certain yet if they're related. Just gathering data currently.

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bengry commented Apr 10, 2023

That is the one I'm talking about yes. There've been reports of slowness regarding the tailwindcss prettier plugin inside VSCode which I'm investigating. I'm not certain yet if they're related. Just gathering data currently.

I use that extension as well, but not the tailwind plugin for prettier. So I'm not sure that's related.

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Ah that's good to know! Thanks!

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bradennapier commented Apr 18, 2023

Also running into this. At first i thought it was the custom regex rules but happens with vanilla settings too. It is def always Tailwind + Prettier when it hangs but removing tailwind extension fixes it up

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Can we do something to help? This is driving me nuts.

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joneath commented Apr 18, 2023

For those that are experiencing this, is your codebase a Vue app? Do you have the Volar extension installed? I first blamed the Tailwind plugin but removing it did not fix this issue. When viewing the locked up VS Code Extension Host process it has a call chain starting with volar -> prettier -> tailwind. In the Volar issues they have been reporting this bug as well and supposedly it's fixed in the most recent pre-release. 🤞

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bradlc commented Apr 18, 2023

Hey all. I'm more than happy to take a look into this issue but it's going to be incredibly difficult without some more information. If somebody could share the following that would be a great help:

  • A GitHub repository containing a project which can be opened in VS Code to reproduce the issue
  • A list of all installed extensions (code --list-extensions --show-versions)
  • All VS Code settings in JSON format

It would also be interesting to know what everyone is actually seeing when this is happening. Is everyone seeing the code actions message? And does it ever only have Tailwind CSS IntelliSense listed? Or are there always other extensions mentioned?

@glekner, does the issue go away for you if you downgrade to v0.9.7?

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glekner commented Apr 19, 2023

@bradlc I managed to reproduce the issue with v0.9.7 now.
Not sure how to proceed here, could this be a combination with the prettier extension?
Anyway we can rule out the issue being coupled with 0.9.8.

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fturmel commented Apr 19, 2023

@bradlc I am experiencing this issue as well in a NextJS 13 and TypeScript codebase. I did see the code actions message too, both Tailwind CSS IntelliSense and ESLint were listed but will take screenshots next time.

VS Code extensions
VS Code user settings

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bradlc commented Apr 19, 2023

@glekner and @fturmel, have either of you tried disabling the ESLint extension to see if that makes a difference?

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fturmel commented Apr 19, 2023

@glekner and @fturmel, have either of you tried disabling the ESLint extension to see if that makes a difference?

I have not, but if I encounter the problem again today I will try to disable the ESLint and Prettier plugins and report back.

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This is the screenshot. The error occurs randomly. I think it might be connected if the css or javascript is not correct. I experience it often, when my code is not complete, but I like to save in between.

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Another guess: I think the problem occurs when I have the tailwind prettier plugin and intelli sense running.

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bengry commented Apr 19, 2023

Another guess: I think the problem occurs when I have the tailwind prettier plugin and intelli sense running.

#755 (comment)

Maybe, but it's not the only cause, if it is indeed related. But maybe there's a common dominator with the eslint extension, since I am using that.

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I turned off the tailwind prettier plugin (removed .prettierrc and npm remove plugin) and no more problems since then.

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joneath commented Apr 20, 2023

☝️ removing the tailwind prettier plugin from package.json fixed the issue for me too.

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glekner commented Apr 21, 2023

me and @bengry don't have tailwind prettier plugin installed, we still face the issue.

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bengry commented May 1, 2023

As @glekner mentioned, we don't use, but we do use, and have the classnames-order rule enabled, which apparently uses something related to prettier under the hood. Although it does implement everything itself due to the naming I suspect it might've copied a bunch of code from the prettier plugin for tailwind for that, so that code might be the underlying issue here.

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bradlc commented May 2, 2023

@bengry, if you disable/remove eslint-plugin-tailwindcss does the issue go away?

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bengry commented May 16, 2023

@bengry, if you disable/remove eslint-plugin-tailwindcss does the issue go away?

Sorry for the delayed response, had a bunch of things come up and I haven't had the time to check this.
Anyway, I just commented out anything tailwind-related in my ESLint config and it still seems to hang up VS Code very often after updating to the latest version of the extension.

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wescopeland commented May 16, 2023

This issue seems to go away when I force downgrade VSCode to 1.76.2. Not saying that is a viable long-term solution, but it at least got me moving again.

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I've been butting my head against this. Even without this extension installed, saving would hang, specifically being stuck on the prettier formatting phase.

For me, removing the prettier-plugin-tailwind resolved the issue. I'm not sure why that is the case though - perhaps a race condition of some sort?

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hasokeric commented Jun 4, 2023

Everytime mine hangs I see this in the Extension host, perhaps unrelated.

2023-06-04 16:02:30.957 [error] [bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss] provider FAILED
2023-06-04 16:02:30.980 [error] TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'filter')
    at Object.<anonymous> (c:\Users\Haso\.vscode-insiders\extensions\bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss-0.9.10\dist\extension.js:43:11904)
    at (<anonymous>)
    at s (c:\Users\Haso\.vscode-insiders\extensions\bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss-0.9.10\dist\extension.js:1:1247)

But I also noticed it being slow mainly when Copilot is involved.


Edit: I downgraded to VSCode 1.76 and no more issues
I wonder if that is because in 1.78+ they modified VSCode to support Copilot X.

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Any updates on how to fix this?

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I had this issue with prettier-plugin-tailwindcss version 0.3, downgrading it back to say 0.2.1 with npm install --save-dev [email protected] and restarting VSCode solve the issue for me

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I'm not 100% certain but it is possible this is related to microsoft/vscode#184926

The fix for this has been merged in but I don't expect it'll be available until the next minor release of VSCode.

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I sure hope thats it.

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I'm not 100% certain but it is possible this is related to microsoft/vscode#184926

The fix for this has been merged in but I don't expect it'll be available until the next minor release of VSCode.

microsoft/vscode#184926 (comment):

This ships with 1.80.0-insiders. Anyone is invited to give this a try and report back if the fix does what we want it to do ;-)

I've tried the Insiders build ( and it's working as expected 👍

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I'm not 100% certain but it is possible this is related to microsoft/vscode#184926
The fix for this has been merged in but I don't expect it'll be available until the next minor release of VSCode.

microsoft/vscode#184926 (comment):

This ships with 1.80.0-insiders. Anyone is invited to give this a try and report back if the fix does what we want it to do ;-)

I've tried the Insiders build ( and it's working as expected 👍

+1 on this, seems to be working smoothly with this release!

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Oh this is fantastic news! 🎉 🎉

If anyone here can give VSCode 1.80 a try (it's been out for several days now) and report back. I expect the issues are likely gone as some have experienced.

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davea38 commented Jul 12, 2023

I had this problem pre-1.80 and I have done two things to fix this:

  1. Added a .prettierignore file in the root of my project
  1. Updated VSCode to 1.80

Still is slightly slow every now and again but it's a massive improvement!

Addons I am using:


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Suniron commented Jul 18, 2023

Same behavior here:


How can I disable it? Because it takes a long time (almost 10s) to save my files with that.

This is my .vscode/settings.json configuration:

  "prettier.enable": false,
  "editor.formatOnSave": false,
  "[typescript]": {
    "editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
      "source.fixAll": false,
      "source.fixAll.eslint": true,

Windows 10 + WSL2 (Ubuntu).

In a monorepo turborepo/nuxt/vue/typescript

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glekner commented Jul 18, 2023

Made a change couple of days ago and it seems like the issue is gone.
Try to go to the Output of the extension and see if it tries to parse a very large file, for me it was yarn.lock:

[tailwind.config.js] File changed: /src/yarn.lock
[tailwind.config.js] Initializing...
[tailwind.config.js] File changed: /src/yarn.lock
[tailwind.config.js] Initializing...
[tailwind.config.js] File changed: /src/yarn.lock
[tailwind.config.js] Initializing...

Since adding it to the Files exclude property i'm not experiencing the issue anymore

@bradlc can you share your thoughts here? and why does the extension even parse these files?

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bradlc commented Jul 18, 2023

Hey @glekner. The extension does not parse yarn.lock files. It watches it for changes only.

Are you certain that the improvement you're seeing is because of the configuration change, or could it be because you have upgraded VS Code to v1.80 as @thecrypticace mentioned?

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glekner commented Jul 18, 2023

@bradlc I have this configuration

    "tailwindCSS.validate": false,
    "tailwindCSS.lint.recommendedVariantOrder": "ignore",
    "tailwindCSS.codeActions": false,
    "tailwindCSS.files.exclude": [

could it be related to code actions?

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davea38 commented Jul 19, 2023

@bradlc Is there a way to point this plugin at an exclusion file (such as .prettierignore or .eslintignore)? There's lots of discussion on the prettier / eslint github issues on centralising exclusions. The typical way is to point the addons via the package.json at an exclude file in the .gitignore format

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bradlc commented Aug 16, 2023

@glekner, are you still able to reproduce the issue on the latest version of VS Code (currently 1.81.1)?

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glekner commented Aug 17, 2023

Issue is gone @bradlc , but i'm not sure its related to VSCode version.
this is my config

    "tailwindCSS.validate": false,
    "tailwindCSS.lint.recommendedVariantOrder": "ignore",
    "tailwindCSS.codeActions": false,
    "tailwindCSS.files.exclude": [

could it be related to code actions?

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bradlc commented Aug 17, 2023

@glekner If you set tailwindCSS.codeActions to true does the issue come back?

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Still causes major issues for me both in monorepos running nextjs13, nextjs12, nestjs and some using containers for local dev others no containers.

Seems like for me the "tailwindCSS.validate": false fixes the issue. Nextjs 13 would take around 30sec to compile and with the setting to false takes around 9s for first compile, around 8s with the plugin completely disabled. (inside container on mounted shared volumes using turborepo).

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@localpath do you mean it would take around 30s for it to provide completions? The intellisense extension does not run as part of the nextjs build process (I guess unless you're running the language server yourself during the build).

@thecrypticace thecrypticace self-assigned this Nov 2, 2023
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I've done some perf testing of diagnostics and don't seem to be able to reproduce perf issues here in the latest version of VSCode.

Because this issue has had very little activity in the last couple of months and not enough info available to reliably reproduce — I'm going to go ahead and close it.

If this issue pops up again, please leave a comment with details on your VSCode setup (version, config, all installed extensions), a repository that can be cloned to reproduce this issue, and information about how you're using Intellisense (for instance — is it in a Remote workspace over SSH) and I will take a look again.

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I have literally done all of the suggested solutions. Non worked for me!

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@thecrypticace sorry for the late response. It would cause the Nextjs dev server to hang or become unfunctional after a few minutes. I think it was just some weird interaction with WSL 2, Docker shared volumes, HMR, and VSCode sort of bottlenecking or causing things trying to access the filesystem to hang.

Doesn't seem to happen anymore so not sure if Nextjs or VSCode did something that fixed it.

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Mentioned behaviors may be caused by other VS Code plugins that analyze files onSave. Disabling the "Auto Import - ES6, TS, JSX, TSX" plugin solved the issue in my case.

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Remove the yarn.lock file and then run the yarn install command.
The problem may be caused by a damaged yarn.lock file and less installed dependencies. I solved this problem like this.

rm yarn.lock
yarn install

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@glekner You saved my time a lot.

Also, I removed auto import extension, too. Check your Output in vscode. You can see reasons for taking it slow.

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