A batteries included React Native boilerplate
We got a lot of value starting off from Infinite Red's Ignite boilerplate, but bit by bit stripped pieces of it away, replacing them with patterns/tech we're familiar with here at Tailwind. To prevent duplicating work for future mobile endeavors, this is our approach to a batteries included react native boilerplate.
npx react-native init ProjectName --template @tailwindapp/kite
- State Management: Redux + Redux Toolkit
- Navigation: React Navigation
- Component Lib: NativeBase 3.0
- CI/CD: Github Actions, Fastlane, & CodePush
- Testing: Jest & Detox
- src
- assets/
- icons/
- logo/
- [domainName]/
- components/
- [FolderComponentName]/
- index.tsx
- stories.tsx
- [ComponentName].tsx
- config/
- index.ts
- domains/
- core/
App.tsx # App entry point
- ModalNavigator.tsx
- AppNavigator.tsx
- BottomTabNavigator.tsx
- SplashScreen.tsx
- [domainName]/
- components/ # Same rules as global components
- screens/
- [ScreenName]Screen.tsx
- [NavigatorName]Navigator.tsx
- hooks/
- use[HookName].ts
- [subDomainName]/ # Same rules as parent
- hooks/
- use[HookName].ts
- state/
- index.ts
- rootReducer.ts
- [sliceName]Slice.ts
- theme/
- index.ts
- services/
- @types/
Currently working towards Version 0.1.0