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N8_Progress on capstone project

Tahsin Afroz Hoque Nishat edited this page Nov 10, 2022 · 2 revisions


Last week I planned to utilize git and github version control for my research project. I have successfully created and linked my project folder on github using git command. I can now use different git commands to track and update the changes in my files (e.g. "git status", "git init", "git add .", "git commit", "git log", "git push" etc.). I have also created a .gitignore file for my project folder which allows me to work on the test files. I have created an initial skeleton for the research object including LICENSE, README, AUTHORS,, installation, data, results and a separate python-package. My local files are now up to date with github.


One issue I have faced is, while pushing the local file to github. If I type "git push origin main" on the cmd, it cannot push my files to the github repository. Instead, I had to type "git push origin master". This creates a second branch on my github repository. I had to go to github, set "master" as my default branch, to make it easier to view all the files.

Short term goal

The files I have initially created, I need to update all of them with required information. For example: the readme files need to have a detailed instruction on how to use the python codes to generate data or how to use the generated data for analysis. Also, the installation process of the python package

Medium term goal

The goal is still the same, creating a research object for the project

Long term goal

The goal is still the same, finalizing the research object after the completion of the project, ensuring reproducibility and repeatablity and making the repository public