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Trunk Recorder Plugin that sends current status over MQTT

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Trunk Recorder MQTT Status (and Units!) Plugin

This is a plugin for Trunk Recorder that publish the current status over MQTT. External programs can use the MQTT messages to collect and display information on monitored systems.

Requires trunk-recorder 5.0 or later, and Paho MQTT libraries


  1. Clone Trunk Recorder source following these instructions.

  2. Install the Paho MQTT C & C++ Libraries.

  If your package manager provides recent Paho MQTT libraries, e.g:

sudo apt install libpaho-mqtt-dev libpaho-mqttpp-dev

  If not, you may build and install these libraries from source:

  - Install Paho MQTT C

git clone
cd paho.mqtt.c

sudo cmake --build build/ --target install
sudo ldconfig

  - Install Paho MQTT C++

git clone
cd paho.mqtt.cpp

cmake -Bbuild -H. -DPAHO_BUILD_STATIC=ON
sudo cmake --build build/ --target install
sudo ldconfig
  1. Build and install the plugin:

  This pluigin source should be cloned into the /user_plugins directory of the Trunk Recorder 5.0+ source tree. It will be built and installed along with Trunk Recorder.

cd [your trunk-recorder github source directory]
cd user_plugins
git clone
cd [your trunk-recorder build directory]
sudo make install

NOTE: Plugins will be automatically built and installed with Trunk Recorder. To update either Trunk Recorder or a plugin, simply cd into the appropriate git directory and git pull. Refer to the above instructions to make install any updates.


Plugin options:

Key Required Default Value Type Description
broker tcp://localhost:1883 string The URL for the MQTT Message Broker. It should include the protocol used: tcp, ssl, ws, wss and the port, which is generally 1883 for tcp, 8883 for ssl, and 443 for ws.
topic string This is the base MQTT topic. The plugin will create subtopics for the different status messages.
unit_topic string Optional topic to report unit stats over MQTT.
message_topic string Optional topic to report trunking messages over MQTT.
console_logs false true/false Optional setting to report console messages over MQTT.
username string If a username is required for the broker, add it here.
password string If a password is required for the broker, add it here.
client_id tr-status-xxxxxxxx string Override the client_id generated for this connection to the MQTT broker.
mqtt_audio false true/false Optional setting to report audio in base64 and call metadata over MQTT.
mqtt_audio_type wav string Control which audio files to emit. wav, m4a (if compression enabled), both, none (only the .json)
qos 0 int Set the MQTT message QOS level

Trunk-Recorder options:

Key Required Default Value Type Description
instanceId trunk-recorder string Append an instance_id key to identify the trunk-recorder instance sending MQTT messages.

Plugin Usage:

See the included config.json for an example how to load this plugin.

    "plugins": [
        "name": "MQTT Status",
        "library": "",
        "broker": "tcp://",
        "topic": "robotastic/feeds",
        "unit_topic": "robotastic/units",
        "username": "robotastic",
        "password": "",
        "console_logs": true,
        "mqtt_audio": false,
        "mqtt_qos": 0,

If the plugin cannot be found, or it is being run from a different location, it may be necessary to supply the full path:

        "library": "/usr/local/lib/trunk-recorder/",

MQTT Messages

The plugin will provide the following messages to the MQTT broker depending on configured topics.

Topic Sub-Topic Retained Description*
topic rates Control channel decode rates
topic config Trunk-recorder config information
topic systems List of configured systems
topic system System configuration/startup
topic calls_active List of active calls, updated every second
topic recorders List of all recorders, updated every 3 seconds
topic recorder Recorder status changes
topic call_start New call
topic call_end Completed call
topic audio Audio and metadata of completed call
topic/trunk_recorder status Plugin status, sent on startup or when the broker loses connection
topic/trunk_recorder console Trunk-Recorder console log messages
unit_topic/shortname call Channel grants
unit_topic/shortname end Call end unit information**
unit_topic/shortname on Unit registration (radio on)
unit_topic/shortname off Unit de-registration (radio off)
unit_topic/shortname ackresp Unit acknowledge response
unit_topic/shortname join Unit group affiliation
unit_topic/shortname data Unit data grant
unit_topic/shortname ans_req Unit answer request
unit_topic/shortname location Unit location update
message_topic/shortname messages Trunking messages

* Some messages have been changed for consistency. Please see links for examples and notes.
** end is not a trunking message, but sent after trunk-recorder ends the call. This can be used to track conventional non-trunked calls.

Trunk Recorder States

Trunk Recorder uses state definitions to manage call flows, recorder assignment, and demodulator operation. The MQTT plugin will include this information when possible. Below is a summary of these states, but not all may appear in MQTT messages.

call_state / rec_state

State State Type Description
0 MONITORING Call: Active - No recorder is assigned - See mon_state table
1 RECORDING Call: Active - Recorder is assigned
Recorder: Assigned to call [Recording] - Demodulating transmissions
2 INACTIVE Recorder: Assigned to call [Disconnecting] - Detaching from source and demodulator
3 ACTIVE Recorder: Assigned to call [Tuned] - Not recording yet
4 IDLE Recorder: Assigned to call [Squelched] - Not recording, has not timed out
6 STOPPED Recorder: Not assigned to call - Returning to AVAILABLE state
7 AVAILABLE Recorder: Not assigned to call - Free for use
8 IGNORE Recorder: Assigned to call [Ignoring] - Ending call after unexpected data on the voice channel


State State Type Description
0 UNSPECIFIED Default state
1 UNKNOWN_TG Not recording: recordUnknown is false and talkgroup is not found in the talkgroup.csv (*not currently implemented)
2 IGNORED_TG Not recording: Talkgroup has the ignore priority (-1) set in the talkgroup.csv
3 NO_SOURCE Not recording: No source exists for the requested voice frequency
4 NO_RECORDER Not recording: No recorders are available or talkgroup priority is too low
5 ENCRYPTED Not recording: Encryption indicated by trunking messages or mode field (E,DE,TE) in the talkgroup.csv
6 DUPLICATE Not recording: [multiSite] This call is a duplicate of a prior call
7 SUPERSEDED Not recording: [multiSite] This call is a duplicate of a subsequent call with a site precedence indicated in the talkgroup.csv

MQTT Brokers

Mosquitto MQTT Broker

The Mosquitto MQTT is an easy way to have a local MQTT broker. It can be installed from a lot of package managers.

This broker does not impose a limit on the length of MQTT messages, and will handle packets up to 256 MB in size by default.

Starting it on a Mac:

/opt/homebrew/sbin/mosquitto -c /opt/homebrew/etc/mosquitto/mosquitto.conf


The NanoMQ broker is a lightweight alternative, but additional configuration may be required for Trunk Recorder systems with a large number of recorders or heavy call volume.

This broker does impose a limit on the length of MQTT messages, and the max_packet_size default of 10 KB may generate MQTT error [-3]: Disconnected errors with this plugin.

# #============================================================
# # NanoMQ Broker
# #============================================================

mqtt {
    property_size = 32
    max_packet_size = 10KB
    max_mqueue_len = 2048
    retry_interval = 10s
    keepalive_multiplier = 1.25

Editing /etc/nanomq.conf and increasing the packet size to 100 KB or more should be sufficient for MQTT messages generated by this plugin. If mqtt_audio is enabled packet size will need to be raised significantly.


The included Dockerfile will allow building a trunk-recorder docker image with this plugin included.

docker-compose can be used to automate the build and deployment of this image. In the Docker compose file replace the image line with a build line pointing to the location where this repo has been cloned to.

Docker compose file:

version: "3"
    build: ./trunk-recorder-mqtt-status
    container_name: trunk-recorder
    restart: always
    privileged: true
      - /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb
      - /var/run/dbus:/var/run/dbus
      - /var/run/avahi-daemon/socket:/var/run/avahi-daemon/socket
      - ./:/app


Trunk Recorder Plugin that sends current status over MQTT






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  • C++ 96.8%
  • CMake 2.4%
  • Dockerfile 0.8%