tKroopy is an open source Tkinter framework for building groups of small to medium GUI applications.
Think of it as a central location where you would store all of your applications that run tasks. Be it extracting data out of your database or a handy calculator to work out how much annual leave you'll have in say 6 months time.
- Data Abstraction Layer - web2py's powerful DAL library
- Page - page system lets you flick through applications on a single window
- Table - display your data from your database with a couple of lines of code
- Console - a thread safe Text widget
- Productionisation - when applying patches to existing applications you can continue to develop applications without having to worry about preventing them from going into production
tkroopy relies on a couple of additional modules:
Download required:
- py2exe (windows) - follow install instructions
Download or fork tkroopy to your local machine, you should store it in a subfolder like tkroopy/source.
You can run using in the root directory.
Copy the /src/ file into the /src/Applications/ directory and build your code ontop of this module. The file name needs to be the same as the initiating class name.
If you want to share your applications to non-python users you can compile the code into an executable using setup.bat in the root directory (will add support for osx soon).
The setup.bat file executes the file, there are a couple of tweeks you can make to it.
If you wish to run a test run then leave test=True, this will output your compiled code to tkroopy/tkroopy
You probably want to rename your application to something more meaningful, change name from 'tkroopy' to whatever you like The compiled code will go into your root directory one up, i.e. if you have your code in tkroopy/source then
config/ > config files
config.ini > general config file
contrib/ > third party modules
images/ > icons etc.
logs/ > log files
scripts/ > store any python code that cannot be compiled, e.g. ArcPy scripts
applicatoins/ > place your applications in here
examples/ > group your applications into subfolders
modules/ > framework modules > threadsafe Text widget with vscrollbar > insert hyperlink into console > base class for all applications > grid view of data > main menu > use this as the template for creating your applications > base class for tkroopy, manages tabs (applications)
LICENSE > License GNU GPL v3.0
setup.bat > run this to execute the build script (windows) > the build script, create executable version > the startup script