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add new gnuplot capabilities (surface, scatter3d, wireframe, ...)
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t-bltg committed Jul 25, 2021
1 parent 30e7282 commit e275f5f
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Showing 3 changed files with 159 additions and 69 deletions.
87 changes: 49 additions & 38 deletions src/backends.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -623,44 +623,55 @@ const _gaston_attr = merge_with_base_supported([
# :camera,
# :contour_labels,
const _gaston_seriestype = [:path,
# :path3d,
# :stepmid,
# :histogram2d,
# :ysticks, :xsticks,
# :contour,
# :straightline,

const _gaston_style = [:auto,

const _gaston_marker = [:none,
# :auto,
] #vcat(_allMarkers, Shape)

const _gaston_scale = [:identity,
# :ln,
# :log2,

const _gaston_seriestype = [
:ysticks, :xsticks,

const _gaston_style = [

const _gaston_marker = [
# :auto,
] #vcat(_allMarkers, Shape)

const _gaston_scale = [
# :ln,
# :log2,

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# unicodeplots
Expand Down
139 changes: 109 additions & 30 deletions src/backends/gaston.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,21 +22,14 @@ end
function _before_layout_calcs(plt::Plot{GastonBackend})
# Initialize all the subplots first
plt.o.subplots = G.SubPlot[]
nr, nc = plt.o.layout = size(plt.layout)

n = 0
sps = Array{Any}(undef, nr, nc)
for r 1:nr, c 1:nc # NOTE: row major
l = plt.layout.grid[r, c]
sps[r, c] = get(l.attr, :blank, false) ? nothing : plt.subplots[n += 1]
n, sps = gaston_get_subplots(plt, 0, plt.layout)
@assert n == length(plt.subplots)

for c 1:nc, r 1:nr # NOTE: col major
gaston_init_subplot(plt, sps[r, c])
plt.o.layout = gaston_init_subplots(plt, sps)

# Then add the series (curves in gaston)
for series in plt.series_list
for (n, series) in enumerate(plt.series_list)
gaston_add_series(plt, series)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,6 +104,35 @@ end
# These functions are gaston specific
# --------------------------------------------

gaston_get_subplots(plt, n, layout, level) = begin
nr, nc = size(layout)
sps = Array{Any}(undef, nr, nc)
for r 1:nr, c 1:nc # NOTE: col major
l = layout[r, c]
if l isa GridLayout
n, sub = gaston_get_subplots(plt, n, l)
sps[r, c] = size(sub) == (1, 1) ? only(sub) : sub
sps[r, c] = get(l.attr, :blank, false) ? nothing : plt.subplots[n += 1]
n, sps

gaston_init_subplots(plt, sps, level) = begin
sz = nr, nc = size(sps)
for c 1:nc, r 1:nr # NOTE: row major
sp = sps[r, c]
if sp isa Subplot || sp === nothing
gaston_init_subplot(plt, sp)
gaston_init_subplots(plt, sp, level + 1)
sz = max.(sz, size(sp))

function gaston_init_subplot(plt::Plot{GastonBackend}, sp::Subplot{GastonBackend})
if sp === nothing
push!(plt.o.subplots, sp)
Expand All @@ -129,45 +151,91 @@ function gaston_add_series(plt::Plot{GastonBackend}, series::Series)
sp = series[:subplot]
g_sp = sp.o # Gaston subplot object

seriesconf = gaston_parse_series_args(series) # Gnuplot string
c = G.Curve(series[:x], series[:y], nothing, nothing, seriesconf )
if series[:seriestype] (:heatmap, :contour) && g_sp.dims == 2
g_sp.dims = 3 # FIXME: this is ugly, we need heatmap to use splot, not plot

x = series[:x]
y = series[:y]
z = g_sp.dims == 2 ? nothing : series[:z]
if z isa Surface
z =

seriesconf = gaston_seriesconf!(sp, series) # Gnuplot string
c = G.Curve(x, y, z, nothing, seriesconf)

isfirst = length(g_sp.curves) == 0 ? true : false
push!(g_sp.curves, c)
G.write_data(c, g_sp.dims, g_sp.datafile, append = isfirst ? false : true)

function gaston_parse_series_args(series::Series)
gaston_lc_ls_lw(series::Series) = (
gaston_color(series[:linecolor], series[:linealpha]),

gaston_mk_ms_mc(series::Series) = (
series[:markersize] * GASTON_MARKER_SCALING,
gaston_color(series[:markercolor], series[:markeralpha]),

gaston_palette(gradient) = begin
palette = String[]
n = -1
for rgba gradient # FIXME: naive conversion, inefficient ?
push!(palette, "$(n += 1) $(rgba.r) $(rgba.g) $(rgba.b)")
'(' * join(palette, ", ") * ')'

function gaston_seriesconf!(sp, series::Series)
gsp = sp.o
curveconf = String[]
st = series[:seriestype]

if st == :scatter
pt = gaston_marker(series[:markershape])
ps = series[:markersize] * GASTON_MARKER_SCALING
lc = gaston_color(series[:markercolor])
# alpha = series[:markeralpha] # TODO merge alpha with rgb color
clims = get_clims(sp, series)
if st (:scatter, :scatter3d)
pt, ps, lc = gaston_mk_ms_mc(series)
push!(curveconf, """with points pt $pt ps $ps lc $lc""")
elseif st == :path
lc = gaston_color(series[:linecolor])
dt = gaston_linestyle(series[:linestyle])
lw = series[:linewidth]
# alpha = series[:linealpha] # TODO merge alpha with rgb color
elseif st (:path, :straightline, :path3d)
lc, dt, lw = gaston_lc_ls_lw(series)
if series[:markershape] == :none # simplepath
push!(curveconf, """with lines lc $lc dt $dt lw $lw""")
pt = gaston_marker(series[:markershape])
ps = series[:markersize] * GASTON_MARKER_SCALING
pt, ps = gaston_mk_ms_mc(series)
push!(curveconf, """with lp lc $lc dt $dt lw $lw pt $pt ps $ps""")
elseif st == :shape
fc = gaston_color(series[:fillcolor])
fc = gaston_color(series[:fillcolor], series[:fillalpha])
fs = "solid"
lc = gaston_color(series[:linecolor])
lc, _ = gaston_lc_ls_lw(series)
push!(curveconf, """with filledcurves fc $fc fs $fs border lc $lc""")
elseif st == :steppre
push!(curveconf, """with steps""")
elseif st == :steppost
push!(curveconf, """with fsteps""") # Not sure if not the other way
elseif st (:contour, :contour3d)
push!(curveconf, """with lines""")
if st == :contour
gsp.axesconf *= """\nset view map\nunset surface"""
levels = join(map(string, collect(contour_levels(series, clims))), ", ")
gsp.axesconf *= """\nset contour base\nset cntrparam levels discrete $levels """
elseif st (:surface, :heatmap)
palette = gaston_palette(series[:seriescolor])
gsp.axesconf *= """\nset palette model RGB defined $palette"""
if st == :heatmap
gsp.axesconf *= """\nset view map"""
push!(curveconf, """with pm3d""")
elseif st == :wireframe
lc, dt, lw = gaston_lc_ls_lw(series)
push!(curveconf, """with lines lc $lc dt $dt lw $lw""")
@warn "Gaston: $st is not implemented yet"

# label
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -215,7 +283,14 @@ function gaston_parse_axes_args(plt::Plot{GastonBackend}, sp::Subplot{GastonBack
ticks = get_ticks(sp, axis_attr)
gaston_set_ticks!(axesconf, ticks, letter)
# set title {"<title-text>"} {offset <offset>} {font "<font>{,<size>}"}{{textcolor | tc} {<colorspec> | default}} {{no}enhanced}1

ratio = get_aspect_ratio(sp)
if ratio != :none
if ratio == :equal
ratio = -1
push!(axesconf, """set size ratio $ratio""")
gaston_set_legend!(axesconf, sp) # Set legend params

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -317,7 +392,11 @@ function gaston_marker(marker)
return 1

gaston_color(color) = """rgb "#$(hex(color, :rrggbb))" """
gaston_color(color, alpha=0.) = begin
col = single_color(color) # in case of gradients
col = alphacolor(col, alpha == nothing ? 0. : alpha) # add a default alpha if non existent
"""rgb "#$(hex(col, :aarrggbb))" """

function gaston_linestyle(style)
style == :solid && return "1"
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/examples.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1242,7 +1242,7 @@ _backend_skips = Dict(
:inspectdr => [4, 6, 10, 22, 24, 28, 30, 38, 43, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 55],
:unicodeplots => [6, 10, 22, 24, 28, 38, 43, 45, 47, 49, 50, 51, 55],
:gaston => [2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 22, 24, 28, 31, 32, 35, 38, 43, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 55],
:gaston => [2, 4, 6, 30, 31, 47, 48, 50, 51, 55],

Expand Down

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