This is a demo of my skills as a Ruby on Rails developer. This app can be viewed in action at
Some hilights of this project:
- All user stories are delivered using BDD and can be seen in Issues.
- Styles by Twitter Bootstrap.
- Posting answers via AJAX with
views. - Posting comments via AJAX and JSON with jQuery handlers and Handlebars templates.
- Comments propagation via Comet with Private Pub / Faye.
- Custom RSpec matcher for Rais
. - Tagging questions via Select2 jQuery plugin.
- Database query optimizations via
. - File uploads via CarrierWave.
- Service classes for multi-model use cases and other not related directly to model logic.
- Models decoration with Draper.
- OAuth 2 authentication with Facebook and GitHub.
- Redcarpet for markdown render.
- CanCanCan for authorization.
- API, OAuth 2 authenticated with Doorkeeper and powered by optimized JSON.
- API request rate limiting with Redis Throttle Middleware.
- New answers notification via email with Sidekiq.
- Daily questions digest via email for all users with Sidetiq.
- Fulltext search with Thinking Sphinx / Sphinx.