Overleaf + GitHub + Markdown
- Call for LaTeX expert
- Set up backlog for upcoming weeks
- Get more engineers on board
- Integrate GitHub with Mantis
- Test section references in Markdown
- Test source references in Markdown
- Create build pipeline to create PDF
- Including using Markdown content
- Define requirements for LaTeX template
- Landing page
- Table of content
- Page layout with headers and footers
- Support of Figures
- Support of Formulas
- Support of section references
- Apendixes
- List of References
- List of Figures
- Index
- Investigate how to print content diff between versions
- CTFL+P works on GitHub, but it's not ideal
- Can we compare PDFs?
- Presentation & Demo for Cross-functional meeting ready
- Costs for tools and people
- Test process of ATLaS syllabus development
- Final touches to ease process for syllabus authors
- Prepare Git and GitHub training
- Perform training for 5 authors in ATLaS
- LaTeX template ready
- Content ready in MD files
- Testing and debugging
- Create build pipeline to create MOBI, EPUB and other e-formats
- Investigate publishing to Leanpub service