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Streaming Web3 RPC ingestion engine

  • Multichain (see Sources)
  • Latest state support (file)
  • Range stream (start:end blocks)
  • Entities (block,transaction,tx(fat transaction),log)
  • Lag support (to avoid re-orgs)
  • Reorg support (to detect re-orgs)
  • Different Sink destinations (kafka,files) and formats (json,parquet)
  • File Sink timestamp partitions support


source uri description comments
EVM http://geth:8545 Standard EVM RPC
Telos https://telos Telos EVM RPC (see receiptes request)
ethereumetl From ethereumetl stream (kafka)
ICP icp:// Dfinity Rosetta/Ledger RPC
Starknet stark:// Starknet RPC (default is Lava)
Vechain vechain:// Vechain RPC (default is public RPC)
Stellar stellar:// Stellar Horizon RPC
Solana sol://, sol:dev:// Solana RPC (dev,test)

By default Source is stdin


Entity is specified as entity.blockchain (e.g block.icp - ICP block)

Entity Supported Blockchain description
block .eth .icp .stark Block
transaction .eth .icp .stark Transaction (with status and block info)
log .eth Event Logs
token .eth Token Transfer
tx .eth .stark Fat Transaction (with block, receupt and logs )

If no blockchain suffix is specified, eth (rpc) is assumed


trunk3 uses skel-ingest Pipeline engine and can stream into any supported sinks:

By default it streams into stdout without formatting

Usage Examples

via RPC

Blocks from latest:

./ -e block -f http://geth:8545 --block=latest 

Blocks catch-up:

./ -e block -f http://geth:8545 --throttle=30000

Blocks from specific block in batches:

./ -e block -f http://geth:8545 --block=19999 --batch=10

Blocks Range:

./ -e block -f http://geth:8545 --block=0 --block.end=100

Blocks Range with delay between batches:

./ -e block -f http://geth:8545 --block=10000 --block.end=100000 --block.throttle=3000

Blocks Range with throttling between blocks:

./ -e block -f http://geth:8545 --block=10000 --block.end=100000 --batch=1 --block.throttle=1000

Filter by specific transactions:

./ -e tx -f http://geth:8545 --block=20254722 --block.end=20254722 \

Filter by specific block and transactions:

Blocks and Transactions in list

./ -e tx -f http://geth:8545 --block=list://BLOCK-filter.tx --filter=file://TX-filter.tx

Blocks from the state file (to continue stream with restarts) to Kafka topic blocks

./ -e block -f http://geth:8545 -o kafka://broker-1:9092/blocks --block=file://BLOCKS 

Transactions + Receipts + Event Logs:

./ -e tx -f http://geth:8545

Transactions + Receipts + Event Logs and proxy it to Websocket clients as JSON:

./ -e tx -f http://geth:8545 -o server:ws:// --format=json

Lag (to prevent reorg-ed data)

It will produce stream from lastest block at the past block depth of lag parameter. For example, lag=1 will stream block 99 when latest block is 100. Thus if 100 is reorged, it will not be streamed but replaced with a new 100. NOTE: Ethereum PoS reorgs are usually 1 block deep.

./ -e block.eth -f http://geth:8545 --delimiter= --block=latest --lag=2 

Reorg Detection (Blockchain re-organizations)

Long PoS reorg:

--reorg option allows to monitor reorganizations (new block replaces old ones).

--reorg=<depth> specifies how deep the history for old blocks must be. --reorg.flow=<flow> specifies reorg flow algo:

  • reorg1 - Tracks and re-asks previous blocks to find hash change. It works for trunk3 polling
  • reorg2 - It works for trunk3 websocket push (ws://geth:8546) or in Detectors. ATTENTION: It does not work for polling (http://geth:8545) !!!


  1. It is important to have throttle small enough to detect fast reorgs (more detection than etherscan)
  2. --lag and --reorg options are not compatible and should not be used together

Example of a command to show re-orged blocks:

(Be careful using it agains public RPC since it asks the node about latest block every second)


./ -e block -f http://geth:8545 --block=latest --logging=WARN --reorg=2 --reorg.flow=reorg1 --throttle=1000

Websocket (no throttle, no block latest):

./ -e block -f ws://geth:8546 --logging=WARN --reorg=2 --reorg.flow=reorg1

Reorg supports block and transaction entity


From default Ledger API

./ -f icp:// -e transaction.icp


From default VeChain RPC

./ -f vechain:// -e transaction.vechain


From Lava

You must use --batch=1 since Lava does not support batch requests

./ -f stark:// -e transaction.stark --batch=1

From Infura

From Infura Starknet RPC

Export Infura API key:

export INFURA_KEY=1234
./ -f stark://infura:// -e transaction.stark --api.token=$INFURA_KEY


Telos requires ---receipt.request=batch

./ -f -e transaction --receipt.request=batch


Interceptor allows to test Transaction parsing logic in javascript and propagate results as Events to another sink destination.

Input data is stored in inputs variable. Since variable is Scala case class, access is via function call For example, hash attribute of the tranaction or block can be accessed:

var hash = inputs.hash();

Use -o null:// to suppress Transactions output

Use -a option to pipe Interceptions as Extractor Events objects. The same destination sinks as in -o supported. For example, piping Interceptions as HTTP webhook (use --format=json to pass as JSON payload)

./ -e tx.icp -f icp:// -o null:// --script=file://scripts/script-icp-amount.js -a http://POST@localhost:8300/webhook --format=json

Interceptor Examples

Extract ETH transfers from transactions:


var hash = inputs.hash();
var from = inputs.from();
var to = ? : "";
var value = inputs.v();
var status = ? : 1;
var output = hash + ": "+ status +": ("+ from + " -> " + to + " ("+value+"))";
var res = {tx_hash: hash, output: output};

Run Ethereum ingest with interception script:

./ -e tx -f http://geth:8545 -o null:// --script=file://scripts/script-eth-tx.js

Extractr ERC20 transfers from fat transactions (Extractor Tx):


./ -e tx.extractor -f http://geth:8545 -o null:// --script=file://scripts/script-eth-ERC20.js


Run from Websocket

Remember, that Websocket is also throttled, so use --throttle=10

./ -e -f ws://geth:8546 --rpc.url=http://geth:8545 --throttle=10

Run with Polling

Polling uses diff calculation to check only new Mempool transactions

./ -e mempool -f http://geth:8545 --rpc.url=http://geth:8545

Mempool Trace

Verify with:

Run from Websocket

./ -e -f ws://geth:8546 --rpc.url=http://geth:8545 --throttle=1

Run with Polling

Polling uses diff calculation to check only new Mempool transactions

./ -e trace -f http://geth:8545 --rpc.url=http://geth:8545


Replaying previous transactions

To replay transactions trunk needs to know blocks of these transactions, thus it requires two parameter:

  • --block=list://${BLOCKS} - file with block number (file:// is already reserved for block numbers)
  • --filter=file://${TRANSACTIONS} - file with a list of transactions (hashes)
  • --batch=1 - Override default batching


./ -e tx.extractor --block=list://${BLOCK_FILE} --filter=file://${TX_FILE} --batch=1 --block.throttle=5000


Blockchain Stream Ingestion Engine







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