This is a test package of dynamic module feature which is implemented in Emacs 25.
mruby.el provides interface to mruby make interface to embed mruby into go.
Dynamic module feature is implemented only in emacs-25 branch. So you need to build Emacs which enables dynamic module feature.
% git clone git://
% cd emacs
% git checkout -b emacs-25 origin/emacs-25
% ./configure --with-modules --prefix=installed_path # You must set --with-modules
% make
% make install
% cd modules
% git clone --recursive
% make
(let ((mrb (mruby-init)))
(mruby-eval mrb " {|x| x + 1}" 1 2 3))
;; => [2 3 4]
(let ((mrb (mruby-init)))
(mruby-eval mrb
def fizzbuzz(num)
(1..num).map do |n|
when n % 15 == 0 then \"fizzbuzz\"
when n % 5 == 0 then \"buzz\"
when n % 3 == 0 then \"fizz\"
else n
" 20))
;; => [1 2 "fizz" 4 "buzz" "fizz" 7 8 "fizz" "buzz" 11 "fizz" 13 14 "fizzbuzz" 16 17 "fizz" 19 "buzz"]
;; Apply 'Fixnum#abs' for Emacs Lisp integer value
(let ((mrb (mruby-init)))
(mruby-send mrb -10 'abs))
;; 10
;; Apply 'String#swapcase' for Emacs Lisp string value
(let ((mrb (mruby-init)))
(mruby-send mrb "hello WORLD" 'swapcase))
;; => "HELLO world"
;; Apply 'Array#flatten' for Emacs Lisp vector value
;; [NOTE] You must use vector instead of list for Ruby Array feature
(let ((mrb (mruby-init)))
(mruby-send mrb [1 [2 3] [4 [5 6]]] 'flatten))
;; => '[1 2 3 4 5 6]
- This software is released under the GPLv3+.
- mruby is released under the MIT License.