This is a personal project I've started to improve my knowledge of Python while making something interesting.
The aim is to make the telescope I have inherited steerable via a PS3 controller. The original Autostar II handset it came with packed up and sadly the telescope has been gathering dust ever since. Now, with the help of a Raspberry Pi and a serial connection, the telescope has been revived.
- A Raspberry Pi
- A Meade LX200 telescope
- A USB to RS232 cable
A PS3 Sixaxis controller and bluetooth are required for manual control.
$ cd ~
$ sudo apt-get install git -y
$ git clone
$ cd raspberrysky
$ sudo bash
$ sudo apt-get install pi-bluetooth libusb-dev -y
Next, we need a utility that will allow us to pair a PS3 controller with the Pi. At this stage, be sure the controller is plugged into the Pi via USB.
$ wget
$ gcc -o sixpair sixpair.c -lusb
$ sudo ~/sixpair
With the controller disconnected and powered off, run the following commands.
$ sudo bluetoothctl
discoverable on
agent on
Power-on the controller and it should start talking to the Pi. Copy the MAC address; we'll need it. Enter:
connect [MAC address]
Try the above command again and again if it says not available. If it says Failed to connect then it has worked. Now we make our changes permanent.
trust [MAC address]
TODO: Controller configuration in settings.yaml
We use a settings file to tell the script where to look for devices.
$ cd raspberrysky
$ cp settings.yaml.example settings.yaml
$ python3
The left thumbstick slews the telescope. How far you push the stick determins how fast it slews. The right thumbstick makes small adjustments - ideal for finding and positioning objects in the eyepiece. The left and right triggers focus out and in respectively.
TODO: Camera configuration in settings.yaml