@hermian @kweonhaejin 이미진
Robot Framework User Guide was created with a text editor, using reStructuredText (reST), which is the markup syntax and parser component of Docutils. In reST, simple markup is used to indicate special parts of text, such as section headings, bullet lists, and emphasis. Some general formatting principles of reST that are followed in Robot Framework User Guide are presented here.
The precondition for generating Robot Framework User Guide is installing Docutils and Pygments:
pip install docutils pygments
Robot Framework User Guide can then be generated with ug2html.py script. Run it without arguments to get the usage:
python ug2html.py
Source files are under src directory. src/RobotFrameworkUserGuide.rst includes other section specific files.
Titles are underlined (or both over- and underlined) with a printing non-alphanumeric 7-bit ASCII character. The options recommended by reST are "= - ` : ' " ~ ^ _ * + # < >". The underline/overline must be at least as long as the title text.
Rather than using a fixed number and order of section title styles, the order enforced is the order as encountered. The first style encountered becomes the outermost title, the second style is a subtitle, the third is a subsubtitle, and so on.
The section title styles used in Robot Framework User Guide are the following, in this order:
============== Main title ============== ------------- Version ------------- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter title ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section title ============= Subsection title ---------------- Subsubsection title ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Paragraph title ''''''''''''''' Section title `````````````
For the formatting roles, which are used in Robot Framework User Guide to make it easier for the reader to distinguish certain parts of the text, see the file src/roles.rst.
The source code directive can be used also to read the source code from a file. In this case, the path to the file must be relative to the root directory of the user guide, for example:
..sourcecode:: python ExtendingRobotFramework/check_test_times.py
For more information on Docutils reST, see Quick reStructuredText and reStructuredText Markup Specification.