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Swift micro-framework for MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) native applications.


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Boomerang is a library for MVVM in Swift applications

Due to the lack of ViewModel concepts in UIKit, Boomerang defines a set of scenarios through protocols and shares a common, reusable way to build screens in the app.

On top of that, it provides a set of extensions for common components like UICollectionView, UITableView, UIViewController so that they can become compatible with a ViewModel.

Used with RxSwift (and RxDataSources) bindings (not required, but highly recommended), Boomerang can really improve project workflow and help keeping things simple and light.

Key Features / TLDR

  • Concept of ViewModel for all your app.
  • ListViewModel to handle lists of ViewModels. Each item in the list represents contents for a view (a "cell" in a table/collection view)
  • NavigationViewModel to handle business logic for navigation through the app
  • Route protocol to design and encapsulate how a scene should navigate to another. Write pushViewController only once for your app :)
  • Never write datasource and delegate for your collection/table views again!
  • Automatic sizing for table view and collection views. Painless.
  • TDD-ready: use RxBoomerangTest with your test target to quickly write tests around your code.


Boomerang is available through Cocoapods.

Add this to your Podfile

pod 'Boomerang'

To use RxSwift integration, use

pod 'RxBoomerang`

We used to integrate Rx extensions with pod Boomerang/RxSwift This is still available at the moment but differs in how Rx extensions needs to be integrated in your project files: in this old scenario, import RxBoomerang is not needed in every file with Boomerang extensions because import is handled by cocoapods; however, we believe that package managers should be interchangeable as much as possible; therefore, we suggest to use the new separated pod as it's more "futureproof".


To integrate new features in the library, you can open the Package.swift file and edit the source folder.


You can find some integration examples in the Examples folder.

We use XcodeGen to easily maintain xcodeproj files.

To install XcodeGen it, run brew install xcodegen

To setup each example project, run xcodegen in each folder.

Table of contents (WIP)