Description This Script will help you start an Orchestrator Runbook using a Hashtable for parameters
To call this Runbook you will need to pass through two Parameters the InParam must be a hashtable
$Parameters = @{"Servername"="SERVER01";"VMROLE"="AzureIsAwesome"}
$RunbookPath = "\04.0 Provisioning\04.0 ReturnData Example\04.0 ReturnData"
Start-SCORCHRunbook -InParam $Parameters -RunbookPath $RunbookPath
Prerequisites module
This Runbook uses the OrchetrstorService PowerShell module that resides in the folder C:\inetpub\Service Management Automation\Modules on a Server with SMA installed.
You can replace those cmdlets with any available PowerShell module for Orchestrator in the community if you like otherwise ensure this module is loaded.
The module has now been added to the Repository
Azure Automation Variable with the Orchestrator Servername Azure Automation Credential with appropriate Orchestrator rights