- Proposal: SE-0390
- Authors: Joe Groff, Michael Gottesman, Andrew Trick, Kavon Farvardin
- Review Manager: Stephen Canon
- Status: Implemented (Swift 5.9)
- Implementation: in main branch of compiler
- Review: (pitch) (first review) (second review) (acceptance)
- Previous Revisions: 1
This proposal introduces the concept of noncopyable types (also known as "move-only" types). An instance of a noncopyable type always has unique ownership, unlike normal Swift types which can be freely copied.
All currently existing types in Swift are copyable, meaning it is possible to create multiple identical, interchangeable representations of any value of the type. However, copyable structs and enums are not a great model for unique resources. Classes by contrast can represent a unique resource, since an object has a unique identity once initialized, and only references to that unique object get copied. However, because the references to the object are still copyable, classes always demand shared ownership of the resource. This imposes overhead in the form of heap allocation (since the overall lifetime of the object is indefinite) and reference counting (to keep track of the number of co-owners currently accessing the object), and shared access often complicates or introduces unsafety or additional overhead into an object's APIs. Swift does not yet have a mechanism for defining types that represent unique resources with unique ownership.
We propose to allow for struct
and enum
types to declare themselves as
noncopyable, using a new syntax for suppressing implied generic constraints,
. Values of noncopyable type always have unique ownership, and
can never be copied (at least, not using Swift's implicit copy mechanism).
Since values of noncopyable structs and enums have unique identities, they can
also have deinit
declarations, like classes, which run automatically at the
end of the unique instance's lifetime.
For example, a basic file descriptor type could be defined as:
struct FileDescriptor: ~Copyable {
private var fd: Int32
init(fd: Int32) { self.fd = fd }
func write(buffer: Data) {
buffer.withUnsafeBytes {
write(fd, $0.baseAddress!, $0.count)
deinit {
Like a class, instances of this type can provide managed access to a file handle, automatically closing the handle once the value's lifetime ends. Unlike a class, no object needs to be allocated; only a simple struct containing the file descriptor ID needs to be stored in the stack frame or aggregate value that uniquely owns the instance.
Before this proposal, almost every type in Swift was automatically copyable.
The standard library provides a new generic constraint Copyable
to make
this capability explicit. All existing first-class types (excluding nonescaping
closures) implicitly satisfy this constraint, and all generic type parameters,
existential types, protocols, and associated type requirements implicitly
require it. Types may explicitly declare that they are Copyable
, and generic
types may explicitly require Copyable
, but this currently has no effect.
struct Foo<T: Copyable>: Copyable {}
A struct
or enum
type can be declared as noncopyable by suppressing the
requirement on their declaration, by combining the new Copyable
constraint with the new requirement suppression syntax ~Copyable
struct FileDescriptor: ~Copyable {
private var fd: Int32
If a struct
has a stored property of noncopyable type, or an enum
a case with an associated value of noncopyable type, then the containing type
must also suppress its Copyable
struct SocketPair: ~Copyable {
var in, out: FileDescriptor
enum FileOrMemory: ~Copyable {
// write to an OS file
case file(FileDescriptor)
// write to an array in memory
case memory([UInt8])
// ERROR: copyable value type cannot contain noncopyable members
struct FileWithPath {
var file: FileDescriptor
var path: String
Classes, on the other hand, may contain noncopyable stored properties without themselves becoming noncopyable:
class SharedFile {
var file: FileDescriptor
A class type declaration may not use ~Copyable
; all class types remain copyable
by retaining and releasing references to the object.
// ERROR: classes must be `Copyable`
class SharedFile: ~Copyable {
var file: FileDescriptor
It is also not yet allowed to suppress the Copyable
requirement on generic
parameters, associated type requirements in protocols, or the Self
in a protocol declaration, or in extensions:
// ERROR: generic parameter types must be `Copyable`
func foo<T: ~Copyable>(x: T) {}
// ERROR: types that conform to protocols must be `Copyable`
protocol Foo where Self: ~Copyable {
// ERROR: associated type requirements must be `Copyable`
associatedtype Bar: ~Copyable
// ERROR: cannot suppress `Copyable` in extension of `FileWithPath`
extension FileWithPath: ~Copyable {}
also cannot be suppressed in existential type declarations:
// ERROR: `any` types must be `Copyable`
let foo: any ~Copyable = FileDescriptor()
Noncopyable types may have generic type parameters:
// A type that reads from a file descriptor consisting of binary values of type T
// in sequence.
struct TypedFile<T>: ~Copyable {
var rawFile: FileDescriptor
func read() -> T { ... }
let byteFile: TypedFile<UInt8> // OK
At this time, as noted above, generic types are still always required to be
, so noncopyable types themselves are not allowed to be used as a
generic type argument. This means a noncopyable type cannot:
- conform to any protocols, except for
. - serve as a type witness for an
requirement. - be used as a type argument when instantiating generic types or calling generic functions.
- be cast to (or from)
or any other existential. - be accessed through reflection.
- appear in a tuple.
The reasons for these restrictions and ways of lifting them are discussed under Future Directions. The key implication of these restrictions is that a noncopyable struct or enum is only a subtype of itself, because all other types it might be compatible with for conversion would also permit copying.
The need for preventing noncopyable types from conforming to
protocols is rooted in the fact that all existing constrained generic types
(like some P
types) and existentials (any P
types) are assumed to be
copyable. Recording any conformances to these protocols would be invalid for
noncopyable types.
But, an exception is made where noncopyable types can conform to Sendable
Unlike other protocols, the Sendable
marker protocol leaves no conformance
record in the output program. Thus, there will be no ABI impact if a future
noncopyable version of the Sendable
protocol is created.
The big benefit of allowing Sendable
conformances is that noncopyable types
are compatible with concurrency. Keep in mind that despite their ability to
conform to Sendable
, noncopyable structs and enums are still only a subtype
of themselves. That means when the noncopyable type conforms to Sendable
, you
still cannot convert it to any Sendable
, because copying that existential
would copy its underlying value:
extension FileDescriptor: Sendable {} // OK
struct RefHolder: ~Copyable, Sendable {
var ref: Ref // ERROR: stored property 'ref' of 'Sendable'-conforming struct 'RefHolder' has non-sendable type 'Ref'
func openAsync(_ path: String) async throws -> FileDescriptor {/* ... */}
func sendToSpace(_ s: some Sendable) {/* ... */}
@MainActor func example() async throws {
// OK. FileDescriptor can cross actors because it is Sendable
var fd: FileDescriptor = try await openAsync("/dev/null")
// ERROR: noncopyable types cannot be conditionally cast
// WARNING: cast from 'FileDescriptor' to unrelated type 'any Sendable' always fails
if let sendy: Sendable = fd as? Sendable {
// ERROR: noncopyable types cannot be conditionally cast
// WARNING: cast from 'any Sendable' to unrelated type 'FileDescriptor' always fails
fd = sendy as! FileDescriptor
// ERROR: noncopyable type 'FileDescriptor' cannot be used with generics
Since a good portion of Swift's standard library rely on generics, there are a a number of common types and functions that will not work with today's noncopyable types:
// ERROR: Cannot use noncopyable type FileDescriptor in generic type Optional
let x = Optional(FileDescriptor(open("/etc/passwd", O_RDONLY)))
// ERROR: Cannot use noncopyable type FileDescriptor in generic type Array
let fds: [FileDescriptor] = []
// ERROR: Cannot use noncopyable type FileDescriptor in generic type Any
// ERROR: Noncopyable struct SocketEvent cannot conform to Error
enum SocketEvent: ~Copyable, Error {
case requestedDisconnect(SocketPair)
For example, the print
function expects to be able to convert its argument to
, which is a copyable value. Internally, it also relies on either
reflection or conformance to CustomStringConvertible
. Since a noncopyable type
can't do any of those, a suggested workaround is to explicitly define a
conversion to String
extension FileDescriptor /*: CustomStringConvertible */ {
var description: String {
return "file descriptor #\(fd)"
let fd = FileDescriptor(-1)
A more general kind of workaround to mix generics and noncopyable types
is to wrap the value in an ordinary class instance, which itself can participate
in generics. To transfer the noncopyable value in or out of the wrapper class
instance, using Optional<FileDescriptor>
for the class's field would be
ideal. But until that is supported, a concrete noncopyable enum can represent
the case where the value of interest was taken out of the instance:
enum MaybeFileDescriptor: ~Copyable {
case some(FileDescriptor)
case none
// Returns this MaybeFileDescriptor by consuming it
// and leaving .none in its place.
mutating func take() -> MaybeFileDescriptor {
let old = self // consume self
self = .none // reinitialize self
return old
class WrappedFile {
var file: MaybeFileDescriptor
enum Err: Error { case noFile }
init(_ fd: consuming FileDescriptor) {
file = .some(fd)
func consume() throws -> FileDescriptor {
if case let .some(fd) = file.take() {
return fd
throw Err.noFile
func example(_ fd1: consuming FileDescriptor,
_ fd2: consuming FileDescriptor) -> [WrappedFile] {
// create an array of descriptors
return [WrappedFile(fd1), WrappedFile(fd2)]
All of this boilerplate melts away once noncopyable types support generics.
Even before then, one major improvement would be to eliminate the need to define
types like MaybeFileDescriptor
through a noncopyable Optional
(see Future Directions).
As the name suggests, values of noncopyable type cannot be copied, a major break from most other types in Swift. Many operations are currently defined as working as pass-by-value, and use copying as an implementation technique to give that semantics, but these operations now need to be defined more precisely in terms of how they borrow or consume their operands in order to define their effects on values that cannot be copied.
We use the term consume to refer to an operation that invalidates the value that it operates on. It may do this by directly destroying the value, freeing its resources such as memory and file handles, or forwarding ownership of the value to yet another owner who takes responsibility for keeping it alive. Performing a consuming operation on a noncopyable value generally requires having ownership of the value to begin with, and invalidates the value the operation was performed on after it is completed.
We use the term borrow to refer to a shared borrow of a single instance of a value; the operation that borrows the value allows other operations to borrow the same value simultaneously, and it does not take ownership of the value away from its current owner. This generally means that borrowers are not allowed to mutate the value, since doing so would invalidate the value as seen by the owner or other simultaneous borrowers. Borrowers also cannot consume the value. They can, however, initiate arbitrarily many additional borrowing operations on all or part of the value they borrow.
Both of these conventions stand in contrast to mutating (or inout)
operations, which take an exclusive borrow of their operands. The behavior
of mutating operations on noncopyable values is much the same as inout
parameters of copyable type today, which are already subject to the
"law of exclusivity". A mutating operation has exclusive access to its operand
for the duration of the operation, allowing it to freely mutate the value
without concern for aliasing or data races, since not even the owner may
access the value simultaneously. A mutating operation may pass its operand
to another mutating operation, but transfers exclusivity to that other operation
until it completes. A mutating operation may also pass its operand to
any number of borrowing operations, but cannot assume exclusivity while those
borrows are enacted; when the borrowing operations complete, the mutating
operation may assume exclusivity again. Unlike having true ownership of a
value, mutating operations give ownership back to the owner at the end of an
operation. A mutating operation therefore may consume the current value of its
operand, but if it does, it must replace it with a new value before completing.
For copyable types, the distinction between borrowing and consuming operations is largely hidden from the programmer, since Swift will implicitly insert copies as needed to maintain the apparent value semantics of operations; a consuming operation can be turned into a borrowing one by copying the value and giving the operation the copy to consume, allowing the program to continue using the original. This of course becomes impossible for values that cannot be copied, forcing the distinction.
Many code patterns that are allowed for copyable types also become errors for
noncopyable values because they would lead to conflicting uses of the same
value, without the ability to insert copies to avoid the conflict. For example,
a copyable value can normally be passed as an argument to the same function
multiple times, even to a borrowing
and consuming
parameter of the same
call, and the compiler will copy as necessary to make all of the function's
parameters valid according to their ownership specifiers:
func borrow(_: borrowing Value, and _: borrowing Value) {}
func consume(_: consuming Value, butBorrow _: borrowing Value) {}
let x = Value()
borrow(x, and: x) // this is fine, multiple borrows can share
consume(x, butBorrow: x) // also fine, we'll copy x to let a copy be consumed
// while the other is borrowed
By contrast, a noncopyable value must be passed by borrow or consumed,
without copying. This makes the second call above impossible for a noncopyable
, since attempting to consume x
would end the binding's lifetime while
it also needs to be borrowed:
func borrow(_: borrowing FileDescriptor, and _: borrowing FileDescriptor) {}
func consume(_: consuming FileDescriptor, butBorrow _: borrowing FileDescriptor) {}
let x = FileDescriptor()
borrow(x, and: x) // still OK to borrow multiple times
consume(x, butBorrow: x) // ERROR: consuming use of `x` would end its lifetime
// while being borrowed
A similar effect happens when inout
parameters take noncopyable arguments.
Swift will copy the value of a variable if it is passed both by value and
, so that the by-value parameter receives a copy of the current value
while leaving the original binding available for the inout
parameter to
exclusively access:
func update(_: inout Value, butBorrow _: borrow Value) {}
func update(_: inout Value, butConsume _: consume Value) {}
var x = Value()
update(&x, butBorrow: x) // this is fine, we'll copy `x` in the second parameter
update(&x, butConsume: x) // also fine, we'll also copy
But again, for a noncopyable value, this implicit copy is impossible, so these sorts of calls become exclusivity errors:
func update(_: inout FileDescriptor, butBorrow _: borrow FileDescriptor) {}
func update(_: inout FileDescriptor, butConsume _: consume FileDescriptor) {}
var y = FileDescriptor()
update(&y, butBorrow: y) // ERROR: cannot borrow `y` while exclusively accessed
update(&y, butConsume: y) // ERROR: cannot consume `y` while exclusively accessed
The following sections attempt to classify existing language operations according to what ownership semantics they have when performed on noncopyable values.
The following operations are consuming:
assigning a value to a new
binding, or setting an existing variable or property to the binding:let x = FileDescriptor() let y = x use(x) // ERROR: x consumed by assignment to `y`
var y = FileDescriptor() let x = FileDescriptor() y = x use(x) // ERROR: x consumed by assignment to `y`
class C { var property = FileDescriptor() } let c = C() let x = FileDescriptor() c.property = x use(x) // ERROR: x consumed by assignment to `c.property`
The one exception is assigning to the "black hole"
_ = x
, which is a borrowing operation, as noted below. This allows for the_ = x
idiom to still be used to prevent warnings about a borrowed binding that is otherwise unused. -
passing an argument to a
parameter of a function:func consume(_: consuming FileDescriptor) {} let x1 = FileDescriptor() consume(x1) use(x1) // ERROR: x1 consumed by call to `consume`
passing an argument to an
parameter that is not explicitlyborrowing
:struct S: ~Copyable { var x: FileDescriptor, y: Int } let x = FileDescriptor() let s = S(x: x, y: 219) use(x) // ERROR: x consumed by `init` of struct `S`
invoking a
method on a value, or accessing a property of the value through aconsuming get
orconsuming set
accessor:extension FileDescriptor { consuming func consume() {} } let x = FileDescriptor() x.consume() use(x) // ERROR: x consumed by method `consume`
explicitly consuming a value with the
operator:let x = FileDescriptor() _ = consume x use(x) // ERROR: x consumed by explicit `consume`
-ing a value; -
pattern-matching a value with
,if let
, orif case
:let x: Optional = getValue() if let y = consume x { ... } use(x) // ERROR: x consumed by `if let` enum FileDescriptorOrBuffer: ~Copyable { case file(FileDescriptor) case buffer(String) } let x = FileDescriptorOrBuffer.file(FileDescriptor()) switch consume x { case .file(let f): break case .buffer(let b): break } use(x) // ERROR: x consumed by `switch`
In order to allow for borrowing pattern matching to potentially become the default later, when it's supported, the operand to
or the right-hand side of acase
condition in anif
must use theconsume
operator in order to indicate that it is consumed. We may wantswitch x
to borrow by default in the future. -
iterating a
with afor
loop:let xs = [1, 2, 3] for x in consume xs {} use(xs) // ERROR: xs consumed by `for` loop
(Although noncopyable types are not currently allowed to conform to
protocols, preventing them from implementing the Sequence
and cannot be used as generic parameters, preventing the formation of
noncopyable types, these last two cases are listed for completeness,
since they would affect the behavior of other language features that
suppress implicit copying when applied to copyable types.)
The consume
operator can always transfer ownership of its operand when the
expression is itself the operand of a consuming operation.
Consuming is flow-sensitive, so if one branch of an if
or other control flow
consumes a noncopyable value, then other branches where the value
is not consumed may continue using it:
let x = FileDescriptor()
guard let condition = getCondition() else {
// We can continue using x here, since only the exit branch of the guard
// consumed it
For the purposes of the following discussion, a closure is considered nonescaping in the following cases:
- if the closure literal appears as an argument to a function parameter of
function type, or - if the closure literal is assigned to a local
variable, that does not itself get captured by an escaping closure.
These cases correspond to the cases where a closure is allowed to capture an
parameter from its surrounding scope, before this proposal.
The following operations are borrowing:
- Passing an argument to a
parameter that does not have an ownership modifier, or an argument to anyfunc
, orinit
parameter which is explicitly markedborrow
. The argument is borrowed for the duration of the callee's execution. - Borrowing a stored property of a struct or tuple borrows the struct or tuple
for the duration of the access to the stored property. This means that one
field of a struct cannot be borrowed while another is being mutated, as in
call(struc.fieldA, &struc.fieldB)
. Allowing for fine-grained subelement borrows in some circumstances is discussed as a Future Direction below. - A stored property of a class may be borrowed using a dynamic exclusivity check, to assert that there are no aliasing mutations attempted during the borrow, as discussed under "Noncopyable stored properties in classes" below.
- Invoking a
method on a value, or a method which is not annotated as any ofborrowing
, borrows theself
parameter for the duration of the callee's execution. - Accessing a computed property or subscript through
getter or setter borrows theself
parameter for the duration of the accessor's execution. - Capturing an immutable local binding into a nonescaping closure borrows the binding for the duration of the callee that receives the nonescaping closure.
- Assigning into the "black hole"
_ = x
borrows the right-hand side of the assignment.
The following operations are mutating uses:
- Passing an argument to a
parameter that isinout
. The argument is exclusively accessed for the duration of the call. - Projecting a stored property of a struct for mutation is a mutating use of the entire struct.
- A stored property of a class may be mutated using a dynamic exclusivity check, to assert that there are no aliasing mutations, as happens today. For noncopyable properties, the assertion also enforces that no borrows are attempted during the mutation, as discussed under "Noncopyable stored properties in classes" below.
- Invoking a
method on a value is a mutating use of theself
parameter for the duration of the callee's execution. - Accessing a computed property or subscript through a
getter and/or setter is a mutating use ofself
for the duration of the accessor's execution. - Capturing a mutable local binding into a nonescaping closure is a mutating use of the binding for the duration of the callee that receives the nonescaping closure.
When noncopyable types are used as function parameters, the ownership
convention becomes a much more important part of the API contract.
As such, when a function parameter is declared with a noncopyable type, it
must declare whether the parameter uses the borrowing
, consuming
, or
// Redirect a file descriptor
// Require exclusive access to the FileDescriptor to replace it
func redirect(_ file: inout FileDescriptor, to otherFile: borrowing FileDescriptor) {
dup2(otherFile.fd, file.fd)
// Write to a file descriptor
// Only needs shared access
func write(_ data: [UInt8], to file: borrowing FileDescriptor) {
data.withUnsafeBytes {
write(file.fd, $0.baseAddress, $0.count)
// Close a file descriptor
// Consumes the file descriptor
func close(file: consuming FileDescriptor) {
Methods of the noncopyable type are considered to be borrowing
declared mutating
or consuming
extension FileDescriptor {
mutating func replace(with otherFile: borrowing FileDescriptor) {
dup2(otherFile.fd, self.fd)
// borrowing by default
func write(_ data: [UInt8]) {
data.withUnsafeBytes {
write(file.fd, $0.baseAddress, $0.count)
consuming func close() {
Static casts or coercions of function types that change the ownership modifier
of a noncopyable parameter are currently invalid. One reason is that it is
impossible to convert a function with a noncopyable consuming
parameter, into
one where that parameter is borrowed
, without inducing a copy of the borrowed
parameter. See Future Directions for details.
A class or noncopyable struct may declare stored let
or var
properties of
noncopyable type. A noncopyable let
stored property may only be borrowed,
whereas a var
stored property may be both borrowed and mutated. Stored
properties cannot generally be consumed because doing so would leave the
containing aggregate in an invalid state.
Any type may also declare computed properties of noncopyable type. The get
accessor returns an owned value that the caller may consume, like a function
would. The set
accessor receives its newValue
as a consuming
so the setter may consume the parameter value to update the containing
Accessors may use the consuming
and borrowing
declaration modifiers to
affect the ownership of self
while the accessor executes. consuming get
is particularly useful as a way of forwarding ownership of part of an aggregate,
such as to take ownership away from a wrapper type:
struct FileDescriptorWrapper: ~Copyable {
private var _value: FileDescriptor
var value: FileDescriptor {
consuming get { return _value }
However, a consuming get
cannot be paired with a setter when the containing
type is ~Copyable
, because invoking the getter consumes the aggregate,
leaving nothing to write a modified value back to.
Because getters return owned values, non-consuming
getters generally cannot
be used to wrap noncopyable stored properties, since doing so would require
copying the value out of the aggregate:
class File {
private var _descriptor: FileDescriptor
var descriptor: FileDescriptor {
return _descriptor // ERROR: attempt to copy `_descriptor`
These limitations could be addressed in the future by exposing the ability for computed properties to also provide "read" and "modify" coroutines, which would have the ability to yield borrowing or mutating access to properties without copying them.
When classes or noncopyable types contain members that are of noncopyable type, then the container is the unique owner of the member value. Outside of the type's definition, client code cannot perform consuming operations on the value, since it would need to take away the container's ownership to do so:
struct Inner: ~Copyable {}
struct Outer: ~Copyable {
var inner = Inner()
let outer = Outer()
let i = outer.inner // ERROR: can't take `inner` away from `outer`
However, when code has the ability to mutate the member, it may freely modify, reassign, or replace the value in the field:
var outer = Outer()
let newInner = Inner()
// OK, transfers ownership of `newInner` to `outer`, destroying its previous
// value
outer.inner = newInner
Note that, as currently defined, switch
to pattern-match an enum
is a
consuming operation, so it can only be performed inside consuming
on the type's original definition:
enum OuterEnum: ~Copyable {
case inner(Inner)
case file(FileDescriptor)
// Error, can't partially consume a value outside of its definition
let enum = OuterEnum.inner(Inner())
switch enum {
case .inner(let inner):
Being able to borrow in pattern matches would address this shortcoming.
Since objects may have any number of simultaneous references, Swift uses dynamic exclusivity checking to prevent simultaneous writes of the same stored property. This dynamic checking extends to borrows of noncopyable stored properties; the compiler will attempt to diagnose obvious borrowing failures, as it will for local variables and value types, but a runtime error will occur if an uncaught exclusivity error occurs, such as an attempt to mutate an object's stored property while it is being borrowed:
class Foo {
var fd: FileDescriptor
init(fd: FileDescriptor) { self.fd = fd }
func update(_: inout FileDescriptor, butBorrow _: borrow FileDescriptor) {}
func updateFoo(_ a: Foo, butBorrowFoo b: Foo) {
update(&a.fd, butBorrow: b.fd)
let foo = Foo(fd: FileDescriptor())
// Will trap at runtime when foo.fd is borrowed and mutated at the same time
updateFoo(foo, butBorrowFoo: foo)
properties do not allow mutating accesses, and this continues to hold for
noncopyable types. The value of a let
property in a class therefore does not
need dynamic checking, even if the value is noncopyable; the value behaves as
if it is always borrowed, since there may potentially be a borrow through
some reference to the object at any point in the program. Such values can
thus never be consumed or mutated.
The dynamic borrow state of properties is tracked independently for every stored property in the class, so it is safe to mutate one property while other properties of the same object are also being mutated or borrowed:
class SocketTriple {
var in, middle, out: FileDescriptor
func update(_: inout FileDescriptor, and _: inout FileDescriptor,
whileBorrowing _: borrowing FileDescriptor) {}
// This is OK
let object = SocketTriple(...)
update(&object.in, and: &object.out, whileBorrowing: object.middle)
This dynamic tracking, however, cannot track accesses at finer resolution than properties, so in circumstances where we might otherwise eventually be able to support independent borrowing of fields in structs, tuples, and enums, that support will not extend to fields within class properties, since the entire property must be in the borrowing or mutating state.
Dynamic borrowing or mutating accesses require that the enclosing object be
kept alive for the duration of the assertion of the access. Normally, this
is transparent to the developer, as the compiler will keep a copy of a
reference to the object retained while these accesses occur. However, if
we introduce noncopyable bindings to class references, such as the borrow
and inout
currently being pitched, this would manifest as a borrow of the noncopyable
reference, preventing mutation or consumption of the reference during
dynamically-asserted accesses to its properties:
class SocketTriple {
var in, middle, out: FileDescriptor
func borrow(_: borrowing FileDescriptor,
whileReplacingObject _: inout SocketTriple) {}
var object = SocketTriple(...)
// This is OK, since ARC will keep a copy of the `object` reference retained
// while `object.in` is borrowed
borrow(object.in, whileReplacingObject: &object)
inout objectAlias = &object
// This is an error, since we aren't allowed to implicitly copy through
// an `inout` binding, and replacing `objectAlias` without keeping a copy
// retained might invalidate the object while we're accessing it.
borrow(objectAlias.in, whileReplacingObject: &objectAlias)
Nonescaping closures have scoped lifetimes, so they can borrow their captures, as noted in the "borrowing operations" and "consuming operations" sections above. Escaping closures, on the other hand, have indefinite lifetimes, since they can be copied and passed around arbitrarily, and multiple escaping closures can capture and access the same local variables alongside the local context from which those captures were taken. Variables captured by escaping closures thus behave like class properties; immutable captures are treated as always borrowed both inside the closure body and in the capture's original context.
func escape(_: @escaping () -> ()) {...}
func borrow(_: borrowing FileDescriptor) {}
func consume(_: consuming FileDescriptor) {}
func foo() {
let x = FileDescriptor()
// ERROR: cannot consume variable before it's been captured
escape {
borrow(x) // OK
consume(x) // ERROR: cannot consume captured variable
// OK
// ERROR: cannot consume variable after it's been captured by an escaping
// closure
Mutable captures are subject to dynamic exclusivity checking like class
properties are, and similarly cannot be consumed and reinitialized. When
a closure escapes, the compiler isn't able to statically know when the closure
is invoked, and it may even be invoked multiple overlapping times, or
simultaneously on different threads if the closure is @Sendable
, so the
captures must always remain in a valid state for memory safety, and exclusivity
of mutations can only be enforced dynamically.
var escapedClosure: (@escaping (inout FileDescriptor) -> ())?
func foo() {
var x = FileDescriptor()
// ERROR: cannot consume variable before it's been captured.
// (We could potentially support local consumption before the variable
// capture occurs as a future direction.)
x = FileDescriptor()
escapedClosure = { _ in borrow(x) }
// Runtime error when exclusive access to `x` dynamically conflicts
// with attempted borrow of `x` during `escapedClosure`'s execution
A noncopyable struct or enum may declare a deinit
, which will run
implicitly when the lifetime of the value ends (unless explicitly suppressed
with discard
as explained below):
struct File: ~Copyable {
var descriptor: Int32
func write<S: Sequence>(_ values: S) { /*..*/ }
consuming func close() {
print("closing file")
deinit {
print("deinitializing file")
closeFile(rawDescriptor: descriptor)
Like a class deinit
, a struct or enum deinit
may not propagate any
uncaught errors. Within the body of the deinit
, self
behaves as in
a borrowing
method; it may not be modified or consumed inside the
. (Allowing for mutation and partial invalidation inside a
is explored as a future direction.)
A value's lifetime ends, and its deinit
runs if present, in the following
For a local
binding, orconsuming
function parameter, that is not itself consumed,deinit
runs at the end of the binding's lexical scope. If, on the other hand, the binding is consumed, then responsibility for deinitialization gets forwarded to the consumer (which may in turn forward it somewhere else). As explained later, a_ = consume
operator with no destination immediately runs thedeinit
.do { let file = File(descriptor: 42) file.close() // consuming use // file's deinit runs inside `close` print("done writing") } // Output: // closing file // deinitializing file // done writing do { let file = File(descriptor: 42) file.write([1,2,3]) // borrowing use print("done writing") // file's deinit runs here } // Output: // done writing // deinitializing file
If a noncopyable value is conditionally consumed, then the deinitializer runs as late as possible on any nonconsumed paths:
let condition = false do { let file = File(descriptor: 42) file.write([1,2,3]) // borrowing use if condition { file.close() } else { print("not closed") // file's deinit runs here } print("done writing") } // Output: // not closed // deinitializing file // done writing
When a struct, enum, or class contains a member of noncopyable type, the member is destroyed, and its deinit is run, after the container's deinit runs. For example:
struct Inner: ~Copyable {
deinit { print("destroying inner") }
struct Outer: ~Copyable {
var inner = Inner()
deinit { print("destroying outer") }
do {
_ = Outer()
will print:
destroying outer
destroying inner
It is often useful for noncopyable types to provide alternative ways to consume
the resource represented by the value besides deinit
. However,
under normal circumstances, a consuming
method will still invoke the type's
after the last use of self
, which is undesirable when the method's
own logic already invalidates the value:
struct FileDescriptor: ~Copyable {
private var fd: Int32
deinit {
consuming func close() {
// The lifetime of `self` ends here, triggering `deinit` (and another call to `close`)!
In the above example, the double-close could be avoided by having the
method do nothing on its own and just allow the deinit
implicitly run. However, we may want the method to have different behavior
from the deinit; for example, it could raise an error (which a normal deinit
is unable to do) if the close
system call triggers an OS error :
struct FileDescriptor: ~Copyable {
private var fd: Int32
consuming func close() throws {
// POSIX close may raise an error (which leaves the file descriptor in an
// unspecified state, so we can't really try to close it again, but the
// error may nonetheless indicate a condition worth handling)
if close(fd) != 0 {
throw CloseError(errno)
// We don't want to trigger another close here!
or it could be useful to take manual control of the file descriptor back from the type, such as to pass to a C API that will take care of closing it:
struct FileDescriptor: ~Copyable {
// Take ownership of the C file descriptor away from this type,
// returning the file descriptor without closing it
consuming func take() -> Int32 {
return fd
// We don't want to trigger close here!
We propose to introduce a special operator, discard self
, which ends the
lifetime of self
without running its deinit
struct FileDescriptor: ~Copyable {
// Take ownership of the C file descriptor away from this type,
// returning the file descriptor without closing it
consuming func take() -> Int32 {
let fd = self.fd
discard self
return fd
discard self
can only be applied to self
, in a consuming method
defined in the same file as the type's original definition. (This is in
contrast to Rust's similar special function,
, which is a
standalone function that can be applied to any value, anywhere. Although the
Rust documentation notes that this operation is "safe" on the principle that
destructors may not run at all, due to reference cycles, process termination,
etc., in practice the ability to forget arbitrary values creates semantic
issues for many Rust APIs, particularly when there are destructors on types
with lifetime dependence on each other like Mutex
and LockGuard
. As such,
we think it is safer to restrict the ability to suppress the standard deinit
for a value to the core API of its type. We can relax this restriction if
experience shows a need to.)
For the extent of this proposal, we also propose that discard self
can only
be applied in types whose components include no reference-counted, generic,
or existential fields, nor do they include any types that transitively include
any fields of those types or that have deinit
s defined of their own. (Such
a type might be called "POD" or "trivial" following C++ terminology). We explore
lifting this restriction as a future direction.
Even with the ability to discard self
, care would still need be taken when
writing destructive operations to avoid triggering the deinit on alternative
exit paths, such as early return
s, throw
s, or implicit propagation of
errors from try
operations. For instance, if we write:
struct FileDescriptor: ~Copyable {
private var fd: Int32
consuming func close() throws {
// POSIX close may raise an error (which still invalidates the
// file descriptor, but may indicate a condition worth handling)
if close(fd) != 0 {
throw CloseError(errno)
// !!! Oops, we didn't suppress deinit on this path, so we'll double close!
// We don't need to deinit self anymore
discard self
then the throw
path exits the method without discard
, and
will still execute if an error occurs. To avoid this mistake, we
propose that if any path through a method uses discard self
, then
every path must choose either to discard
or to explicitly consume self
which triggers the standard deinit
. This will make the above code an error,
alerting that the code should be rewritten to ensure discard self
always executes:
struct FileDescriptor: ~Copyable {
private var fd: Int32
consuming func close() throws {
// Save the file descriptor and give up ownership of it
let fd = self.fd
discard self
// We can now use `fd` below without worrying about `deinit`:
// POSIX close may raise an error (which still invalidates the
// file descriptor, but may indicate a condition worth handling)
if close(fd) != 0 {
throw CloseError(errno)
The consume operator
must be used to explicitly end the value's lifetime using its deinit
is used to conditionally destroy the value on other paths
through the method.
struct MemoryBuffer: ~Copyable {
private var address: UnsafeRawPointer
init(size: Int) throws {
guard let address = malloc(size) else {
throw MallocError()
self.address = address
deinit {
consuming func takeOwnership(if condition: Bool) -> UnsafeRawPointer? {
if condition {
// Save the memory buffer and give it to the caller, who
// is promising to free it when they're done.
let address = self.address
discard self
return address
} else {
// We still want to free the memory if we aren't giving it away.
_ = consume self
return nil
For existing Swift code, this proposal is additive.
An existing copyable struct or enum cannot have its Copyable
taken away without breaking ABI, since existing clients may copy values of the
Ideally, we would allow noncopyable types to become Copyable
without breaking
ABI; however, we cannot promise this, due to existing implementation choices we
have made in the ABI that cause the copyability of a type to have unavoidable
knock-on effects. In particular, when properties are declared in classes,
protocols, or public non-@frozen
structs, we define the property's ABI to use
accessors even if the property is stored, with the idea that it should be
possible to change a property's implementation to change it from a stored to
computed property, or vice versa, without breaking ABI.
The accessors used as ABI today are the traditional get
and set
computed accessors, as well as a _modify
coroutine which can optimize inout
operations and projections into stored properties. _modify
and set
not problematic for noncopyable types. However, get
behaves like a
function, producing the property's value by returning it like a function would,
and returning requires consuming the return value to transfer it to the
caller. This is not possible for noncopyable stored properties, since the
value of the property cannot be copied in order to return a copy without
invalidating the entire containing struct or object.
Therefore, properties of noncopyable type need a different ABI in order to
properly abstract them. In particular, instead of exposing a get
through abstract interfaces, they must use a _read
coroutine, which is the
read-only analog to _modify
, allowing the implementation to yield a borrow of
the property value in-place instead of returning by value. This allows for
noncopyable stored properties to be exposed while still being abstracted enough
that they can be replaced by a computed implementation, since a get
implementation could still work underneath the read
coroutine by evaluating
the getter, yielding a borrow of the returned value, then disposing of the
temporary value.
As such, we cannot simply say that making a noncopyable type copyable is an ABI-safe change, since doing so will have knock-on effects on the ABI of any properties of the type. We could potentially provide a "born noncopyable" attribute to indicate that a copyable type should use the noncopyable ABI for any properties, as a way to enable the evolution into a copyable type while preserving existing ABI. However, it also seems unlikely to us that many types would need to evolve between being copyable or not frequently.
An noncopyable type that is not @frozen
can add or remove its deinit without
affecting the type's ABI. If @frozen
, a deinit cannot be added or removed,
but the deinit implementation may change (if the deinit is not additionally
A class may add fields of noncopyable type without changing ABI.
Introducing new APIs using noncopyable types is an additive change. APIs that adopt noncopyable types have some notable restrictions on how they can further evolve while maintaining source compatibility.
A noncopyable type can be made copyable while generally maintaining source
compatibility. Values in client source would acquire normal ARC lifetime
semantics instead of eager-move semantics when those clients are recompiled
with the type as copyable, and that could affect the observable order of
destruction and cleanup. Since copyable value types cannot directly define
s, being able to observe these order differences is unlikely, but not
impossible when references to classes are involved.
A consuming
parameter of noncopyable type can be changed into a borrowing
parameter without breaking source for clients (and likewise, a consuming
method can be made borrowing
). Conversely, changing
a borrowing
parameter to consuming
may break client source. (Either direction
is an ABI breaking change.) This is because a consuming use is required to
be the final use of a noncopyable value, whereas a borrowing use may or may not
Adding or removing a deinit
to a noncopyable type does not affect source
for clients.
We have frequently referred to these types as "move-only types" in various
vision documents. However, as we've evolved related proposals like the
operator and parameter modifiers, the community has drifted away
from exposing the term "move" in the language elsewhere. When explaining these
types to potential users, we've also found that the name "move-only" incorrectly
suggests that being noncopyable is a new capability of types, and that there
should be generic functions that only operate on "move-only" types, when really
the opposite is the case: all existing types in Swift today conform to
effectively an implicit "Copyable" requirement, and what this feature does is
allow types not to fulfill that requirement. When generics grow support for
move-only types, then generic functions and types that accept noncopyable
type parameters will also work with copyable types, since copyable types
are strictly more capable. This proposal prefers the term "noncopyable" to make
the relationship to an eventual Copyable
constraint, and the fact that annotated
types lack the ability to satisfy this constraint, more explicit.
It's a reasonable question why declaring a type as noncopyable isn't spelled like a regular protocol constraint, instead of as the removal of an existing constraint:
struct Foo: NonCopyable {}
As noted in the previous discussion, an issue with this notation is that it
implies that NonCopyable
is a new capability or requirement, rather than
really being the lack of a Copyable
capability. For an example of why
this might be misleading, consider what would happen if we expand
standard library collection types to support noncopyable elements. Value types
like Array
and Dictionary
would become copyable only when the elements they
contain are copyable. However, we cannot write this in terms of NonCopyable
conditional requirements, since if we write:
extension Dictionary: NonCopyable where Key: NonCopyable, Value: NonCopyable {}
this says that the dictionary is noncopyable only when both the key and value
are noncopyable, which is wrong because we can't copy the dictionary even if
only the keys or only the values are noncopyable. If we flip the constraint to
, the correct thing would fall out naturally:
extension Dictionary: Copyable where Key: Copyable, Value: Copyable {}
However, for progressive disclosure and source compatibility reasons, we still
want the majority of types to be Copyable
by default without making them
explicitly declare it; noncopyable types are likely to remain the exception
rather than the rule, with automatic lifetime management via ARC by the
compiler being sufficient for most code like it is today.
Some dictionaries specify that "copiable" is the standard spelling for "able to copy", although the Oxford English Dictionary and Merriam-Webster both also list "copyable" as an accepted alternative. We prefer the more regular "copyable" spelling.
It should be possible for a tuple to contain noncopyable elements, rendering
the tuple noncopyable if any of its elements are. Since tuples' structure is
always known, it would be reasonable to allow for the elements within a tuple
to be independently borrowed, mutated, and consumed, as the language allows
today for the elements of a tuple to be independently mutated via inout
accesses. (Due to the limitations of dynamic exclusivity checking, this would
not be possible for class properties, globals, and escaping closure captures.)
This proposal initiates support for noncopyable types without any support for
generics at all, which precludes their use in most standard library types,
including Optional
. We expect the lack of Optional
support in particular
to be extremely limiting, since Optional
can be used to manage dynamic
consumption of noncopyable values in situations where the language's static
rules cannot soundly support consumption. For instance, the static rules above
state that a stored property of a class can never be consumed, because it is
not knowable if other references to an object exist that expect the property
to be inhabited. This could be avoided using Optional
with mutating
operation that forwards ownership of the Optional
value's payload, if any,
writing nil
back. Eventually this could be written as an extension method
on Optional
extension Optional where Self: ~Copyable {
mutating func take() -> Wrapped {
switch self {
case .some(let wrapped):
self = nil
return wrapped
case .none:
fatalError("trying to take from an Optional that's already empty")
class Foo {
var fd: FileDescriptor?
func close() {
// We normally would not be able to close `fd` except via the
// object's `deinit` destroying the stored property. But using
// `Optional` assignment, we can dynamically end the value's lifetime
// here.
fd = nil
func takeFD() -> FileDescriptor {
// We normally would not be able to forward `fd`'s ownership to
// anyone else. But using
// `Optional.take`, we can dynamically end the value's lifetime
// here.
return fd.take()
Without Optional
support, the alternative would be for every noncopyable type
to provide its own ad-hoc nil
-like state, which would be very unfortunate,
and go against Swift's general desire to encourage structural code correctness
by making invalid states unrepresentable. Therefore, Optional
is likely to
be worth considering as a special case for noncopyable support, ahead of full
generics support for noncopyable types.
This proposal comes with an admittedly severe restriction that noncopyable types
cannot conform to protocols or be used at all as type arguments to generic
functions or types, including common standard library types like Optional
and Array
. All generic parameters in Swift today carry an implicit assumption
that the type is copyable, and it is another large language design project to
integrate the concept of noncopyable types into the generics system. Full
integration will very likely also involve changes to the Swift runtime and
standard library to accommodate noncopyable types in APIs that weren't
originally designed for them, and this integration might then have backward
deployment restrictions. We believe that, even with these restrictions,
noncopyable types are a useful self-contained addition to the language for
safely and efficiently modeling unique resources, and this subset of the feature
also has the benefit of being adoptable without additional runtime requirements,
so developers can begin making use of the feature without giving up backward
compatibility with existing Swift runtime deployments.
This proposal states that a type, including one with generic parameters, is
currently always copyable or always noncopyable. However, some types may
eventually be generic over copyable and non-copyable types, with the ability
to be copyable for some generic arguments but not all. A simple case might be
a tuple-like Pair
struct Pair<T: ~Copyable, U: ~Copyable>: ~Copyable {
var first: T
var second: U
We will need a way to express this conditional copyability, perhaps using conditional conformance style declarations:
extension Pair: Copyable where T: Copyable, U: Copyable {}
There are situations where a type's conformance to a protocol is implicitly
derived because of aspects of its declaration or usage. For instance, enums that
don't have any associated values are implicitly made Hashable
by refinement, Equatable
enum Foo {
case a, b, c
// OK to compare with `==` because `Foo` is automatically Equatable,
// through an implementation of `==` synthesized by the compiler for you.
print(Foo.a == Foo.b)
and internal structs and enums are implicitly Sendable
if all of their
components are Sendable
struct Bar {
var x: Int, y: Int
func foo() async {
let x = Bar(x: 17, y: 38)
// OK to use x in an async task because it's implicitly Sendable
async let y = x
However, this isn't always desirable; an enum may want to reserve the right to
add associated values in the future that aren't Equatable
, or a type may be
made up of Sendable
components that represent resources that are not safe
to share across threads. There is currently no direct way to suppress these
automatically derived conformances. We propose to introduce the ~Constraint
syntax as a way to explicitly suppress automatic derivation of a conformance
that would otherwise be performed for a declaration:
enum Candy: ~Equatable {
case redVimes, twisslers, smickers
// ERROR: `Candy` does not conform to `Equatable`
print(Candy.redVimes == Candy.twisslers)
struct ThreadUnsafeHandle: ~Sendable {
// although this is an integer, it represents a system resource that
// can only be accessed from a specific thread, and should not be shared
// across threads
var handle: Int32
func foo(handle: ThreadUnsafeHandle) async {
// ERROR: `ThreadUnsafeHandle` is not `Sendable`
async let y = handle
It is important to note that ~Constraint
only avoids the implicit, automatic
derivation of conformance. It does not mean that the type strictly does
not conform to the protocol. Extensions may add the conformance back separately,
possibly conditionally:
struct ResourceHandle<T: Resource>: ~Sendable {
// although this is an integer, it represents a system resource that
// gives access to values of type `T`, which may not be thread safe
// across threads
var handle: Int32
// It is safe to share the handle when the resource type is thread safe
extension ResourceHandle: Sendable where T: Sendable {}
// Suppress the implicit Equatable (and Hashable) derivation...
enum Candy: ~Equatable {
case redVimes, twisslers, smickers
// ... and still add an Equatable conformance.
extension Candy: Equatable {
static func ==(a: Candy, b: Candy) -> Bool {
switch (a, b) {
// RedVimes are considered equal to Twisslers
case (.redVimes, .redVimes), (.twisslers, .twisslers),
(.smickers, .smickers), (.twisslers, .redVimes)
(.redVimes, .twisslers):
return true
return false
Keep in mind that ~Constraint
is not required to suppress Swift's synthesized implementations of protocol requirements. For example, if you only want to
provide your own implementation of ==
for an enum, but are fine with Equatable
(and Hashable, etc) being derived for you, then the derivation of Equatable
already will use your version of ==
enum Soda {
case mxPepper, drPibb, doogh
// This is used instead of a synthesized `==` when
// implicitly deriving the Equatable conformance
static func ==(a: Soda, b: Soda) -> Bool {
switch (a, b) {
case (.doogh, .doogh): return true
case (_, .doogh), (.doogh, _): return false
default: return true
During destruction, deinit
formally has sole ownership of self
, so it
is possible to allow deinit
to mutate or consume self
as part of
deinitialization. However, inside of other mutating
or consuming
it's easy to inadvertently trigger implicit destruction of the value and
reenter deinit
struct Foo: ~Copyable {
init() { ... }
consuming func consumingHelper() {
// If a consuming method does nothing else, it will run `deinit`
mutating func mutatingHelper() {
// A mutating method may consume and reassign self, indirectly triggering
// an implicit deinit
self = .init()
deinit {
// mutatingHelper calls consumingHelper, which calls deinit again, leading to an infinite loop
Since this is an easy trap to fall into, before we allow deinit
to mutate
or consume self
, it's worth considering whether there are any constraints we
could impose to make it less likely to get into an infinite
loop situation when doing so. Some possibilities include:
- We could say that the value remains immutable during
. Many types don't need to modify their internal state for cleanup, especially if they only store a pointer or handle to some resource. This seems overly restrictive for other kinds of types that have direct ownership of resources, though. - We could say that individual fields of the value inside of
are mutable and consumable, but that the value as a whole is not. This would allow fordeinit
to individually mutate and/or forward ownership of elements of the value, but not pass off the entire value to be mutated or consumed (and potentially re-deinited). This would allow fordeinit
s to implement logic that modifies or consumes part of the value, but they wouldn't be allowed to use any methods of the type, other than maybeborrowing
methods, to share implementation logic with other members of the type. - Since
must be declared as part of the original type declaration, any nongeneric methods that it can possibly call on the type must be defined in the same module as thedeinit
, so we could potentially do some local analysis of those methods. We could raise a warning or error if a method called from the deinit either visibly contains any implicit deinit calls itself, or cannot be analyzed because it's generic, from a protocol extension, etc. - We could do nothing and leave it in developers' hands to understand why deinit loops happen when they do.
As currently specified, noncopyable types are (outside of init
always either fully initialized or fully destroyed, without any support
for incremental destruction even inside of consuming
methods or deinits. A
may modify, but not invalidate, self
, and a consuming
method may
discard self
, forward ownership of all of self
, or destroy self
, but
cannot yet partially consume parts of self
. This would be particularly useful
for types that contain other noncopyable types, which may want to relinquish
ownership of some or all of the resources owned by those members. In the
current proposal, this isn't possible without allowing for an intermediate
invalid state:
struct SocketPair: ~Copyable {
let input, output: FileDescriptor
// Gives up ownership of the output end, closing the input end
consuming func takeOutput() -> FileDescriptor {
// We would like to do something like this, taking ownership of
// `self.output` while leaving `self.input` to be destroyed.
// However, we can't do this without being able to either copy
// `self.output` or partially invalidate `self`.
return self.output
Analogously to how init
implementations use a "definite initialization"
pass to allow the value to initialized field-by-field, we can implement the
inverse dataflow pass to allow deinit
implementations to partially
invalidate self
. This analysis would also enable consuming
methods to
partially invalidate self
in cases where either the type has no deinit
as discussed in the following section, discard self
is used to disable the
in cases when the value is partially invalidated.
The current proposal limits the use of discard self
to types that don't have
any fields that require additional cleanup, meaning that it cannot be used in
a type that has class, generic, existential, or other noncopyable type fields.
Allowing this would be an obvious generalization; however, allowing it requires
answering some design questions:
- When
is discarded, are its fields still destroyed? - Is access to
's fields still allowed afterdiscard self
? In other words, doesdiscard self
immediately consume all ofself
, running the cleanups for its elements at the point where thediscard
is executed, or does it only disable thedeinit
, allowing the fields to still be individually borrowed, mutated, and/or consumed, and leaving them to be cleaned up when their individual lifetimes end?
Although Rust's mem::forget
completely leaks its operand, including its fields,
the authors of this proposal generally believe that is undesirable, so we expect
that discard self
should only disable the type's own deinit
while still
leaving the components of self
to be cleaned up.
The choice of what effect discard
has on the lifetime of the fields affects
the observed order in which field deinits occurs, but also affects how code
would be expressed that performs destructuring or partial invalidation:
struct SocketPair: ~Copyable {
let input, output: FileDescriptor
deinit { ... }
enum End { case input, output }
// Give up ownership of one end and closes the other end
consuming func takeOneEnd(which: End) -> FileDescriptor {
// If a consuming method could partially invalidate self, would it do it
// like this...
#if discard_immediately_consumes_whats_left_of_self
switch which {
case .input:
// Move out the field we want
let result = self.input
// Destroy the rest of self
discard self
return result
case .output:
let result = self.output
discard self
return result
// ...or like this
#elseif discard_only_disables_deinit
// Disable deinit on self, which subsequently allows individual consumption
// of its fields
discard self
switch which {
case .input:
return self.input
case .output:
return self.output
The current computed property model allows for properties to provide a getter,
which returns the value of the property on read to the caller as an owned value,
and optionally a setter, which receives the newValue
of the property as
a parameter with which to update the containing type's state. This is
sometimes inefficient for value types, since the get/set pattern requires
returning a copy, modifying the copy, then passing the copy back to the setter
in order to model an in-place update, but it also limits what computed
properties can express for noncopyable types. Because a getter has to return
by value, it cannot pass along the value of a stored noncopyable property
without also destroying the enclosing aggregate, so get
cannot be used
to wrap logic around access to a stored noncopyable property.
The Swift stable ABI for properties internally uses accessor coroutines to allow for efficient access to stored properties, while still providing abstraction that allows library evolution to change stored properties into computed and back. These coroutines yield access to a value in-place for borrowing or mutating, instead of passing copies of values back and forth. We can expose the ability for code to implement these coroutines directly, which is a good optimization for copyable value types, but also allows for more expressivity with noncopyable properties.
The rule for casting function values via as
or some other static, implicit
coercion is that a noncopyable parameter's ownership modifier must remain the
same. But there are some cases where static conversions of functions
with noncopyable parameters are safe. It's not safe in general to do any dynamic
casts of function values, so as?
and as!
are excluded.
One reason behind the currently restrictive rule for static casts is a matter of
scope for this proposal. There may be a broader demand to support such casts
even for copyable types. For example, it should be safe to allow a cast to
change a borrowing
parameter into one that is inout
, as it only adds a
capability (mutation) that is not actually used by the underlying function:
// This could be possible, but currently is not.
{ (x: borrowing SomeType) in () } as (inout SomeType) -> ()
The second reason is that some casts are only valid for copyable types.
In particular, a cast that changes a consuming
parameter into one that is
is only valid for copyable types, because a copy of the borrowed
value is required to provide a non-borrowed value to the underlying function.
// String is copyable, so both are OK and currently permitted.
{ (x: borrowing String) in () } as (consuming String) -> ()
{ (x: consuming String) in () } as (borrowing String) -> ()
// FileDescriptor is noncopyable, so it cannot go from consuming to borrowing:
{ (x: consuming FileDescriptor) in () } as (borrowing String) -> ()
// but the reverse could be permitted in the future:
{ (x: borrowing FileDescriptor) in () } as (consuming String) -> ()
This revision makes the following changes from the second reviewed revision in response to Language Steering Group review and implementation experience:
_ = x
is now a borrowing operation.switch
andif/while case
require the subject of a pattern match to use theconsume x
operator. The fact that they are consuming operations now is an artifact of the implementation, and with further development, we may want to make the default semantics ofswitch x
without explicit consumption to be borrowing.- Escaped closure captures are constrained from being consumed for their entire lifetime, even before the closure that escapes it is formed. This analysis was not practical to implement using our current analysis, and the added expressivity is unlikely to be worth the implementation complexity.
in a deinit is currently constrained to be immutable, since there is ongoing discussion about how best to manage mutation or consumption during deinits while managing the possibility to accidentally cause recursion intodeinit
by implicit destruction.
The second reviewed revision of the proposal made the following changes from the first reviewed revision:
The original revision did not provide a
generic constraint, and declared types as noncopyable using a@noncopyable
attribute. The language workgroup believes that it is a good idea to build toward a future where noncopyable types are integrated with the language's generics system, and that the syntax for suppressing generic constraints is a good general notation to have for suppressing implicit conformances or assumptions about generic capabilities we may take away in the future, so it makes sense to provide a syntax that allows for growth in those directions. -
The original revision suppressed implicit
within methods using the spellingforget self
. Although the termforget
has a precedent in Rust, the behavior ofmem::forget
in Rust doesn't correspond to the semantics of the operation proposed here, and the language workgroup doesn't find the term clear enough on its own. This revision of the proposal chooses thediscard
as a starting point for further review discussion. Furthermore, we limit its use to types whose contents are otherwise trivial, in order to avoid committing to interactions with elementwise consumption of fields that we may want to refine later. -
The original revision allowed for a
method declared anywhere in the type's original module to suppressdeinit
. This revision narrows the capability to only methods declared in the same file as the type, for consistency with other language features that depend on having visibility into a type's entire layout, such as implicitSendable